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CTC | Tax Credit Info Guide info

In this informative guide on CTC, Child Tax Credit Payment, we inform you about everything related to the CTC benefit.

This guide on CTC, Child Tax Credit Payment, is merely informative, you will not be able to carry out any procedure within it.

What can you find in the informative guide about CTC, Child Tax Credit Payment?

Will there be CTC next year?

In 2023, families are limited to claiming $2,000 for each child.

In 2021 and 2022, the expanded child tax credit, CTC, provided unconditional cash payments to 39 million households, lifting millions of children out of poverty.

How do you know if you are eligible for CTC, Child Tax Credit Payment?

To be eligible for the CTC credit in tax year 2022, you must meet these requirements:

Earned more than $2,500 in 2022.

You earned up to $200,000 and up to $400,000 if you are married filing jointly.

You are claiming a child on your tax return who is:

Under 16

The child must have a Social Security Number (SSN) or an Adoption Tax Identification Number (ATIN). The taxpayer can use an SSN or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Qualifying minors must be your child, stepchild, grandchild, eligible foster child, adopted child, sibling, niece or nephew.

Your child or dependent lived with you for more than half the year in the US and you claim them as dependents on your tax return.

Your child cannot provide more than half of his or her own financial support.

What do you need to include to request CTC, Child Tax Credit Payment?

Identity proof

For each person filing your return, any document:

Government-issued photo ID (includes IDNYC)

Social security cards or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) determination letters (original, copy, or electronic document) and dates of birth for you, your spouse, and your dependents

Proof of your income:

For each source of income of each income recipient, any document:

Salaries and salary

W2 form


Earnings and expenses records or 1099-Misc

Income from rental or room and board

Document showing the amount of income

Child support or alimony

Alimony check stub

Child support check stub

Unemployment income


Social Security Benefits (SSI, Dependent, Disability, Survivor, or Retirement)

Correspondence from the Social Security Administration

Pensions, annuities or IRA





Learn everything related to the CTC, Child Tax Credit Payment.

*DISCLAIMER: This app about CTC, Child Tax Credit Payment, is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the government. Our application is designed to provide easy access to public information offered by the government.

Remember that the CTC guide, Child Tax Credit Payment, is merely informative and you will not be able to carry out any procedure within it.


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