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Best Early-Game Armory Unlocks In COD MW3

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t just give you equipment and weapons from levels. You have to unlock most of them individually by first selecting them from the Armory, then completing daily challenges or winning matches.




Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – All Tactical Equipment, Ranked

We take a look at which tactical equipment items in COD: Modern Warfare 3 you should be using.

With this in mind, we thought it only right to let you know which pieces from the Armory you should select to unlock first. There are quite a few pieces of equipment you would normally unlock after just a few rounds in other Call of Duty titles. Here, you could go days without accessing them if you weren’t paying attention, and we’d hate for that to happen to anyone.

While some of the equipment can be unlocked in the Modern Warfare Zombies mode, not all of them are available and it’s not much help if you are the type of player primarily focused on competitive multiplayer.

8 Semtex

Semtex armory unlock MW 3

Grenades bounce around and it can sometimes be hard to accurately throw them where you need them to be. Semtex explosives stick to walls and enemies and have a short fuse, making them a great piece of lethal equipment.

Every Call of Duty player can recount countless moments when they stuck someone with a semtex, were killed, but still got the point since the explosive went off after they were shot down. With the Martyrdom perk now a thing of the past, this is the closest thing you can get in Modern Warfare 3.

7 Proximity Mine

Modern Warfare 3 Proximity Mine Armory Unlock

If you’re the type who likes to set mines down for enemy players, you should definitely upgrade from the Claymore to the Proximity Mine as soon as you can. They are functionally the same but the Proximity Mine is a better option since they damage vehicles and are a little harder to avoid.


6 Lingering Questions We Have After The End Of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Even if it’s the end of the trilogy, there are plot lines that aren’t closed in MW3. These are some of the questions we still have.

In a game like Call of Duty where players frantically dash throughout the map, well-placed mines can be a surefire way for some easy kills.

6 Covert Sneakers

Covert Sneakers Modern Warfare 3

Depending on the type of loadout you want, Covert Sneakers is a perk you will want to claim as soon as possible. It allows you to run around with your footsteps being heard.

In a game with such impeccable sound design as Modern Warfare 3, the sound of footsteps can be a dead giveaway of your position and ruin a perfectly good ambush. Put this perk on and gain the upper hand, letting you run up to unaware snipers and campers.

5 Heartbeat Sensor

Heartbeat sensor Modern Warfare 3

The Heartbeat Sensor is not ideal for all game modes. In small-scale Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed, it is not much use when kills and respawns are constant. However, it can seriously give you an upper hand in more tactical game modes like Search And Destroy, where every movement counts.

Knowing someone is in the next room might be all you need to get the drop on them and avoid an ambush. It can also come in handy for large-scale modes like Ground War if you are the type who likes to sneak behind enemy lines.

4 Longbow

Longbow Modern Warfare 3

The Longbow stands out as one of the best, most versatile Sniper Rifles. Even if you are not interested in Sniper Rifles as a reliable loadout to use on a regular basis, it is still great to have if one of the daily challenges tasks you with using the class of weapon.

The Longbow can also be an invaluable tool in both Ground War and War Mode, the latter of which only has 12 players on the map but always concentrates the action on one or two areas depending on the phase of the match.

3 Ghost T/V Camo

Ghost TV Camo Modern Warfare 3

You might be all about having those Heartbeat Sensors and UAVs to know where enemies are located, but you have to remember that other players are using all this equipment too. This is why the Ghost T/V Camo is an important addition to your loadout. The perk blocks detection by all of these locators, making sure you remain a ghost from the eyes of technology.


10 Best SMGs In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Ranked

While these aren’t always the weapons that have the best damage, you can’t go wrong with a good SMG. Let’s see which ones are the best.

It still won’t stop them from picking you off with a bullet, but shielding yourself from radars can be a serious advantage. After all, having a UAV or a Heartbeat Sensor gives players a sense of security, so it is a big surprise if you pop up out of a place where they thought no one was hiding.

2 Gunship

Gunship MW 3 killstreak menu

Some people like their killsteaks simple and easy to earn while others want a big one that can really rack up kills but might not happen all the time. The Gunship requires 12 kills to earn, but it can absolutely dominate a match depending on the game mode.

In Free-For-All, where the score limit is 30, you are likely to be there by the end of the Gunship’s attack. In Ground War or War Mode, it can be just the key to securing objectives, laying down helpful cover fire.

1 Flash Grenade

The Flash Grenade in the armory of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

The Flash Grenage is a series staple and a valuable tool in any military shooter, really, whether it be the high-paced action of Call of Duty or the slow and methodical infiltrations of Rainbow Six. This should really be the very first piece you unlock from the armory.

The blinding and deffening effect it causes to enemies within its radius gives you ample opportunity to kill them. Their only chance is just blindly firing and hoping they hit something. Some might prefer the Stun Grenade, but having both to choose from as early as possible is recommended.


10 Best Assault Rifles In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Ranked

All of the best and most meta assault rifles you can unlock and use in Modern Warfare 3.

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