Silent Hill 2 remake developer Bloober plans to continue working with Konami on future projects after the game's release this month. Bloober is the Polish video game development studio responsible for bringing the 2001 classic to a modern audience. The company specializes in psychological horror and has previously developed games such as Blair Witch and Layers of fear.
Like work Silent Hill 2 is coming to an end, Bloober and Konami have plans to continue working together. In an interview with the Polish website Comic book), said Bloober Team President and CFO Karolina Nowak Konami is pleased with the team's work with a franchise lover. “We can expect that this is not the end of the adventure with Konami,“he said (translated from Polish).
Nowak notes that the two companies still need to work out some financial details Silent Hill 2 the remake has yet to prove profitable for the company. But once those details are ironed out, it's likely that Konami and Bloober will Keep working on adapting more of Konami's beloved games to modern audiences.
The future of Silent Hill remakes may depend on Silent Hill 2
If their fans like it, they can follow for more
Some fans have doubts about it Silent Hill 2 to do again. In many ways, it's the perfect game to remake thanks to its influence on the psychological horror genre. Original though Silent Hill is a classic that many fans hold near and dear to their hearts, the second installment is considered by many to be one of the best horror games ever made.
Konami could be testing the waters with this game, paving the way for more followers. Konami and Bloober will result in more remaking Silent Hill games will likely depend on how well this remake sells. Early looks at the game and the developers behind it show Bloober's dedication to creating it Silent Hill 2 an incredible experience for new and old fans alike.
We're excited for a new generation of fans to experience the Silent Hill series
The games are Classic but old
The Silent Hill franchise is beloved by many fans who grew up on a different brand of psychological horror. However, the last major game in the franchise was released in 2012, making it difficult for the franchise to appeal to modern fans.
It turned out that the public wanted more Silent Hill time for modern consoles PT the demo was released for a short time, then pulled from the PlayStation Store 10 years ago. The demo has already been created for those who have already canceled silent hills, and now it can only be played through fan recreations. Remaking the classics Silent Hill games for modern audiences and consoles is the best thing Konami can do for the franchise, despite some fan complaints.The Silent Hill 2 the remake will be released on October 8 for PC and PS5. His acceptance could determine what the future of the Konami and Bloober Team partnership looks like.
Source:, Comicbook