Best Resistance Band Workouts That Prove You Don't Need a Full Gym

Resistance bands were once the low-impact tool relegated to the warmup area and physical therapists’ offices. Now, resistance band workouts are being utilized to develop strength across upper body exercises (e.g. arms, shoulders, chest, back) and lower body exercises (e.g. legs, glutes, and calves).

Whether you’re bored to death with your current workout regimen, stuck in a hotel for days on business, or just can’t find time to get out of the house for a workout, resistance band exercises not only stimulate muscle growth by making it easier to control the resistance and keep it consistently on the targeted muscle, but they’re small and light enough to take with you on the go. 

Gain size and strength while improving your mobility and lowering your risk of injury with these resistance bands workouts.  

Best Resistance Band Workouts

Grab three different bands with light, medium, and heavy resistance. For each move, choose the one that lets you get through the reps, but not easily. Certain moves require something to attach the band to. We’ve grouped the best resistance band exercises by body part: upper body, full body, and lower body. Mix and match to create your own bespoke session.

For a more lifting-focused workout, you can combine bands with free weights. For example, do curls with a band hooked under your foot and nestled in your hand, and a dumbbell on top. You get the added engagement from the band plus the pull of the hand weight. 

Resistance Band Arm Workout 

1. Pushup 

Resistance Band Pushup

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Grasp the end of a band in one hand and wrap it around your back, to start. 
  2. Get into a pushup position with your hands shoulder-width and your core braced.
  3. Pin both hands to the floor with the ends of the band in your palms and perform a pushup.
  4. That’s 1 rep.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps. 

2. Pull-Apart

Band Pull Apart

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Stand on and grasp a band loop with hands shoulder-width apart, to start. 
  2. Keeping your arms straight, raise your arms in front of your body to shoulder level. 
  3. Now, without letting your arms drop, draw your arms out 90 degrees to your sides as if you were pulling the band apart. 
  4. Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  5. That’s 1 rep.
  6. Complete 3 sets of 15 reps. 

3. Front Raise

Front Raise

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Stand on bands and hold the opposite ends. Raise your arms in front of your body to shoulder height.
  2. Return to the start position with control. That’s 1 rep.
  3. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

4. Row

Band Row

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. To start, attach the band to a doorknob or other sturdy object of similar height. 
  2. Hold the opposite end in both hands and stand back from the door so you feel tension on the band. 
  3. Row the band to your belly before bringing it back to the starting position with control.
  4. That’s 1 rep.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 12 reps. 

Related: 10 Exercises to Make the Best Upper-Body Workout of All Time

5. Bentover Lateral Raise

Bentover Lateral Raise

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Stand on the end of one band with your right foot and hold it with your left hand. Do the opposite with another band so that the bands cross each other. 
  2. Bend your hips back until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. 
  3. The bands should be taut in this starting position. 
  4. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and raise your arms out to your sides.
  5. Lower with control back to the start position. That’s 1 rep. 
  6. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

6. Pallof Press

Resistance Band Pallof Press

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It 

  1. Attach the band to a sturdy object at stomach level, to start. 
  2. Hold the other end with both hands and step away from the attachment point, turning your body perpendicular to it to put tension on the band. 
  3. Pull the band in front of your chest and then press it out with your arms straight. 
  4. Bend your arms and draw your hands back toward you, resisting the band from twisting your torso. 
  5. That’s 1 rep.
  6. Complete 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps, changing sides on each set.

7. Triceps Pushdown 

Band Triceps Pushdown

James Michelfelder

How to Do It 

  1. To start, attach the band to a sturdy overhead object and grasp the free end with both hands. 
  2. Tuck your elbows to your sides and extend your elbows to lock them out.
  3. That’s 1 rep.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps. 

8. Shrug

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Stand on the middle of a band and grasp end end with arms by your sides.
  2. Standing tall, shrug your shoulders to your ears.
  3. Lower down to the start position. That’s 1 rep.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 15  reps. 

9. Curl

Band Curl

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It 

  1. To start, anchor a band under your feet, holding an end in each hand. 
  2. Curl it without letting your upper arms drift forward.
  3. That’s 1 rep.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps. 

10. W Raise

W Raise

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Attach bands to a sturdy object at shoulder level and hold the opposite ends in each hand, to start. 
  2. Stand back to put tension on the bands. 
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and row the bands to your shoulders with elbows flared out so your upper arms make a W shape. 
  4. Hold for two seconds.
  5. Return to start position with control. That’s 1 rep.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

11. Alternating Row

Alternating Band Row

Emiliano Granado

How to Do It

  1. Loop the middle of a band to a vertical post at chest height and hold on to the ends, to start. 
  2. Step back, creating tension, until the band is taut when your arms are fully extended. 
  3. Stand with feet hip-width apart. 
  4. With soft knees and a tight core, activate your shoulder and pull your right hand to your chest, keeping your elbow close to your rib cage; pause, then return to start. 
  5. Repeat on the other side. 
  6. Complete 3 sets of 8 reps, rest, and repeat.

