Warning! Spoilers ahead DC All Special #1!Not only the favorite hero of the fans Booster Gold In the spotlight for DC All In, he's also bringing back his classic outfit. There are a lot of questions about the opening chapter of the newest chapter of the DC Universe, and I know this costume change plays a big part in it.
The heroes survived Amanda Waller's attack Absolute Power and it's a new day in the DC Universe. But peace is temporary in their world, and just as DC All In begins in earnest, Darkseid returns to upend everything we know. So what is Booster Gold's role in this and what does this mean for this ambitious new era?
Booster Gold Returns to his First Outfit
Booster's First Trip to the Absolute Universe Results in a Classic Change
In DC All Special #1 By Joshua Williamson, Scott Snyder, Daniel Sampere, Wes Craig, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, Alejandro Sánchez, and Steve Wands, it's been almost two months since it ended. Absolute Powerand to make sure they're never caught off guard again, the Justice League is re-forming, bigger and better than ever. They make new membership cards and Superman personally gives one to the future hero, Booster Gold has been waiting for this moment for years.
Booster arrives at the brand new Watchtower along with hundreds of other heroes. Unfortunately, this momentous event is interrupted by Darkseid, who contacts the Spectre. After a dramatic battle, the Specter is taken out and Darkseid dies. But the energy left behind leaves tears in the DC Universe, a portal to an unknown world. Mr. Terrific analyzes the cracks and discovers that they are actually a gateway to another world, a younger Earth radiating with Darkseid's energy signature. But only time travelers can pass through the rift safely, Leads Booster Gold to volunteer for the mission.
The Elseworld first appeared here
Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 (2021)
Booster Gold dives through the rift and successfully reaches Elseworld, although Booster's journey suffers a few mishaps. His robot partner Skeets disappears during the trip and Booster's costume changed to his first outfit. Even stranger, Booster accidentally time-traveled to the future of this new world. When the Chief returns to the DC Universe, Booster goes back in time before voluntarily leaving. And in another world, Booster discovers Darkseid, but the villain isn't alone, as he's assembled a whole new version of the Legion of Super Heroes, armed with Flight Rings bearing Darkseid's omega symbol.
What is the Absolute Universe and its connection to Darkseid?
How Darkseid created the world in his image
If you're a DC fan like me, you've probably been keeping a close eye on DC All In and all things related to the new Absolute Universe. But for those unfamiliar, DC writers Joshua Williamson and Scott Snyder first detailed their plans for DC All In back in July. This initiative is a massive storytelling initiative in two parts: completely new directions and storylines for the Prime Universe and a new world known as the Absolute Universe featuring dramatically different versions of iconic DC heroes.
It will definitely start with the line
Definitely Batman
Definitely Wonder Woman
Definitely Superman
While we all got to see the plans and designs for this new take on our favorite heroes, we didn't know what would lead to this new world, although Snyder hinted that this new world is built on “Darkseid energy.” As Prime Earth is based on Superman. After months of waiting, the dam finally broke and details emerged that Darkseid's death would turn the young, impressionable Elseworld (the Earth created in Snyder's last big DC event) and it. To a world that reflects the oppressive ideals of Darkseid.
Yes, we see that happening here DC All Special #1. After Darkseid goes insane from being cut off from the multiverse, his physical body is destroyed and sends his energy to another world, where it dramatically affects the standard DC timeline. On this Earth, the heroes don't have the things their Senior counterparts do, like Batman's privileged upbringing or Wonder Woman's relationship with her Amazon sisters. In this new world hope is the enemy and chaos is the natural state of Darkseid's world.
Booster Gold's Costume Change is an important clue
DC All In Continues All In DC's Timeline
I must say I was impressed DC All Special #1but what really caught my eye was Booster's trip to the Absolute Universe. As cool as it was to see Booster back in his old outfit (and that hideous collar), I immediately did a double take. Booster somehow winds up will come of this world, but he somehow got back a suit he hadn't worn in years. What makes this situation even weirder is that Darkseid's half special, Booster Gold still wears his modern outfit (no distinctive collar).
As I mentioned before, there are a few other odd moments, especially as time passes. The panel with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman is repeated right after Batman warns them that they can't lose track of Booster. It's hard to say what the significance of this recurring conversation is, but perhaps a divergent timeline has just been created? Another odd thing to notice is that he sees both halves of the special Booster Gold discovers the modified Flight Rings in the Absolute Universe, but the rings appear in different hands in each story.
DC is about to change the timeline
Booster Gold's costume is just the beginning
Now, it's early in the new era, but I love to come up with wild theories. In the Absolute Universe, time is chaotic and the malfunctioning flow of time explains why Booster travels back in time while retrieving his old suit. We also saw that Darkseid's death created a portal between the Absolute and Prime Universes, the unstable nature of the former can affect the latter, explaining why the Trinity's conversation is repeated. Bringing back Booster Gold's suit isn't just a fun easter eggit's a sign that big changes could be on the horizon for DC's timeline.
I don't want to throw out the word “restart” just yet, but if there's anything that happens when time travelers are involved, it jumps into the timeline (right, Flash?). Darkseid's new world already causes minor glitches in reality, with changes in origins, altered history, and more. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing other changes in DC continuity like Of course, this is the best case scenario. If Darkseid's new Absolute Universe doesn't rule soon, Booster Gold The costume transition will be the least of everyone's worries.
DC All Special #1 available now from DC Comics.