15 Best Quotes From The Games


  • Sonic fans can look forward to Shadow’s return, third movie, and classic games in 2024.
  • Memorable quotes from Sonic games highlight Sonic’s heroic nature and catchy catchphrases.
  • Sonic’s depth as a character shines through in moments of compassion and bravery in various games.

Sonic the Hedgehog fans have plenty to look forward to in 2024. With Shadow the Hedgehog returning with both Classic and Modern Sonic in Sonic X Shadow Generations and the third movie due to release in December, fans are quite literally drowning in content, like the blue menace himself without a life jacket. Sonic the Hedgehog 2, which only recently lost the title of highest-grossing video-game movie domestically to The Super Mario Bros. Movie, greatly expanded the Sonic fanbase in a way that could only be done with the production of the hit family flicks.

In the meantime, fans have gone back to play some of their favorite Sonic games, like 2006’s infamous Sonic the Hedgehog and the legendary Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Each installment brought awesome concepts, stellar soundtracks, uniquely addictive gameplay, and various memorable (and sometimes meme-able) quotes to the franchise that continued to fortify the love held for the world of Sonic.


15 Best Sonic The Hedgehog Games, Ranked

Sonic the Hedgehog is a huge component of SEGA’s legacy, but not every game has been great (or even good). Here are the best Sonic games.

15 “You’re too slow”

Sonic (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)

One of Sonic’s taunts in Nintendo’s 2008 crossover fighting title Super Smash Bros. Brawl will remain embedded in the minds of anyone who has suffered repeated defeats at the hands of the blue rodent. While showing off his speed, Sonic will taunt his opponent, calling them “too slow,” and while this is in keeping with Sonic’s skills it wasn’t long until the internet heavily memed it and it became synonymous with Sonic the Hedgehog in general.

14 “I have no master, except the wind that blows free!”

Sonic (Sonic and the Black Knight)

Sonic just may be the only character that could get away with a line as cheesy as this one, but the meaning rings true. After all, no one is capable of controlling Sonic for long, always finding a way out of sticky situations and triumphing over his foes.

Specifically, in Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic’s abilities are tested when has to learn a new combat style, sword fighting. While this limited his freedom to run and pounce on things like he usually did, he was able to break through the handicap and turn it into something all his own to fight for what he believes in.


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13 “I will release you from the chains of your past!”

Shadow (Sonic ‘06)

When Super Shadow is fighting Solaris, the god of sun and time of Soleanna in Sonic ‘06, he speaks the utmost truth. The chains of the fallen god-turned-antagonist refers to when Solaris was split in half during the Solaris Project: Mephiles the Dark.

The god’s conscious mind and Iblis sought to destroy each other, by which destroying itself and everything around it. Thanks to the chaos emeralds, Super Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were there to eliminate the threat. What really rings true about the quote, however, is Shadow’s wish to ultimately avenge those who deserve it.

12 “It was never about chivalry to me. I just gotta do what I gotta do, that’s all!”

Sonic (Sonic and the Black Knight)

Sonic is never in it for the glory, which he reiterates in Sonic and The Black Knight while fighting the Dark Queen before he is given support by the sacred swords of his friends after Caliburn breaks in half in his hands.

From the very beginning of Sonic, the hedgehog has held himself to a standard that most people could never dream of reaching, putting the safety of others over his time and time again. As something that Sonic has kept accomplishing throughout his many games, freeing others from unrighteous fates is of the utmost importance to him.


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11 “I’ll make you eat those words!”

Sonic (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle)

The iconic scene in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle before Sonic fights Shadow in Green Forest, calling him a faker for sullying Sonic’s good name after people mistake Shadow for him while he is wreaking havoc on the city, is the birthplace of this hilarious line.

The quote is loved by fans not just because of the words themselves but because of the way Sonic immediately interrupts Shadow before he can finish his offensive sentence. Sonic definitely isn’t someone to let others insult him to his face, being way too cocky and impatient to let Shadow continue his slander.

10 “Talk about low budget flights! No food or movies, I’m outta here! I like running better!”

Sonic (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle)

Quite possibly the best Sonic the Hedgehog meme that ever came out of the early 2000s games is still popular with fans 20 years after it was said by none other than Sonic himself. In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic hitches a ride on a helicopter that is actively looking for a havoc-causing hedgehog that they think is Sonic, but is actually Shadow.

When the pilot finds out Sonic is on the plane and calls for backup, Sonic follows with this line. Sonic’s sarcasm is one of the many things fans adore about him. After all, a Sonic game without some teasing of those trying to capture him wouldn’t very much be a Sonic game at all.

9 “If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have!”

Shadow (Sonic ‘06)

Shadow belts out this phenomenal quote when team dark is about to fight Mephiles’ hoard of evil creatures, in response to the game’s main antagonist trying to convince him not to fight for a world that despises him.

The iconic line refers to his tragic backstory of being created as a weapon of mass destruction, as well as his constant inner struggle between good and evil. Luckily, the good in him prevails as he teams up with the rest of the game’s heroes to put an end to Mephiles’ sinister intentions. Shadow was one of fan’s most wanted new Sonic the Hedgehog movie characters and will, luckily, be making his debut in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in December 2024

8 “Nothing starts until you take action. If you have time to worry, then run.”

Sonic (Sonic ‘06)

While sitting in a field of grass talking to Princess Elise, Sonic’s effortlessly inspirational and surprisingly humble sides are portrayed as beautifully as the meadow around them; the blue blur is always there when a friend needs a pick-me-up.

