When it comes to fighting, Dragon Ball: The Spark! Zero may be unforgivable. Two moves can be easily mastered that will make a huge difference in combat Super Move and Z-Burst Dash, Allows you to dodge attacks while approaching and teleport behind your enemy. Adding these two moves to your repertoire will make you an unpredictable and dangerous fighter in the ring.
While both Super Movement and Z-Burst Dash are relatively easy to master, they are versatile and have many practical applications. Once you can use these moves and several other moves like Sonic Sway and Sparking Zero's Afterimage Strike, you'll be well on your way to becoming a martial artist Spark! Zero.

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Dragon Ball: The Spark! Zero has an amazing number of playable characters, befitting a long-running franchise, but they're not all created equal.
How to Use a Super Move
Get close to your enemy while avoiding attacks
The Super Move is a great move that looks awesome and is extremely useful. Unfortunately, it can only be used while Sparking! Mode, and even then, only by certain characters who are powerful enough, so check out DBZanto's video to see which characters can use this awesome ability. Launch the Dragon Stone while Sparking to use the Super Move! Mode.
While swiping, press the Guard key and the direction you want to dash to move immediately in the direction of your choice. Using this repeatedly causes you to spin unexpectedly as you move in to attack your opponent, allowing you to quickly dodge any incoming blasts and get into combat range.
The Super Move can also get behind your opponent when you charge them up, leaving them open to your attacks, but you'll want to go into practice mode to do this a few times before using it in online battles. However, be warned using this ability, you will use a small amount of Sparking! measure. Let's say you want to strengthen this skill even more.
In this case, you can equip a Skill DBZ Sparking Zero An item like Super Move Master or Secret of Super Moves to reduce the amount of sparks! Measure traffic usage. Once this move is down, you'll want to work on another related move: Z-Burst Dash.

How to increase character skills in Dragon Ball: Spark! Zero
Character Proficiency is a dimension in Dragon Ball: Sparking! How much a character is used in the game is zero.
How to Use Z-Burst Dash
Jump on top of your enemy by teleporting behind them
Z-Burst Dash is one of my favorite abilities in the game due to its effectiveness and wide range of applications. This move is also simple, so with a little practice, it can easily be combined with hasty attack chains to increase your combos and overall damage output. You need enough Ki to use this move and any fighter can do it. First start Dragon Dash, then after moving, without directional input, press the Ki-Charge button and the Enter keys (R2 + X on PS5 / RT + A on Xbox) and you will immediately go behind your enemyopens them up to attack from behind.
If you press the directional button on the joystick while trying to do this move, it won't work and you'll continue Dragon Dash as normal.
If you time this move right, you can use to combine combos. Whenever you send your opponent flying back, you can use Z-Burst Dash to immediately get behind them to restart your combo and dish out the damage. This ability costs about one Ki bar to use, so if you use this ability multiple times in a row, make sure you save a lot of Ki. It can be useful and definitely worth upgrading. Once you've done this move, you'll find that you can avoid those pesky Z-Counter fights by using Z-Burst Dash to get close to enemies you knocked back.
To truly become a battle master, you need to know how to perform Super Moves and Z-Burst Dashes. You'll also want to effectively counter and deflect enemy ki blasts and unlock all of the fighters currently available. Dragon Ball: The Spark! Zero.
Video Credit: DBZanto/YouTube, Daily Play/YouTube