12. Alternating Punch

Forward Alternating Resistance Band Punch

Emiliano Granado

How to Do It

  1. Wrap a band around a vertical post at chest height, one end of the band in each hand, with you facing away from the post, to start. 
  2. Walk forward until the band is taut. 
  3. Stagger your stance when arms are bent, right foot slightly in front of left. 
  4. With soft knees and a tight core, jab, alternating arms. 
  5. Rest, then switch the stagger so your left foot is forward.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps. 

13. Crossed Upright Row

Upright Row

Jay Sullivan

How to Do It

  1. Standing with feet about shoulder-width apart, place the band around your feet, then grab the handles to form a crisscross with the bands, to start. 
  2. Drive the handles as close to your clavicles as possible, leading with your elbows.
  3. Return to the start position with control, fighting the resistance.
  4. That’s 1 rep.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

14. Single-Arm Overhead Triceps Extension

Single-Arm Overhead Triceps Extension

Jay Sullivan

How to Do It

  1. Step on the band with one foot, then step forward with the other.
  2. With the band behind you, grab under the handle, elbow pointed toward the ceiling.
  3. Extend through your elbow to straighten your arm.
  4. Lower with control to the start position. That’s 1 rep.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.

15. Lateral Raise

Lateral Raise

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Stand on the middle of a band (or use two, depending on the length) and hold an end in each hand at shoulder level, to start. 
  2. Stand tall with glutes and abs braced, raise your arms 90 degrees out to the sides until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
  3. Return to the start position with control. That’s 1 rep.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Full-Body Resistance Band Workout

1. Bird Dog

Resistance Band Bird Dog

Emiliano Granado

How to Do It

  1. Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. 
  2. Hook the resistance band around your left foot and hold the other end in your right hand so the band is taut. 
  3. In a controlled, fluid motion, extend your left leg back behind you and your right arm forward. 
  4. Pause and return to start for 1 rep. 
  5. Complete 3 sets of 10 reps on each side. 

2. Core Rotation 

Band Core Rotation

Emiliano Granado

How to Do It 

  1. Hook a band around a vertical post at chest height and hold the end in both hands, to start. 
  2. Turn 90 degrees so the post is on your left. 
  3. Step sideways until the band is taut when hands are extended. 
  4. Widen your stance and, with soft knees and core engaged, rotate your torso to the right until you’re facing away from the attachment point, then return slowly to start for 1 rep. 
  5. Complete 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.

3. Lunge With Single-Arm Forward Press

Lunge With Single-Arm Forward Press

Emiliano Granado

How to Do It

  1. Fix a resistance band to a vertical post at shoulder height, to start.
  2. Face away from the attachment point, and hold the band in your left hand.
  3. Step forward with your right foot into a lunge.
  4. As your left knee nears the ground, press forward with your left arm to perform a single-arm chest press.
  5. Draw your fist back toward your chest, then press through your right heel and return to stand for one rep.
  6. Perform all reps with the right foot forward, rest, and then switch sides.
  7. Complete 3 sets of 15 reps on each side. 

4. Squat With Shoulder Press

Emiliano Granado

How to Do It

  1. Stand on the center of a band, to start.
  2. Grasp the top of the loop in both hands so your fists are positioned over your shoulders.
  3. Drop into a full squat.
  4. Then, as you rise to standing, press your arms overhead.
  5. Lower your hands to your shoulders for 1 rep.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps. 

5. Curl to Squat With Iso Hold

Curl to Squat With Iso Hold

Jay Sullivan

How to Do It

  1. Stand in the middle of the resistance band, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, to start. 
  2. Perform a biceps curl, then stop halfway down and hold the position as you perform a squat. 
  3. Release the isometric hold. That’s 1 rep.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps. 

6. Reverse Lunge to Front and Lateral Raise

Reverse Lunge to Front and Lateral Raise

Jay Sullivan

How to Do It

  1. Stand with one foot in the middle of the band with equal resistance on both sides, to start.
  2. Step back into a lunge, keeping the front foot on top of the band planted and the back foot far enough to create two 90-degree angles. 
  3. Return to standing position, then do a lateral raise with your dominant arm and a front raise with your other arm.
  4. Lower arms with control.
  5. That’s 1 rep.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.

7. Woodchopper


Jay Sullivan

How to Do It

  1. With one foot placed near the top of the band, grab a handle with both hands, to start. 
  2. Then, as if you were swinging a tennis racquet upward, drive it up and across your body.
  3. Lower with control to the start position. That’s 1 rep.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.