Though the quote may seem to be advising the listener to run away from their problems when things get tough, it is actually saying the complete opposite. To Sonic, “running” is taking action, using his speed to thwart the doings of evil every chance he gets and maintain justice for all beings of each world he has ever been to.


10 Best Games Like Sonic Origins

As Sonic Origins releases, players have plenty of other games out there like it to enjoy once they’ve finished the classic games in remaster form.

7 “It’s ok if you still need help sometimes. That’s just part of growing up”

Sonic (Sonic Frontiers)

Another example of Sonic providing a much-needed pick-me-up to a friend comes in Sonic Frontiers. Tails has a moment of self-doubt as the duo travel across the land, asking Sonic if he’s a burden as he runs away or is on the sidelines whenever there’s a moment of crisis, saying that Sonic always has to rescue him.

Not letting this stand for a second, Sonic reminds Tails of some of his most heroic moments while highlighting his best traits and reassures him that “It’s ok if you still need help sometimes. That’s just part of growing up. It’s a wholesome moment between the two characters and one that only reinforces their bond as friends and allies.

6 “Dreams don’t betray us. When we lose ourselves, that’s when we lose our dreams.”

Knuckles (Sonic Shuffle)

Sonic Shuffle is a game that most Sonic the Hedgehog fans never knew existed. It was a party game made by the studio that developed Mario Party, Hudson Soft, that came out on the Sega Dreamcast in the year 2000.

Though the game never had a massive following, those who played it will always remember this line that came out of left field. Spoken by Knuckles, this quote is a reference to how the echidna thought he had lost his dream when his people perished, but what he really lost was himself in his defensiveness and need for revenge.

5 “Let’s do it to it”

Sonic (Sonic Frontiers)

Fans of the early 1990s Sonic the Hedgehog animated television series – commonly referred to as Sonic SATam – rejoiced when one of the show’s many catchphrases finally made its way into the games in 2022’s Sonic Frontiers. Throughout the show, Sonic and Sally would often say, “Let’s do it to it,” and while this was never featured in any of the many games that had been released since, Sonic finally says this when talking to Sage about defeating the final Titan in Frontiers in a brief but knowing moment for long-term fans.

“Let’s Do It To It” was also turned into a song for the 1999 animated series
Sonic Underground

4 “I’m a complicated guy”

Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik (Sonic Lost World)

Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik is the most iconic of Sonic’s foes, and while he is often shown posing a threat, he does have sudden changes of heart from time to time that make his motives harder to figure out. After Eggman saves Tails in Sonic Lost World, Sonic addresses this directly, saying, “I can’t figure you out. One second, you’re contemplating genocide, and the next, you’re saving one of your worst enemies.” In response, Eggman shrugs it off by stating that he is simply “a complicated guy.

A more recent example of Eggman’s complexity comes in
Sonic Frontiers,
though, as he grows to love his AI creation Sage as his own daughter throughout the story, even reluctantly agreeing to team up with Sonic in order to defeat The End because of her influence.

3 “Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog”

Sonic (Sonic Adventure 2)

In the finale of Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic and Shadow, in their Super States, destroy the Biolizard, but the Ultimate Lifeform prototype becomes a monster, codenamed Finalhazard. Using their powers, Shadow and Sonic defeated him and executed an enhanced Chaos Control, which stopped the fall and warped the ARK, but Shadow’s energy seemed to be drained as he fell to the Earth and was presumed dead. The closing moments of the game are surprisingly emotional, as while the heroes return home after their recent venture and the credits begin to roll, Sonic takes a moment to himself where he bids farewell to Shadow, saying “Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.

With Sonic Adventure 2 being the first appearance of Shadow, this ultimately didn’t stick, but with the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 introducing the character to the movie universe, it would be surprising if this line weren’t included should Shadow make a similar sacrifice.

Sonic (Sonic Colors)

One of the best platformer games on the Nintendo Switch, Sonic Colors, wowed fans with its neon visuals and narrative, and this line making it that much more memorable. An announcement plays from a loudspeaker that all the planets in Eggman’s Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park are “wholly owned properties of Eggman Enterprises” and the list of what is prohibited.

Sonic responds to this by yelling that he is going to save the enslaved planet and aliens, then belts out this ridiculously great quote before fighting a huge boss. The speech highlights Sonic’s playful nature, but also that he will never stop fighting for justice. From helping out aliens to ignoring copyrights, Sonic almost sounds like the government’s worst nightmare.

1 “Every world has its end. I know that’s kinda sad, but…That’s why we gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have.”

Sonic (Sonic and the Black Knight)

In the ending of Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic consoled Merlina in response to being horrified at the prospect of her eventual demise. His words showcase the intrinsic value of life, resonating deeply with the game’s players.

Even after all the anxious girl had done, the hero gives her a flower as she mourns her grandfather and the world she once knew. It isn’t often that players see the extremely sympathetic and compassionate layers of Sonic’s personality in such a raw way, truly bringing a sense of nobility to the knighted, though an often jokey hedgehog. On top of this, what really struck fans is the symbolism, as this was Jason Griffith’s last time as the voice of Sonic, cementing himself in a way that brought tears to the eyes of every long-time fan.

Sources: Croissant90/YouTube, PenguinTM/YouTube (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), politoed1/YouTube (1, 2), FlamerBlazer180/YouTube, Faz Faz/YouTube, AMHarbinger/YouTube, Robowil/YouTube, NyonDX/YouTube


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