Reputation is one of the main components of Kay Vess's story Star Wars Outlawsa young villain navigates the criminal underworld of the Outer Rim by dealing with its four main syndicates: The Pyke Syndicate, the Hutt Cartel, the Crimson Dawn and the Ashiga Clan. Each group controls different regions of the planets that Kai can visitand consistently siding with one syndicate can provide huge rewards, if the other is angry enough, all areas will be harder to access without resorting to secret paths, and death squads can be sent after Kai, making the open world a more hostile place. and significantly restricts movement.
Despite this conflict between the clans, many will probably wonder if there is a way to please them all and achieve the “goal”.well,“”great“or even”Maximum” dozens of reputation levels. Each Syndicate has a niche in the underworld that determines the type of stock its merchants sell and the type of jobs and contracts Kay can get from them, and each positive reputation level provides Kay with more rewards, from blaster cosmetics to special perks. for the Crests that are, equipment that can provide additional benefits to both Kay and Nix, especially when they're wearing a full outfit instead of mixing up everyone else's combos.
What rewards does each syndicate offer for maximum reputation?
And What Privileges Do They Give?
Building a positive reputation is definitely worth it a”Good” reputation means Kay is welcomed in more areas, offered more jobs, gets better deals at merchantsand is additionally given “Welcome Gift“cosmetics.”Excellent“It takes this even further because instead of being seen as a thief while picking up items within the territories, Kay is free to help herself. She also gets the best possible job offer, gets a huge discount and access to exclusive stock at vendors and to get to the top gets a unique peak and gear element.
However, gear of Max reputation is definitely worth going beyond Excellent Kay can use all her outfits with unique perks for each item and more perks when worn together. As an added bonus, once unlocked, Kay can keep all of these rewards regardless of her status in Syndicates, although some perks are only available if she maintains a “Good” level or higher.
Each Maximum Reputation reward is as follows:
The Pyke Syndicate |
The Hutt Cartel |
Crimson Dawn |
Clan in Love |
Wearing all Imperial Disguise gear at once provides the following benefits:
Wearing all Boonta Brawler gear at once offers the following benefits:
Wearing all Crimson Reign gear at once provides the following benefits:
Wearing all Kijimi Explorer gear at once offers the following benefits:
Is it possible to get maximum reputation with each syndicate?
While Some Moves Lose Favor With Other Syndicates, Others Only Build It Up
Most of the main Syndicate quests Star Wars Outlaws This will result in Kay having to choose between two opposing syndicates, often causing one to lose reputation while building with the other. There is a way to get Kay's reputation to Max levels among all factions. This can only be done by buying reputation-building contracts from brokers, playing Sabacc in each syndicate's territory, and selling data collected in the open world to specific syndicate vendors, as none of them negatively affect other syndicates. By doing the latter, it's much easier to climb the ranks and collect large numbers of people.Good“or”Excellent“Reputation at the same time as each syndicate.
Although there is a Sabacc table in each syndicate region, the great reputation that comes with winning each region is only a one-time job.
Considering the rewards available and how much this could affect open world exploration, it's worth trying to increase Kai's reputation as much as possible. Star Wars Outlaws. While the main campaign doesn't make it clear that this is an option at the start, it can be useful for those who want to explore the open world and take on as many jobs as possible or interact with as many different characters as possible.