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腦洞大偵探:一款刺激驚悚的劇情找茬遊戲 info

An exciting and thrilling plot-finding game. In the game, players will play the role of a smart and witty detective, solving bizarre and complex puzzles🔍💡.

The background of the game is set in a criminal world filled with conspiracy🌍☠️. Players need to challenge their observation skills by finding two pictures that look the same but actually have slight differences🔎🔍. These differences are hidden in different scenes of the game, sometimes as subtle details, sometimes as deeply hidden clues 🔍🔐. Players need to carefully observe each scene and find the differences as quickly as possible👀🔎.

The plot of the game is rich, diverse and intricate🕵️‍♂️💭. Players will gradually solve suspense cases one by one as the game progresses🔓🧩. By finding faults and collecting clues, players can gradually reveal the truth and unravel the conspiracy hidden behind it🕵️‍♀️🔍.

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