Everything in the Pokémon TCG Paradox Destinies Tins and the Cards You Get

The Pokémon Trading Card Game released a new line of collectible boxes featuring four time-traveling Pokémon. new containers called Paradox fate, It has four different designs. The central theme of these bowls is the paradox of time, which brings four Pokémon from different eras to the present day. All four Pokémon were also a part Temporary forces The TCG expansion is a must have for collectors who can't pull them off in that set.

There is a feature in the collection containers old Pokémon Gouging Fire past and Raging Bolt past and future Pokémon Iron Boulder past and Iron Crown past. The packaging designs reflect this, using organic shapes for the two prehistoric entries and more angular lines for the futuristic ones. Each one Pokémon TCG Paradox Fates the tin will cost $26.99 and is now available in the Pokémon Center store.

Everything in Ironstone Ex Pokémon TCG: Paradox Destinies Tin

Each Collection contains Five Booster Packs

This tin contains Iron Boulder, a generation 9 fighting type Pokémon. Indigo Disk, the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet DLC. Included in the collection five Pokémon TCG booster packs, each containing 10 cards and one Core Energy card. Each purchase gets fans a code card for Pokémon TCG Live and a foil card of the former Iron Boulder.

This powerful Pokémon, like the others in this tin collection, is a fairly new addition to the franchise. The Indigo mask The DLC came out in two parts in late 2023, so Iron Boulder and his companions didn't get a chance to be featured on many maps. In addition to having four different versions Temporary forces, Iron Boulder will also appear as part of it Star crown card set, Released on September 13, 2024.

Iron Boulder is one of the least popular Paradox Pokémon, despite being featured in the expansion pack. Temporary forces. Its design is not as attractive as other future and ancient Pokemon, and it is has one of the weakest attacks from the set.

The poor response from the community is reflected in the resale prices of the cards, which are under a dollar for the regular old cards and only $10 for the rare illustration version on TCG Player. The Iron Boulder will likely be the least popular of the pewter sets, with most fans opting for the more powerful and attractive Iron Crown.

A special foil card is included in the fin kit features a dynamic rendering of metal Pokemon the image is poured from the box onto the card. The image shows the Iron Boulder with a fierce look on his face, one leg reaching out from the art frame and pushing the stones away from him.

This Pokemon is thought to be a future or alternate world version of Gen V's Terrakion and looks like a metal version of the legendary. The illustration was provided by 5ban Graphics, a group of artists who have worked with TCG ever since. Pokémon Black and White sets. They are known for their instantly recognizable 3D renderings and have created over 1,500 cards for them. Pokémon TCG.

This Iron Boulder old card has 240 HP and sports attacks Repulsor Ax and Power Stomp. Repulsor Ax only deals 60 damage, but deals heavy damage and 80 extra damage to any opponent who attacks it on the next turn. For a more immediate attack, Power Stomp is a solid choice, dealing up to 200 damage but discarding two Energy cards from Iron Boulder. The Pokémon notably lacks a signature move: Iron Boulder is the only Pokémon that can learn the move Mighty Cleave.

Everything in Iron Crown Ex Pokémon TCG: Paradox Destinies Tin

Foil Design Is Very Similar To Temporal Forces

The Iron Crown is also from the first part Indigo Disc DLC from the last game in the series, Scarlet & Violet. Like the rest, his tin collection comes with five booster packs, a code card, and one special Iron Crown vintage foil card.

A Psychic-type Pokemon proves itself very popular among fans: His Temporary forces version was one of the most valuable cards in that set. The Iron Crown is also the only mon among the containers to appear in the upcoming films. Heaven Dragona and Sparks TCG sets.

Iron Crown is another Pokemon from the future, and it is Based on Gen 5's Cobalion. The new past card is very similar to it Temporary forces variation and shows only the top half of the robot blue deer-like Pokemon. His head is surrounded by bursts of purple lights for a cosmic effect. The 3D style illustration was also provided by the artist group 5ban Graphics.

