An 8 book trilogy suffering from second book syndrome

Many book series, especially trilogies, fall victim second book syndrome. The first book is excellent – it offers a rich story with compelling characters and riveting conflict. The third book is well done as it all builds up to one epic final conflict. But the second part is different. Although it continues the conflict from the first book, it often pauses and extends the story in anticipation of the final act in the third book. Second books aren't necessarily bad; they are not as interesting as the first and third parts of the trilogy.

There are rare exceptions where the second book is the best in the trilogy. Catch fire from The Hunger Games is one of the most famous examples of literature. The Star Wars trilogies are an example of cinema where the second part is often the best. But most trilogies aren't The Hunger Games; cannot create such a compelling narrative Catch fire. In fact, most trilogies suffer from second book syndromewhether or not the trilogy is notorious for its second-book syndrome.

8 Shadow and Bone Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo

Book Two: Siege & Storm (2013)

The Shadow and Bone The trilogy is the first book series by Leigh Bardugo, whose protagonist is Alina Starkov, a war orphan from the war who discovers that she is the Sun Summoner, a figure with light powers meant to save Ravka. The first book ends with Alina and her best friend Mal escaping the Darkling. Siege and Storm is the second part and starts shortly after. Siege and Storm Alina and Mal suffer from second book syndrome because of what happened when they returned to Os AltaThe capital of Ravka. In advance, the Darkling finds Alina and Mal, kidnaps them and takes them to the sea.

[Alina and Mal’s] The inevitable result that you have to fight non-stop to stop
Siege and Storm
When the Darkling stormed Os Alta with his unnatural shadow creatures and successfully captured Ravka.

That part Siege and Storm interesting because the narrative introduces fan favorite Nikolay Lantsov. However, once Alina, Mal, Nikolay and their crew arrive at Os Alta, it doesn't change that the story begins to circle without progress. Most of the book is about Alina and Mal's fight because Alina has a duty to Ravka as a Sun Summoner, and Mal is frustrated by not being able to understand her purpose. Their ceaseless struggle exists to stop the inevitable outcome Siege and Storm When the Darkling stormed Os Alta with his unnatural shadow creatures and successfully captured Ravka.

7 The Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth

Book Two: Insurgent (2012)

The Divergent the trilogy has one of the most notorious examples of second-book syndrome. The trilogy revolves around Tris Prior, who learns that she's different – someone who doesn't fit perfectly into one of Chicago's five factions. The first book Divergentfollows the journey of Tris as she joins a new factionDauntless, the day of the Selection Ceremony. As Tris trains to become a permanent member of Dauntless, her world slowly unravels as she learns about Erudite's secret plans to stage a coup against Abnegation, the faction Tris grew up in, and the faction that runs Chicago.

The second part, A rebelsuffers from second book syndrome because too much happens Divergent almost no story left to tell. A rebel primarily dealing with the aftermath of the Erudites' attack on Abnegation when the Erudites' leader, Jeanine, came to power. Tris and her friends run around the whole time trying to stop Jeanine. However, the book acts as a setup for the final act rather than its own independent storyline. The last loop A rebel certainly proves that the purpose of this book is to set up the last part, Allegiant.

6 Broken Earth by NK Jemisin

Book Two: The Obelisk Gate (2016)

Obelisk Gate by NK Jemisin

Broken Earth NK Jemis' trilogy takes place thousands of years from now, when there is only one continent on Earth, the Serenity. The story revolves around Essun searching for his daughter Nassu. Obelisk Gate Alabaster takes over after revealing his responsibility for the current Season Five. Obelisk Gate Alabaster trains Essu to develop her own orogeny, the practice of manipulating the earth. In the second part, Nassu's point of view is included for the first timedescribing his journey with his father, heading to Found Moon, where they meet Shaffa.

Broken Earth an amazing trilogy and one of the best fantasy book series ever, but even this story falls victim to second book syndrome. Essun's chapters are available to fill in more information about the Moon and orogeny. There is little plot development until a neighboring coven threatens Rennanis Castrima's existence.. Nassun and Schaffa's chapters have the most action, but even at the beginning they are a bit slow. Nevertheless, Obelisk Gate still a great book despite the second book syndrome.

5 Shades of Magic by VE Schwab

Book Two: Gathering of Shadows (2016)

Gathering Shadows by VE Schwab

The Magic shades In VE Schwab's trilogy, there are four parallel universes, or rather a world with four different Londons. There is no magic in Gray London, while Red London, where the main character Kelly lives, has a healthy amount of magic. White London has become ill with dark magic and Black London has already fallen into dark magic. Kell is a secret Antaria wizard who can travel between the four Londons using blood magic. The first book A magical dark shadeit sets up this complex universe perfectly while presenting compelling characters and conflicts.

