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Bhavishya Purana In Hindi info

Recite the sacred Bhavishya Purana(भविष्य पुराण) application by PH Education and get the mind blowing information on the religious text of Bhagavat Purana which is outstanding. One of the most important Purana among the 18 Mahapurana, which describes the details about various purana kathas and narrates the history of different Gods, ever existed in Hindu religion. Learn various ways to worship and bhakti yoga towards the Trimurti in the World, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.

Hindu Puranas are an ideal mixture of folklore and strict tenet. They contain stories and lessons in light of the standards of Vedas and Upanishads. They assume a significant part in Hindu religion. The underlying foundations of numerous cutting edge Hindu celebrations and ceremonies can be followed back to the Puranas. Aside from the accounts of divine beings and goddesses in Hindu pantheon, it manages subjects like the production of the universe, topography, reasoning, brain science and numerous different points.


There are all 18 puranas on different viewpoints. Bhavishya purana is one of them. Its subject is bhavishya or future. There are numerous accounts in the book covering a wide assortment of subjects. A few parts of life and social circumstances of normal individuals are portrayed and proposed ways of managing these are likewise woven keenly in the narratives. As it were, it is an aide for a typical individual for carrying on with a fulfilled life.

As indicated by Indian culture, the time cycle is partitioned into four sections or yugs which are known as sat-yug, dwapar-yug, treta-yug and kali-yuga. In a large portion of the puranas, there is depiction of the initial three yugas yet in Bhavishya Purana there is broad notice and portrayal of kalyug which alludes to right now in which we are living at this point. Since the text was composed millennia prior, the time in which we are living this moment was a ‘future opportunity’ that time.

The Puranas were created to advance the religion of the Vedas. They contain the substance of the Vedas. The place of the Puranas is to astonish on the characters of the greater part the illustrations of the Vedas and to make in them devotion to God, through significant models, dreams, stories, legends, lives of blessed individuals, rulers and uncommon men, deliberate tales and accounts of amazing irrefutable events. The sages used these things to address the ageless guidelines of religion.


● Recite precisely the verses and Shlokas from the Holy Bhavishya Purana.

● Every chapter is mentioned separately and users can bookmark different verses and shlokas accordingly.

● The favorite verses can be saved through the Bhagavat Purana app for future reference.

● The Bhavishya Purana can be read by the users without any charges.

● The Bhavishya Purana(भविष्य पुराण)app works perfectly in offline mode also.

● Users can share the important shlokas to friends and family in social media also.

Read Bhavishya Purana(भविष्य पुराण)for gaining the knowledge for the ultimate goal of existence in this beautiful world. How humans should treat themselves and other creatures in the world and give value to the sounds of the souls. Reading Bhavishya Purana can enroot Hindus with the vedic and Purana culture. Hindus have the best religious books to gain knowledge about Hinduism which were written billions of years ago by the eminent sages and Gods. The Hindu scriptures can describe every reason about the happenings in the World. Hindus will know about every God who exists in Hinduism and the correct rituals to worship them. Puranas can make Hindus realize how great the religion is and the thorough knowledge about the Gods.

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