Biden Pretended to Chop a Baby Dressed as a Chicken at a Halloween Event

President Joe Biden spent his last Halloween in Washington, D.C., hosting a trick-or-treating event at the White House on Wednesday evening, where he greeted families and playfully kissed and spoiled babies. But there was one moment that really caught the internet's attention when the commander-in-chief jokingly took a bite out of the leg of a baby dressed as a chicken.

The surreal yet hilarious moment comes less than a week before the highly contentious 2024 presidential election that will likely determine the country's course going forward, and underscores that we are living in a very strange timeline indeed.

MSNBC digital producer Deanna Schwartz shared footage on social media Wednesday evening in which Biden is seen smiling and laughing with the child, who seems pleased with the president's attention. jawsFirst of all, he played.

“I can't stop laughing at this clip of Biden greeting a baby dressed as a chicken at the White House Halloween event while the most Sinister music plays,” Schwartz captioned the video, which has been viewed more than 200,000 times.

As the clip made its rounds online, the reception seemed completely divided, depending on which side of the political aisle one was on; While one side applauds the sweet old grandpa for making a baby laugh, the other suggests something much more nefarious. However, considering New York Post Officials reported that Biden later had a pleasant conversation with the baby's mother, which appears to have been a futile fuss.

In other words, let's take this as a reminder that a little levity never hurt anyone, especially the baby.


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