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Early Addition: Space smells bad

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Good Thursday morning in New York City, where F train service has been restored after yesterday’s derailment.

Here’s what else is happening:

  • It turns out the 60-foot illegal tunnels dug beneath the Chabad headquarters in Crown Heights were not structurally sound, Department of Buildings inspectors said.
  • This week’s heavy rain led to a retaining wall collapse and subsequent landslide in the Bronx that left at least four buildings condemned. 
  • Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie dropped out of the Republican presidential primary race while promising to “in no way enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again.”
  • A Facebook page created by and for NYC food delivery cyclists has become a de facto memorial site for those who’ve died on the job.
  • Central Park’s iconic Bow Bridge has reopened with lovely new wooden planks after a 60-day renovation.
  • Fruit Stripe, that gum with the zebra on the wrapper, is ceasing production.
  • Outer space smells like burnt meat, smoky rum, farts and urine, according to astronauts.
  • And finally, gator spa:

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