Tombstone is the bright West Kurt Russell stars as the famous lawman Wyatt Earpand the story certainly doesn't hold back when it comes to depicting the figure's many killings over the years. Tombstone features many great characters and was responsible for the huge rise in popularity of the Western genre in the 90s, bringing a modern twist to this classic film style through dynamic camera work, fun performances and some great action set-pieces that just make it possible. the kill count goes up and up.
outside Tombstonewith its iconic quotes and compelling storyline, the film is also known for being surprisingly accurate in its telling of this famous story. The lives of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday are vividly told the movie only makes a few tweaks to its legacy to make the movie run smoothly – but when it comes to on-screen deaths, almost every detail is fairly included, with the exception of the unnamed extras in the opening scene. The stories of these characters come to life on screen and the film does a great job of honoring each character's story.
12 Tom McLaury
Taken by Dr. Holliday
Tom McLaury is one of the first characters to die Tombstoneand his fate comes at the hands of Val Kilmer's Doc Holliday. The character was a member of the Cowboys and the brother of Frank McLaury; together, they objected to Wyatt Earp's involvement in Tombstone politics and engaged in a skirmish to retake their city.
The shootout quickly goes south, and Tom McLaury is killed by Doc Holliday's quick draw in one of the character's many displays of violence. Throughout the film, Doc is depicted as having a very impressive handling of his weaponand the death of Tom McLaury is the first example of this. It's not followed by one of Doc Holliday's iconic one-liners, but it's a memorable kill nonetheless.
11 Marshal Fred White
Shot by the Boring Bill
Marshall Fred White appears only briefly Tombstonebut his death is undeniably one of the film's most surprising events. After a long night of drinking and gambling, Marshall finds himself in a dangerous confrontation with Curly Bill and a wild display of rage. Bill shoots the lawman.
The death of Marshall White is a reminder of the instability and unpredictability of the Cowboys. It gives Wyatt all the more reason to have his revenge against them. This gives the audience a reason to share the characters' fear of this gang, demonstrating their power by killing a very important figure and seemingly getting away with it.
10 Billy Clanton
Drawn by Dr. Holliday and Wyatt Earp
Billy Clanton was another member of the Cowboys who was intent on bringing justice to Wyatt Earp and his friends during the Tombstone shootout. McLaury died early along with his brothers, He was shot several times in the chest by Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. He goes down without much of a fight, proving just how skilled Doc and Wyatt are with their firearms.
Clanton may have been among the first cowboys they killed, but he certainly wasn't the last.
Clanton's death sends an immediate message to the audience that Doc and Wyatt aren't messing around; they are not afraid to get dirty by fighting to uphold the law, and it is a theme that runs from start to finish Tombstone. Clanton may have been among the first cowboys they killed, but he certainly wasn't the last.
9 Frank McLaury
Shot by Morgan Earp
Frank McLaury is the third casualty of the Tombstone shooting. He is the brother of Tom McLaury and a high-ranking member of the cowboys who want to take down Wyatt and take back their rule over the town. He is definitely the strongest of the group and he comes closest to surviving the battlebut Morgan Earp manages to land a headbutt and he's no longer standing.
The true story of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday is full of blood and violence, and it is Shootout at Tombstone really opens up that streak in them. Although it's revenge that drives White to the breaking point later in the film, during their first few days they are forced to protect Tombstone from vigilantes like the McLaurie brothers. It is the main part Tombstone's central message is one of the cyclical nature of violence and male pride.
8 Morgan Earp
Photographed by Florentino Cruz
Morgan Earp is the brother of Wyatt Earp and a close friend of Doc Holliday and in the first half of the year Tombstonehe is one of the main characters of the movie. However, death at the hands of cowboy Florentino Cruz marks a major turning point in the story, prompting Wyatt to seek revenge and hinting that his war against the cowboys is irreversible.
It's moments like Morgan's death TombstoneKurt Russell's Best Western. The amount of emotion and vulnerability she brings to this scene cannot be overstated and Bill Paxton's performance is equally crushing as he was forced to bid farewell to his friends in a war that could have been easily avoided. This is one of the most disgusting scenes in the film and the moment things really heat up.
7 Frank Stilwell
Shot by Wyatt Earp
Frank Stilwell was a dangerous member of the cowboys who took the fight to Wyatt Earp right after Morgan's death. He sensed that the war was on and, with the help of Ike Clanton, decided to ambush the deputy at the railroad station. However, Wyatt was ready to attack and quickly hit StilwellHe lets Clanton roam free to send a message to the other cowboys that he's coming for revenge.
