'Deadpool & Wolverine' Writers Cancel Robert Downey Jr. Cameo

Deadpool and Wolverine Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have announced that they backed out of a planned Iron Man guest appearance after Robert Downey Jr. read the scene and refused to participate.

On the contrary Deadpool and Wolverine The offensive and obscene meta humor that has pleased Marvel fans and even (most) critics doesn't seem to sit well with Downey. “We wanted him to do a cameo. We wrote that [early] Wernick described the scene with Happy and Downey IndependentTel.

Wernick is referring to one of the opening scenes of the film, in which Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is rejected for a spot on the Avengers team by Tony Stark's assistant Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau). The scene was originally written to include both Favreau and Downey. Reynolds, who received top writing credit on the script, was apparently determined to get Downey.

“Ryan Reynolds wrote the scene with both of them, so we were hoping we could get Downey,” Reese explained. “But he also wanted Favreau, because they're a great duo and they were all in the scene together.”

“Ryan put a lot of pressure on him,” Wernick said, adding that “Downey read the scenes” with Favreau and Reynolds. But in the end, the actor decided not to reprise his iconic role.

Two days later everything became clear Deadpool and Wolverine Downey hit theaters as he dramatically announced his return to the MCU as Doctor Doom in the fifth and sixth films Avengers sequels. “Behind the scenes, Doctor Doom [news]” said Wernick. “And there's no way [Downey] “I was going to do both.”

The plan to include all six of the original Avengers — Iron Man, Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) — in the scene similarly fell through. “Wade was rejected and then he humiliated all of the Avengers in a way that only Deadpool could,” Wernick said of the idea.

The writers probably thought that none of these stars (including Reynolds' ex-wife Johansson) would come back and be verbally “attacked.”[ed] “Maliciously,” Reese guessed.

“We would have loved Downey,” Reese concluded. “But at the same time, I think Marvel has an ace up its sleeve, which is that they're about to come back with a different character. I mean, it being Tony Stark? Knowing that Doctor Doom was coming right after that? It just didn't make sense.”

Deadpool and Wolverine has grossed a remarkable $903 million at the worldwide box office to date. It only needs to gross another $160 million to become the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time.


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