Galactus' Forgotten Origin Is A Better Fit For The MCU Than The Original, Turning Existing Science Into Its Own History

Marvel Studios recently announced Galactus will debut live soon MCU movie Fantastic Four: First Stepsand will reportedly be played by actor Ralph Ineson. No further details or plot points have been revealed, which means there's plenty of time for Marvel Studios to decide whether to adapt Galactus' forgotten origin as opposed to the original, as it allows the MCU to use its existing knowledge to shape his creation. will allow. back story.

In a limited series of four parts Hunger By Joshua Hale Fialkov and Leonard Kirk, readers are shown how things are Age of Ultron Earth-616 was affected by Earth-1610's Ultimate Universe. during Age of UltronThe Avengers used time travel to defeat the killer machine, thereby opening a hole in time and space. This created a rift between Earth-616 and Earth-1610, large enough for Galactus to pass through. After entering the Ultimate Universe, Galactus bonded with his Earth-1610 counterpart Gah Lak Tus, making him the ultimate powerhouse.

Hunger Ultimate details how the Universe's greatest cosmic heroes unite against this ultimate Galactus, but beyond that, the story goes into the origins of Earth-1610's original character Gah Lak Tus. Gah Lak Tus is a nest of nearly indestructible android drones with only one directive: consumption. The Gah Lak Tus swarm aimlessly devoured the planets in space, using the energy they received from each world they consumed to continue this cosmic slaughter. And Gah Lak Tus was created by none other than the Kree.

The MCU should use Galactus' Ultimate Universe Origin and tie his villainy to the Kree.

The Kree Empire is well established as an MCU Villain making this Galactus Connection Perfect

Galactus sits in a chair with Ronan the Accuser in front of him.

While the Kree Empire is portrayed as neither a villainous nor a heroic entity in Marvel Comics' main continuity Earth-616, it is fully established as a major villain in the MCU. The Kree were villains inside Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marveland Miraclesnot to mention Agents of SHIELD and the main villains Secret invasionas the Kree were primarily responsible for the Skrulls' predicament.

Using the established villainy of the Kree to explain the origin of Galactus would be a brilliant move by the MCU. The Kree were introduced in the MCU working with Thanos, so it would be perfect if they introduced another major antagonist. In addition, being responsible for the creation of Galactus would elevate the Kree Empire's position as the main MCU villain, something the MCU has been building up to all these years and would be a fantastic payoff for longtime fans.

Galactus' Ultimate Universe origin would make him an ACTUAL Villain in the MCU

Galactus eats the entire planet in one bite.

One thing many fans rightly worried about when watching Galactus' MCU debut was that he wasn't actually a villain. On Earth-616, Galactus is tasked with maintaining cosmic balance by consuming worlds. It is not evil, but a force of nature that must exist. Gah Lak Tus, on the other hand, was created by the Kree to consume the worlds of the Empire's enemies, but the hive mind became corrupted and began consuming every world it came across. Gah Lak Tus is not a force of nature but an affront to nature, making him a legitimate villain.

By giving the MCU's Galactus Gah Lak Tus origin story, the MCU will get to expand on the villainous legacy of the Kree Empire, which it's been building on for over a decade, while also establishing Galactus as a true villain. In other words, Galactus' Forgotten Ultimate Universe is a more appropriate way to originate MCU than the original.

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