Magic shades Universe

Publication date

A magical dark shade

February 24, 2015

A Gathering of Shadows

February 24, 2016

The magic of light

February 21, 2017

Shades of Magic: Steel Princess

March 5, 2019

Shades of Magic: Night of the Blades

October 15, 2019

Shades of Magic: Rebel Army

July 7, 2020

Fragile threads of strength

September 26, 2023

Power wires #2


Power wires #3


The second part, A Gathering of Shadowssuffering from second book syndrome. A magical dark shade and ends with a somewhat final note A Gathering of Shadows ending in a great cliffhanger as the world teeters on the edge of chaos. However, for most of the book A Gathering of Shadows it just seems like a waste of time until the grand finale. The second part focuses more on character development and dynamicsit's not terrible, but considering A Gathering of Shadows At 500 pages, it might be redundant without an exciting plot.

4 The Mortal Instruments, Cassandra Clare (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)

Book Two: City of Ashes (2008)

Although Lethal instruments it consists of six books, it was originally a trilogy, it was the last book City of glass. However, the series can be divided into two trilogies. The first three books are about Clary Fry, a 15-year-old girl who suddenly enters the world of angels and demons. as his mother disappeared. City of bones He introduces Clary to this new world as she races to find the Mortal Cup before her father and antagonist Valentine. The book ends with Valentine successfully retrieving the Mortal Cup and Clary and Jace discovering they are siblings.

The second part, city ​​of ash takes from that point and primarily dealing with the fallout from Clary and Jace's shocking sibling revelation.. The third book has a build up to the final epic battle between the Shadowhunters and Valentine, however City of Ashes It's a filler episode for Clary and Jace to adjust to their new circumstances. The only interesting part is when Clary's best friend Simon Lewis turns into a vampire and the fallout from that ordeal. Otherwise, City of Ashes is a great example of second book syndrome.

3 The Good Girl Guide to Holly Jackson's Crime Trilogy

Book Two: Good Girl, Bad Blood (2020)

The Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson is a young adult mystery trilogy featuring protagonist Pippa Fitz-Amobi and her incredible detective skills. Each book has its own mystery and all three parts are dramatic, well paced and engaging. But in the second book The Good Girl's Guide to Murder, Good Girl, Bad Blood there is a slight second book syndrome due to the change in dynamics. One of the reasons this trilogy is so compelling is Pippa Fitz Amobi's dynamic with Ravi Singh.his love interest. They work best together when solving things.

Pip and Ravi are partners in crime with iconic playful banter, a foundation of friendship and amazing chemistry. Their relationship adds to the mystery. However, in Good Girl, Bad BloodPippa's main investigation partner is Connor Reynolds because her older brother Jamie is missing. Although Pippa and Conor's friendship is important, Connor often hinders rather than contributes to Pippa's investigation. This wasn't a problem at the beginning of the book, but as the story progressed it started to slow the story down, making it a second book syndrome.

2 Orisha's Legacy by Tomi Adeyemi

Book Two: Children of Virtue and Vengeance (2019)

Children of Virtue and Vengeance cover featuring a woman with curly gray hair and gold makeup

Orisha's legacy Tomi Adeyemi's maji is a young adult high fantasy trilogy based on West African mythology about a girl named Zélie who is ostracized by people for being people who use magic. The first book Children of Blood and Boneone of the best first books in the trilogy. The characters are engaging, the action is non-stop and the dynamics are complex. Each chapter introduces new stakes and plot twists to continue this exciting story. However, the second book, Children of Virtue and Vengeanceit's a big disappointment.

Children of Virtue and Vengeance It's a party between Zélie, Amari and Inan. Nothing of substance happens until the end. Zélie leads the magic, while Amari tries to unite the Orisha people, failing each time. Inan chooses the side of the oppressors and rots in the palace with his guilt. Children of Virtue and Vengeance could easily be condensed into the first and last few chapters and not much would change. Second book syndrome might even have contributed to the five-year wait for the final installment. Children of Doom and Anarchy.

1 The Winner's Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski

Book Two: The Winner's Crime (2015)

The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski

The winner's trilogy by Marie Rutkowski is a fantasy/romance book series about Arin, whose high-ranking Kestrel unexpectedly falls in love with his purchased slave, which turns his world upside down and opens his eyes to the oppression faced by Arin's people, the Herranis. In the hands of the Valorians. The second part, The Winner's Crimefits the second book syndrome because it is an interlude between the first and last book. The winner's cursethe first book describes Kestrel and Ari falling in love.

No word yet on the adaptation
The winner's trilogy
despite the popularity of the series.

The third book, Winner's KissWhile Valoria invades Ari's home and the world prepares for war, Kestrel is in prison after losing everything. Even though Kestrel doesn't know who he is, he must find his way home. However, The Winner's Crime It exists to create additional tension between Valoria and Herran And Kestrel is a spy on Herran's behalf. The Winner's Crime is very focused on pining Kestrel and Ari even though they can't be together. while The Winner's Crime still charming, it doesn't match the first and third installments of the trilogy, which are riveting from start to finish.

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