Gaming mental health charity Take This faces extinction

Take This, a nonprofit dedicated to reducing stigma and increasing mental health support in video games, will be forced to close if it fails to secure critical funding.

The organization must raise $80,000 by September 30, 2024. After that, it will need “substantial and ongoing support” to become sustainable for the long term.

Take This runs a series of programs designed to raise awareness of mental health in the games industry, including an AFK program that provides support space at major conventions and workshops that aim to educate studio heads and staff on mental health culture. The group has also written a white paper on the topic of mental health in the games industry, highlighting topics such as crunch culture and burnout.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Other initiatives include mentoring programs, free educational materials and resources, hundreds of panels and media appearances, and more.

Take This requires serious support

However, the group says it will simply “disappear” if it can’t secure a financial foothold. “A lot of what we do as an organization is unpaid or underfunded, which is often the nature of nonprofit work. Each AFK Room costs us about $15,000 in labor, travel, and materials. Most conventions, as wonderful partners as they are, don’t pay us to be there,” read a blog post“We have already had to inform PAX and our volunteers that we will not be able to provide an AFK Room at PAX Unplugged in 2024. Without funding, the AFK Room will never return in its current form to any convention.

“We've been here for this long because we believe in what we do: bringing mental health knowledge and resources to the gaming community! We know you care about our mission too! Whether you're a community member who can donate $5 or a corporate donor interested in sponsoring an AFK Room or a future Accelerate cohort, if you ever want to ensure Take This stays around to help build a better, more sustainable future for the gaming industry and community, now is the time to donate! It's a cliché but it's true: every dollar counts!”

Those who wish to directly support Take This's mission should visit the donation pagePotential business partners can find out how they can help checking out the full blog post (which includes contact information).

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