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Guide To Mining In Coral Island

Quick Links

  • What To Do With Ores And Geodes
  • How To Improve Your Mining Skill

There are tons of ways to make money on Coral Island. For example, you could sell your crops or become a fisherman and sell anything you don’t need. But if you are looking for a bigger challenge, visit the local Cavern to mine valuable materials like Gold and Osmium.




Coral Island: Guide To Diving

Here’s a guide to unlocking and getting the best out of diving in Coral Island.

However, there are a few things you should take into consideration before adventuring into the Cavern, so go ahead and read this Coral Island mining guide to learn how to unlock the Cavern and what you will find inside.

Updated November 27th, 2023 by Zoë J. Osik: After the 1.0 full release, there are a few different things in the mines. Monsters have changed and new mines were added, so this guide has been updated to reflect the new changes and give you a better idea of what you’re up against in the mines.

Where To Find The Cavern

mark in your house

The Cavern is in the Northwest area of Coral Island. You can go there as soon as you want, but you’ll notice the Cavern’s entrance is closed.

To get access to the Cavern, you must wait until Mark comes to your house to talk (this happens around day five). After the event, you will be free to head inside the Cavern, where Kira will give you your first sword to fight off monsters.

Inside The Cavern

inside the mines in coral island

Inside the Cavern are the Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire mines. The loot is different from mine to mine, so you will want to explore them all. However, the Wind and Fire mines are still missing in the current version of the game.

To start mining all you have to do is equip your pickaxe and start hitting stones. Besides stones, there is a chance you will get more valuable items like geodes or ores. Below you will find more information on what kind of items are in each mine.

Moreover, to get access to a lower level of the mine you’re in, you need to keep breaking rocks until you find a hole you can jump in.

The Earth Mine

Breaking the cursed tablet in the earth mine in Coral Island

The Earth mine is the first mine you’ll get access to. There are 40 levels in this mine, and you will find an elevator every five levels that will save your progress. Inside this mine, you will find:

  • Bronze Ores
  • Earth Geodes
  • Mystery Geode
  • Quartz

This mine also features the following enemies:

  • Slimes, which drop Monster Essence and Slime Goop.
  • Tukus, which drop Monster Essence, Tough Meat, and Silky Fur.
  • Picklings, which drop Monster Essence and Silky Fur.

The Water Mine

Breaking the cursed tablet in the water mine in Coral Island

After reaching the Earth’s mine bottom, you will unlock the Water Mine. This mine also has 40 levels in it, and inside, you will find:

  • Silver Ores
  • Water Geodes
  • Earth Geodes
  • Mystery Geode
  • Topaz
  • Aquamarine
  • Diamond
  • Moonstone
  • Onyx
  • Lepidolite
  • Labradorite
  • Azurite
  • Amber
  • Diorite
  • Pink Crystal
  • Bronze Ore

Like the Earth Mine, the Water one has Slimes and Tuku as the primary enemies. At the bottom of the mine, you’ll find a cursed tablet that needs to be broken. Doing so will free the water giant.

The Wind Mine

Breaking the cursed tablet in the wind mine in Coral Island

Once you reach the bottom of the Water Mine, you’ll unlock the Wind Mine. Here, you’ll find another 40 floors to go through. There’s an elevator every five floors up until the last ten. In this mine, you’ll find:

  • Gold Ore
  • Wind Geodes
  • Mystery Geodes
  • Gem Nodes

Gem nodes can drop a variety of rare gems for you to donate, offer, or sell. You’ll face similar enemies as before, with a few new varieties based on wind instead of earth or water. Make sure to break the cursed tablet on the 40th floor to free the wind giant.

The Fire Mine

The fire mine tablet in Coral Island

The Fire Mine is the last of the mines in the 1.0 release, and it also has 40 floors for you to explore. Here, you’ll find:

  • Osmium Ore
  • Fire Geodes
  • Mystery Geodes
  • Gem Nodes

Gem nodes can drop a variety of gems, depending on the floor they are found on. Here, you’ll also face new enemies, like the hulking Ombuto and Advance Slime, which is a larger Slime made of smaller Slimes.

Breaking the cursed tablet on the last floor frees the fire giant, the last of the trapped giants from the mine, allowing you to progress with their quests.

What To Do With Ores And Geodes

geodes coral island

After collecting ores, you can smelt them with a furnace (you’ll get the recipe to craft the furnace shortly after you enter the Cavern for the first time).

With the furnace, you can smelt five ores into one bar by placing them into the furnace alongside a piece of Coal. Bars have a greater sell value than unprocessed ores; they are also key ingredients to craft certain things and can be used to upgrade your tools (you will need five bars of the material you want to improve your tools too).


Items Needed

Time it Takes

Bronze Bar

Silver Bar

Gold Bar

Osmium Bar

If you collect Geodes, you must take them to Sanchez’ Brothers Blacksmith, where the brothers will crack open the Geodes for 20 coins.

Inside Geodes, you will usually find other gems or ores. Both of which can be sold for profit.

Tips For Mining

mining skill points

Mining can be incredibly profitable, but it comes with its own risk, so precautions are necessary.

For example, you should go to the mines first thing in the morning because that’s when your stamina and health bars are fully filled. That’s why it’s best to go to the mines on a rainy day so you won’t waste energy watering your plants.

Don’t forget to always bring some food with you to restore your health and energy if necessary.

Finally, improve your mining tools as soon as you can so you’ll be able to break bigger things. You can enhance your Pickaxe at the blacksmith for the right price.

Below is a table with all the available upgrades for your Pickaxe.



Bronze Pickaxe

  • 1,500g
  • 5 Bronze bars
  • 20 Wood

Silver Pickaxe

  • 3,000g
  • 5 Silver bars
  • 20 Wood

Gold Pickaxe

  • 10,000g
  • 3 Gold bars
  • 5 Hardwood

Osmium Pickaxe

  • 20,000g
  • 5 Osmium bars
  • 5 Hardwood

As of right now, there are no upgrades available for swords. We will update this guide once they are added to the game, but you can find other weapons in the mine as rewards.

How To Improve Your Mining Skill

Entering the mines in Coral Island

Another great way to improve your Mining abilities is to focus on improving your Mining Skill. This skill has ten levels, and some of them will give you specific bonuses, as seen below.



Level 1

Level 2

  • Recipe for Rope
  • Recipe for Stone Sign

Level 3

  • Recipe for Stone Gate
  • Recipe for Stone Fence
  • Recipe to Stone Floor Tile

Level 5

  • Recipe for Stone Chest
  • Recipe for Stone Arch

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Moreover, with every other level, you will also get a skill point that you can spend on the following skills:


What It Does

Double Ore

Chance to mine double ores. (20 percent chance)

Geode Finder

Increases the chances of finding geodes. (100 percent increase)

Double Gems

Chance to find double gems. (5 percent chance)

Rock Domino

Chance to break surrounding rocks when mining. (10 percent chance)

Rare Rocks

Chance for regular rocks to drop rare resources. (1 percent chance)

Gem Price

Increases the selling price of all gems (15 percent)


Coral Island: Guide To Skill Points

Here’s everything you need to know about building your Skills in Coral Island.

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