The selected card has 220 HP and is equipped with one attack and one ability. Cobalt Command makes him a good companion to Iron Boulder and others Temporary powers cards, by Increases the attack of any “Future Pokémon” by 20. Unfortunately, this does not apply to any other Iron Crown past cards.

Its attack, Twin Shotels, deals 50 damage to two opposing Pokemon, regardless of their weaknesses, resistances, or effects. The move is named for the curved, double-edged sword of the same name from Eritrea and northern Ethiopia. The curve of the chute resembles the curve of the horns of the Iron Crown, likely indicating where the movement got its name. like an ironstone, Iron Crown's iconic Tachyon Cutter does not appear in the Pokémon TCG.

Everything in The Raging Bolt Ex Pokémon TCG: Paradox Destinies Tin

One of the More Expensive Pokemon than Temporary Powers

The ancient Pokémon Raging Bolt also comes from here Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, from this time the second part Indigo Disc DLC. This tin pack also includes five boosters, a TCG Live card, and a special Pokemon foil card.

This Pokemon's design and strong card stats have been popular among fans. In fact, its a beautifully illustrated full art card Temporary forces worth even more than the Iron Crown, and right now it is It retails for around $73 on TCG Player. The new card is also planned to go on sale as part of September Star crown set.

The Raging Bolt comes from the past with a design reminiscent of real-world long-necked dinosaurs like the brontosaurus. Pokemon is one An ancient form of Raiku, with a mane that looks like a storm cloud but can be turned into a long nose-like feature. Two protruding teeth make his face look like an ancient saber-toothed tiger.

Raging Bolt's foil card design shows a dragon-type Pokemon with its mouth open as it prepares for a roaring attack. Purple movement lines indicate the effect of the attack, as if it is thrown directly at the player. The card image was created by PLANETA Mochizuki. For Mochizuki, painting has been art Pokemon cards since Darkness Flares appointed from Pokémon Sword and Shield, and contributed more than 140 images to the card game. Their style It combines 3D art with a more classic style, Works well with organic forms of Pokemon.

Raging Bolt has 240 HP and two very useful skills. Burst Roar gives players a chance to refresh their hand by discarding all their cards and drawing six new cards. While this is certainly a gamble, it is useful when players are trying to find a particular card or want a better chance of a draw. His other attack is the potentially devastating Growing Thunder. It attacks 70 damage for each Basic Energy card dropped from the Pokemon, without any restrictions.

Everything in The Gouging Fire Ex Pokémon TCG: Paradox Destinies Tin

Heavily Inspired By A Real Life Dinosaur

Last tin Paradox fate set is based on another Pokemon, Gouging Fire Indigo Disc DLC, especially the second part. Like the rest of the packs, this box contains five booster packs, a TCG Live code card, and a special edition foil card.

Gouging Fire is another ancient Pokemon with more obvious dinosaur inspirations. This time, it's based on Pokémon prehistoric Entei along with styracosaurus, dinosaur like Triceratops from real world history.

The foil card is just as dynamic, featuring Gouging Fire's medium attack, flaming claws, and claw in the foreground. The Pokemon's face displays a fierce expression in the background, while its body is barely visible beneath the transparent attack text box. The Pokemon's attack engulfs the entire card in flames. PLANETA Mochizuki also created the artwork for this card.

Gouging Fire has two attacks, one of which is quite powerful – but there is a catch. Heat Blast is a simple attack that does 60 damage. However, Blaze Blitz does an incredible 260 damage, however The attack cannot be repeated unless the Pokémon leaves the Active point. Gouging Fire has 230 HP.

Are Pokémon TCG Paradox Destinies Tin Sets Worth It?

Foil Cards Make Them An Attractive PurchaseIron Crown and Raging Bolt from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are placed on blurry TCG cards.

Each one Pokémon TCG Paradox Fates the tin will cost $26.99. This creates their cost comparable to the cost of a five or six booster pack. If value is a deciding factor, fans will likely want to purchase the boosters separately.

However, the special foil warranty and specially designed cases make these tin packs valuable to any collector. The Pokémon Trading Card Game Paradox fate boxes can now be purchased from the Pokémon Center.

Source: Pokémon Center, TCG Player


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