8. Reverse Crunch

Reverse Crunch

Justin Steele

How to Do It

  1. Attach a light resistance band to a rig or pole at shin height, to start.
  2. Sit on the floor facing the attachment point, knees bent, the free end of the band across thighs. 
  3. Scooch back until the band is taut, then lie back and grasp a heavy kettlebell behind head to anchor the upper body. 
  4. Draw belly in, lift lower back off the floor, and roll hips and knees toward shoulders, then reverse for one rep. 
  5. Perform 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps.

9. Side Plank Row

Side Plank Row

Justin Steele

How to Do It

  1. Start in a right forearm-down side plank, feet stacked, left hand holding a resistance band anchored in front of body. 
  2. Pull left elbow back, then release for one rep. 
  3. Do all reps on left side, then switch sides.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps each side.

Resistance Band Leg Workout 

1. Resistance Band Good Morning 

Resistance Band Good Morning

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Stand on one end of the band band and loop the other end over the back of your neck and stand tall, to start. 
  2. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend your hips back and lower your torso until it’s nearly parallel to the floor. 
  3. Think about keeping your chest up and pointing forward. 
  4. Explosively extend your hips to come back up.
  5. That’s 1 rep.
  6. Complete 3 sets of 8 reps. 

2. Exercise Band Squat

Exercise Band Squat

Beth Bischoff

How to Do It

  1. Stand on the band with feet shoulder width and toes turned slightly out, to start. 
  2. Grasp the ends of the band in each hand and hold them at shoulder level with palms facing you. 
  3. Bend your hips back and squat down as low as you can without losing the arch in your lower back. 
  4. Explosively extend your hips to come back up.
  5. That’s 1 rep.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps. 

Related: 50 Best Leg Exercises for 2024

3. Resistance Band Glute Bridge

Resistance Band Glute Bridge

Emiliano Granado

How to Do It 

  1. Sit with knees bent and feet on the floor, to start. 
  2. Drape the resistance band over the tops of your thighs and secure the ends under each foot. 
  3. Lie back, squeeze your glutes, and activate your core.
  4. Then, press your hips toward the ceiling. 
  5. Hold for one second, then lower for 1 rep.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps. 

4. Lateral Band Walk

Emiliano Granado

How to Do It

  1. Loop a light band three times and stretch it between your legs, just above your ankles. 
  2. With your knees bent slightly and aligned with your toes, your hips hinged back, and your glutes engaged, take a small step to the left. 
  3. Pause, then step your right foot to the left. 
  4. Continue stepping on the left, rest, then lead with your right foot.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 10 on each side. 

5. Single-Leg Hip Thrust

Single-Leg Hip Thrust

James Michelfelder

How to Do It

  1. Loop a heavy resistance band twice around waist. Sit on the ground, back to the bench, feet flat on the floor, to start.
  2. Hook one loop under right heel. (The other loop will tighten around hips.) With shoulder blades hitting just above the edge of the bench, activate glutes and core, and lift left foot to start.
  3. Pressing through right heel, raise hips toward ceiling, then lower slowly to start.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.

6. Hip Abduction

Hip Abduction

James Michelfelder

How to Do It

  1. Attach a band to a sturdy object and stand perpendicular to it. Wrap the opposite end of the band around the ankle of your outer leg, to start. 
  2. Keeping your leg straight, raise it out to the side as far as you can. 
  3. Lower with control to the start. That’s 1 rep.
  4. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps on each side.

Benefits of Resistance Band Workouts

Workouts with bands have a few advantages over weights. First, they’re easier on your joints, says Alex Guerrero, body coach for Tom Brady and co-founder of TB12. Here’s why: When you pick up a weight, gravity is always pulling it down. That constant pressure, always in one direction, takes its toll on your joints—which eventually can lead to injury. Bands workouts don’t use gravity to provide resistance. Instead, they create it in whatever direction they’re stretched—above, below, or sideways. As a result, they spread out the pressure on joints, while also activating muscles in different directions and increasing your range of motion, all of which help you achieve new levels of strength. Removing gravity from the equation also forces you to remain engaged throughout the entire movement. That translates to more muscle-building potential in fewer reps.

How Effective Are Resistance Band Workouts?

Adding resistance bands to your fitness toolbox can have a ton of benefits. They’ve been used by physical therapists for years as a way to isolate and strengthen specific muscles in a controlled manner (no ego lifting allowed), but the benefits of using them go far beyond helping you rehab. One meta-analysis went as far as to suggest band workouts are just as effective as training with free weights or weight machines. Plus, they can help strengthen your stabilizer muscles to help keep your body balanced and strong. 

Can I Lose Weight With Resistance Bands? 

Absolutely! When combined with a healthy diet, band workouts can be a great weight loss tool. In fact, the use of resistance bands was actually proven to lower body fat in overweight people better than both free weight and bodyweight training, according to a 2022 study. 


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