10 Best Smallville Moments Fans Missed (If They Didn't Read The Comics)

Smallville It has stood the test of time as a fun, nostalgic take on the Superman mythos. Over the course of 10 seasons, viewers watched the show evolve from an allegory of teenage adolescence and adulthood to a fully-fledged actor. At the time of the original broadcast, viewers were eagerly waiting for Clark Kent to finally become Superman.

Of course, when he finally became Superman in the final episode, fans who had followed his journey for a decade wanted to see more. They've spent a lot of time waiting since he's been slowly building up and knowing he's going to be the Man of Steel, so it makes sense that they'd want to see what this new journey looks like for Clark. This is where digital comics from 2012-2013 come in handy. Smallville season 11 not only depicts what the show would look like with an additional season, but also focuses on Clark's first year as Superman.

10 We actually see Clark in full costume

Season of Smallville 11 #1 (Chapter 1) by Bryan G. Miller and Per Perez

Tom Welling Clark Kent first panel as Superman in Smallville Season 11 #1

One of the most disappointing moments Smallville fan history is that they didn't get to see Tom Welling in full Superman costume before the series ended. The closest the series has come so far is the final moments of the finale, but it's only a few seconds and a brief glimpse of Clark revealing his chest emblem.

Thankfully, from the very beginning, the comic offers plenty of Clark in his Superman outfit. In the first and last panels of the first issue, Clark's entire body is seen in the suit, and he even flies. So if the end Smallville if fans want more, this is the closest readers will get to seeing that universe's Clark Kent dressed head-to-toe as Superman.

9 Cyborg Superman introduces Hank Henshaw

Season of Smallville 11 #3 (Chapter 3) by Bryan G. Miller and Per Perez

Lex Luthor introduces Hank Henshaw Cyborg Superman in Smallville Season 11 #3

Cyborg Superman is one of the most popular villains in Superman's gallery of villains and Smallville presents its own version of the character through comics. At a LexCorp press conference, Lex Luthor tells the public that as the world faces uncertainty and threats from above, what he calls Guardian Defense Platforms are needed to protect the planet. The first person he embarks on his mission with is Hank Henshaw, whom Lex introduces at a press conference. “Our very own superman.”

The comics rely on the idea that the reader knows Hank Henshaw's name and can guess his inevitable face, so each issue slowly builds sympathy for the NASA pilot, causing him to explode in space thanks to a radiation leak. Ultimately, the explosion is a deliberate act by Lex to frame Supermanhowever, it destroys Hank's life, forcing his consciousness into the machine and driving him insane.

8 Superman meets (and fights) Batman.

Smallville season 11 #13 (Chapter 13) by Bryan G. Miller and Chris Cross

Smallville: Detective - 10 Superman comics to read before Batman v Superman

Despite mentioning the Dark Knight throughout the show, Clark never meets Batman in the show, and neither he nor his Bruce Wayne alter ego appear on the show. Smallville. That changes in issue 13 of the comic series, which is almost entirely devoted to a Gotham stakeout with Batman and his sidekick Nightwing (more on that later).. After discovering that a gang's hardware connections are linked to a man in Metropolis named Joe Chill—a name Batman knows in almost every universe—Batman decides it's time to go to Metropolis.

of course It wouldn't be a Superman vs. Batman story if their personalities didn't clash long enough to force themselves into a fistfight.. But eventually they find themselves on the same page and live up to their potential as the World's Best.

7 Batman brings with him villains like Mr. Freeze and the Joker

Smallville season 11 #18 (Chapter 18) by Bryan G. Miller and Jamal Igle

Oswald Loomis and Mr. Freeze Hold Batman and Superman at Gunpoint in Smallville Season 11 #18

Batman and Superman first meet when the Dark Knight enters Stryker's Island Penitentiary looking for Bruno Manheim, who has information on Joe Chill. This immediately starts a fight between them, but they actually extend the bargaining olive branch when they run into Joe Chill. However, Mister Freeze is interrupted by Oswald Loomis and a familiar Batman villain. This is the first time Batman enters the world of one of his villains Smallville.

Superman's own villains have appeared in both the TV series and the comics, but this opens the door for other bad guys outside of Clark's usual villains to join the party. Freeze's debut opens the door for additional characters to join the canon of the original series, including the Joker, who appears in later comics.

6 Batman makes him a super suit

Smallville season 11 #22 (Chapter 22) by Bryan G. Miller and Kevin West

Smallville's Superman wears a custom suit of armor made for him by Batman

In “Chapter 19”, Loomis shoots Superman with Kryptonite bullets, which brings Clark to the brink of death. Fast forward to “Chapter 21” and Clark wakes up with Lois Lane by his bed, waiting for him to come to. Batman miraculously saves his life, bringing Supes back to the shelter of the Leviathan ship to treat his wounds.

