How bad is the Stormtrooper objective really?


  • Stormtroopers escaped in staggering numbers during the Death Star run.
  • Stormtroopers refrained from hitting targets as Darth Vader wanted the rebels to flee.
  • Viewports on Stormtrooper helmets can interfere with their marksmanship.

We've all heard the joke, but how bad is it to be a target? Star Wars' stormtroopers really? With the benefit of hindsight, a scene in the first Star Wars the movie now feels like a joke. Examining the wrecked Jawa sandcrawler, Obi-Wan Kenobi believes that the attack was not carried out by Tusken Raiders. According to Obi-Wan, the explosions “Very accurate for Sandpeople; only Imperial stormtroopers are so accurate.

“Accurate” is hardly a word most viewers would use to describe the target of the stormtroopers. In fact, it has since become an in-universe joke that stormtroopers are poor shooters; a scene The Mandalorian Season 1 saw many likely crack shots attempt to hit a stationary target and fail. But how accurate there is Imperial stormtroopers? National Geographic Strange but True! Star Wars the book includes several eye-catching figures.


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Here's How Many Times Stormtroopers Missed in the Death Star Run

Not the best moments

National Geographic dug into the numbers and was stunned to discover Imperial stormtroopers missed their targets an astounding 296 times during their Death Star run.. It includes memorable scenes where Han Solo literally confronts a large group of stormtroopers, takes a double shot and fires before speeding away. The whole Death Star run feels like a rebuttal to Obi-Wan's earlier claim of Imperial stormtroopers.exactly.

The Stormtroopers Had Reason For Their Evil Purpose

Even if they set a precedent…


It's easy to see why the Stormtroopers have gained a reputation for evil purpose. It's weird, first Star Wars the film potentially explains this; When Luke and Han disguise themselves as stormtroopers, Luke complains that he hasn't seen anything wearing a helmet. It seems that the viewing ports are not really designed for skilled shooting.

Also, there's a story reason for the bad aim of the stormtroopers during the Death Star run. Because Darth Vader actually wanted the rebels to escape; he had placed a tracker aboard the Millennium Falcon, and he wanted the ship to take him directly to the rebel base. Darth Vader's plan was successful as Princess Leia flew the Falcon directly to Yavin 4 with the Death Star plans, and the Empire wasted no time in following suit.

All those poor stormtroopers whose reputations will never be restored were actually following orders. They aimed to miss Darth Vader for fear of killing him alive. Only the Sith Lord himself killed everyone on the Death Star Star Wars movie, possibly in part because revenge against Obi-Wan overrode the strategy in Vader's mind.

Star Wars movie poster

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope


The film that kicked off the Star Wars franchise, Episode IV – A New Hope tells the story of a Force-sensitive, angry Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) who wants to leave his home planet of Tatooine to fight the evil Empire. After inheriting a lightsaber, his Jedi father's weapon, Luke sets out under the tutelage of Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) to join the Rebellion and face the evil Darth Vader, along with smuggler Han Solo (Harrison Ford).

Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Frank Oz, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Peter Cushing


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