Morgan's death is an important moment Tombstoneand it fundamentally changes something in Wyatt's character. His “hell is coming with me” speech proves that he intends to avenge his brother and Frank Stilwell is the first victim of his crusade. The decision to save Clanton is also indicative of his intentions – he doesn't just want to kill the cowboys, he wants them to know and fear what's coming.
6 12 The Cowboy With No Name
Drawn by Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, and Jack Johnson
After Stilwell's death Tombstone Cuts to a montage of Wyatt and his associates hunting cowboys for revenge. This is one of the most brutal sequences of the film, with some of the murders.broken necks, killed horses and even hangings. The kills are shared between Earp, Holliday and Jack Johnson.
Although none of these cowboys are named, they are all important figures in the gang, and their absence weakens the organization. When he gets into a fight with Johnny Ringo in the final act, With the Cowboys outnumbered, Wyatt's path to victory is easier after this massacre.
5 “Curly Bill” Brocius
Shot by Wyatt Earp
Kurt Russell has some great scenes Tombstonebut his decision to recklessly kill “Curly Bill” has to be one of the neatest. This moment comes right after a long montage of cowboy murders Bill and his friends follow Earp to end his violent rampage. The lawman kills Bill without thinking twice, and his backup doesn't last much longer.
He never fires without needing to, but his gun is always ready.
This scene is of great importance in the development of Wyatt's character: at the beginning of the film, he shows restraint and patience towards the cowboys, despite their conflicting ideologies. He never fires without needing to, but his gun is always ready. But after Morgan's death, his quest for justice took a personal turn, and he didn't hesitate to kill his brother's killers.
4 Mr. Fabian
Off screen shot by the Cowboys
Mr. Fabian plays only a minor role Tombstonebut his character is crucial to understanding the film's themes of extreme violence and the destruction of innocence. He's not on either side of the fight, though still considers himself a victim of war It brews between Earp and the Cowboys. His death proves that while Wyatt's quest is born out of love for his brother, his extreme violence still results in innocent deaths.
Fabian's death is one of the simplest moments in the film and is crucial in reminding the audience that while the cowboys are the obvious villains, the film's violence is nothing to celebrate. This is a powerful scene that is absolutely necessary to set the tone for the final act.
3 Sherman McMasters
Killed offscreen by Ringo's Men
What happened to Sherman McMasters is one of them TombstoneThe biggest injustices of The first direct victim of Earp's feud with Johnny Ringoand he was killed as a warning to the lawman to stop his war against the cowboys. However, the murder only fuels Earp's thirst for justice, and a duel is arranged between the pair to settle the dispute.
McMasters' death was cruel and unjustbut this is an important point Tombstone this eventually forces Earp to take matters into his own hands with Ringo confirming him as the ultimate villain of the story. Without including this bad move, Wyatt and Doc's actions wouldn't have had the same punch to the final act.
2 Johnny Ringo
Taken by Dr. Holliday
In Tombstone's last twist, Doc Holliday becomes the last duel in Wyatt's place, kill their common enemy and the war between them and the cowboys ends. The duel itself one Tombstone's tightest sequencesit features a classic confrontation that finally pays off for Holliday's quick draw that's teased throughout the film.
With Ringo dead, Wyatt feels that justice has been served for his brother's death, and his crusade against the cowboys finally ends.
With the death of Ringo Wyatt believes that justice has been served in his brother's deathand his crusade against the cowboys finally comes to an end. Holliday's willingness to stand by his friend in this tense moment, despite his serious illness, is a great sign of the respect between the two lawmen.
1 Dr. Holliday
He dies of tuberculosis
throughout TombstoneDoc Holliday is suffering from the effects of tuberculosis – so much so that in the final moments before the duel, he even falls off his horse and has trouble getting out of bed. Therefore, it is not surprising when his illness improved him at the end of the film and eventually dies. It's an extremely emotional scene between Doc and Wyatt, the former begging his friend to live a normal life without death and revenge.
While Val Kilmer wasn't always meant to play Doc, he's establishing himself as the perfect choice for the role at this point. The level of emotion and subtlety on display is amazing, and her friendship with Wyatt Earp really sets this scene apart from the rest. It's not a surprising or violent death, but it definitely is Tombstoneof the most memorable and best executed death.