They plan to confront Victor Fries and Loomis once again, but Bruce thinks one step ahead given both Clark's injuries and his (as he calls it) “allergy” to Kryptonite. So while Clark is unconscious and recovering, Bruce was welding Superman's own super suit against kryptonite. The suit later proves completely useful when the world's best infiltrates Fries' hideout and finds Oswald wearing a giant robot infused with Kryptonite. Without the suit, Superman would be toast.

5 Introducing Wonder Woman

Smallville season 11 #56 by Bryan G. Miller and Jorge Jimenez

Wonder Woman (left); Smallville's Superman (center); Batman (right)

The comics feature Diana's origin stories as a child, originally from Themyscira, and how she meets a young Steve Trevor who washes up on the shores of her island. She kept the boy's presence on the all-female island a secret for five years until Queen Hippolyta found them together and forced Steve to return to America. After another five years, Diana takes steps to leave the island and after traveling by boat, finds herself in New York.

She uses her newfound abilities in the New World to become Wonder Woman. His quick defeats of terrorists and monsters, as well as saving the life of Senator Martha Kent, eventually put him on Superman's radar. As their bond grew, Wonder Woman would become the final member of the Justice League.

4 John Stewart is introduced, becomes parallax

Smallville: The Lantern By Bryan Q. Miller, Marcio Takara and Ig Guara

Smallville: The Lantern Smallville's is Superman's first meeting with fellow Green Lantern John Stewart

The Season 11 comics were finally spinning Smallville: Flashlight digital miniseries, allowing the canon to put its own spin on the Green Lantern Corps. The series features John Stewart as the primary Green Lantern of this reality, but thus Hal Jordan is captured by Parallax, as in the official DC Comics canon.

During this time, Clark is recruited into the Corps and given his own ring by Tomar-Re, which he uses to fight Detective Stewart. When Clark finally manages to get Parallax out of John's body, a depowered John does his best, destroying half his face with a wrecking ball in a junkyard. The rest of the Green Lanterns and Clark are later able to return Parallax to his dimension.

3 Tess Resurrected and transformed into a Watchtower

Smallville was officially digitized in Season 11 #40 (Chapter 40) by Bryan G. Miller and Jorge Jimenez

Tess Mercer returns in digital form

SmallvilleThe final season ends with Lex Luthor killing his right-hand woman and sister, Tess Mercer. The season 11 comics pick up six months after her death, with Lex revealing it as suicide. He suddenly begins to have hallucinations about his sister, but soon learns that these hallucinations are more real than he is comfortable with. With death, Tess's consciousness merged with Lex's own consciousness.

Finally, Clark et al. Find out where Tess is, take her out of Lex's headquarters, and upload her into the computer system as a hologram, so you can revive her in digital form. She uses her new form and digital abilities to take on the role of Chloe's Watchtower, overseeing the heroes' adventures. Soon, his consciousness is able to be uploaded into a physical form using a 3D printer, and he transforms into the Red Tornado.

2 Barbara Gordon is Nightwing

Makes his debut in Nightwing Smallville season 11 #13 (Chapter Thirteen), debuts as Barbara Smallville season 11 #15 (Chapter 15) by Bryan G. Miller and Chris Cross

Barbara Gordon told Batman why she wanted to use the name Nightwing instead of Batgirl in Smallville 11 #17.

The name Nightwing is most commonly associated with Dick Grayson, and although the Dick of this universe later appeared in the comic series, Barbara Gordon has been re-contextualized as not only Nightwing, but Batman's first assistant. When he and Batman debut together, they are a solidly established Dynamic Duo that has worked together for a while. He's actually celebrating Smallville season 11 #17 that Bruce offered her the name Batgirl when they first started working together, but she turned it down.

This iteration offers the best of both worlds, just like in the official DC canon. He's adept in the ground fighting department, but there are times when Batman tells him to follow back from his center like a natural Oracle.. However, the comic proves that even this version of Nightwing has a brighter future on the horizon…

1 Nightwing later becomes a Blue Lantern

Smallville: The Continuity #9 Bryan Q. Miller, Ig Guara, Julio Ferreira, Agustin Padilla, Carrie Strachan and Saida TemofonteIn Smallville: Continuity #9, Barbara Gordon's new Blue Lantern form has been revealed

In one of the bolder choices comics make, Barbara Gordon's Nightwing gets a major power upgrade after becoming a Blue Lantern. When Earth is attacked by monitors, one of the heroes on duty to protect Earth, a Blue Lantern named Saint Walker, falls during the battle. After her death, her ring seeks a new owner, and immediately determines that Barb is worthy of using her power. He then takes the opportunity to start being a solo hero.

However, to make sure Batman is not alone, Barbara finds the perfect replacement to send to Batman for training: her boyfriend, an acrobat who inherited the circus from his late parents named Dick Grayson. Smallville's the comics have plenty of creative choices that expand the show's lore, but moments like this help expand and even update classic characters in new ways.


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