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How To Build A Renegade Fighter In DND

The renegade fighter from the Runeterra setting of Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons is a gun-toting, swashbuckling scoundrel who builds fearsome firearms out of arcane scraps to deal out high-powered ranged attacks on their foes. The renegade is not afraid to fight a dirty and gruesome battle, using elemental upgrades and explosives to destroy their enemies.



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Whether you play the up-close and blasting pistoleer or the deadly sniper, you will deal devastating damage as a renegade fighter. While not the most honorable class, this is surely one of the most dangerous and satisfying subclasses of fighter that you can play.

Features Of A Renegade Fighter

gunslinger holding smoking pistol
Gunslinger by Critical Role

Scoundrel’s Wit

When you choose this subclass at third level, you choose two skills from Deception, Persuasion, or Sleight of Hand. You gain proficiency in those two skills.

Gunfighter Form

Also at third level, you choose between two styles of firearm. Each style grants certain benefits and will grow more powerful as you gain levels. The pistoleer style gives you more attacks per turn, while the sniper style gives you high damage levels from a single shot.

You are automatically proficient in the firearm you choose. You treat your attacks as ranged attacks and use your Dexterity bonus.

  • Pistoleer: This style uses a small firearm with a range of 30 feet, that deals 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage. At higher levels you can fire multiple shots with the same action: two shots at fifth level, three at eleventh level, and four at twentieth level.
  • Sniper: This style uses a two-handed firearm with a range of 120 feet, that deals 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier piercing piercing damage on a hit. The damage increases as you reach higher levels: 2d10 at fifth level, 4d10 at eleventh level, and 6d10 at twentieth level.

Weapon Of Choice

Finally at third level, you choose one minor and one major upgrade from the firearm upgrades list that applies to your weapon. You gain additional upgrades at higher levels: one minor upgrade at fifth level and one major upgrade at eleventh level.

Cunning Shot

At seventh level, all the damage from your firearm and your firearm upgrades ignores resistances and immunities.

This is an extremely powerful ability that gives you a high-powered damage ability.

Grin And Bear It

At tenth level, the second wind feature that you have as a fighter grows more powerful. When you use this feature, you gain a one point bonus to your Armor Class and your movement speed increases by ten feet until the start of your next turn.

Right Gun For The Job

At fifteenth level you can replace your firearm upgrades at the end of every long rest.

Use this ability to adapt your build to your party’s plans and fighting style, and feel free to try out different options!

Light ‘Em Up

At eighteenth level, you gain the ability to rig an explosion once per short or long rest.

As a bonus action, you can either set down an explosive and detonate it from up to 60 feet away, or you can throw it 30 feet where it will explode immediately.

The explosion has a 15 foot radius. All creatures in this radius must make a Dexterity saving throw to beat your Firearm Upgrade DC. On a failed save a creature takes 12d6 force damage, and they take half as much on a successful one.

Best Firearm Upgrades For A Renegade Fighter

Firearms Weapons A DM Should Never Give A Party In DD
The Gunsmith by Davide Scalia

Pistoleer As a pistoleer firing multiple rounds in close range every round, you will want upgrades that suit short-range combat and give your shots the best chances of hitting every time.

Minor Upgrade


Blade and Black Powder

This upgrade is built for the close-quarters combat of a pistoleer. It allows you to ignore disadvantage on your ranged attacks when you are within five feet of an enemy.

Also, when you use your action to attack with your firearm you can use your bonus action to make a melee attack against any creature in melee range, using your Dexterity modifier. You deal 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damge.


This upgrade is only available once you reach fifth level. If you do not move on your turn, you can use your bonus action to steady your sights and grant yourself advantage on all attacks until the end of your turn.

This is a great upgrade since you will usually be attacking multiple times on your turn, so having advantage on multiple attacks will increase your chances of having each one hit home.

Major Upgrade



This upgrade lets you use your action to fire rapidly in a 15-foot cone once per short or long rest.

Each creature in this cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d10 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.

Lightning Round

This upgrade lets you use your action to fire a 30-foot line of lightning from your firearm once per short or long rest.

Each creature in this line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 lightning damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.


As a sniper, you will want upgrades that benefit your long-range shots and maximize the impact of your powerful sniping attacks.

Minor Upgrade


Collateral Damage

This upgrade is only available to the sniper form and makes your bullets explosive, allowing you to target more than one creature each turn.

When you hit a creature with an attack, all creatures within five feet must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 1d6 piercing damage.

Double Barrel

This upgrade is only available to the sniper form, and only at fifth level. This allows you to shoot twice during a single attack action.

You make a separate attack roll each time you shoot with this ability.

Major Upgrade


Double Up

This upgrade also lets you attack multiple creatures. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier each short or long rest.

When you hit a creature with a shot from your firearm, you can cause the bullet to hit another enemy within 15 feet of the first. This target takes piercing damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Trial By Fire

This upgrade lets you use your bonus action to power up your weapons until the start of your next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per short or long rest.

When you hit with an attack, you can deal half your fighter level in extra fire damage to the target.

Best Fighting Styles For A Renegade Fighter

Hippo person with monocle in fine military dress
Giff by Ralph Horsley 

Every fighter in D&D gets to choose one fighting style, which they can retrain at certain levels. There are certain fighting styles that work best for the renegade fighter.

Fighting Style



While you are not an archer, this fighting style lets you add a two point bonus to all attack rolls made with ranged weapons and will absolutely come in handy.


This fighting style grants you a one point bonus to your Armor Class while you are wearing armor. You will already have a high Armor Class since your Dexterity should be high, so this will only make you stronger.

Best Ability Scores For A Renegade Fighter

An undead clown grinning while holding a large firearm
Space Clown via Wizards of the Coast

Dexterity should be your highest score as a renegade fighter. You use entirely ranged attacks, which rely on Dexterity, and even those class abilities that let you use melee attacks use your Dexterity modifier for attack and damage. Every one of your class abilities relies on Dexterity as well.

Taking feats that improve your Dexterity or your proficiency with ranged weapons and firearms will help make your ranged attacks even more powerful!

Charisma is used in several of your firearm upgrade abilities, and you gain proficiency in some Charisma related skills when you choose this subclass at third level. As a swashbuckling renegade, this should be your second highest ability score.

Constitution is never bad to have as a fighter. Especially if you choose the pistoleer style which will put you in melee range more often, a high Constitution to fortify hit points is a good choice.

Strength is also never bad for a fighter. You won’t use it that often as a renegade, so this certainly shouldn’t be among your highest abilities. However, putting some points into this skill will never hurt.

Wisdom and Intelligence are the scores that you can safely dump. You won’t need them for any of your class abilities, or in combat where you excel. Wisdom saves are more common, so if anything this skill should be slightly higher. However, these scores should both be your lowest.

Best Species For A Renegade Fighter

Dungeons & Dragons Dizzy Bird the Tabaxi Scout by Bia Gordos.
Dungeons & Dragons Dizzy Bird the Tabaxi Scout by Bia Gordos.


As a long range fighter specializing in Dexterity, a species with high speed and high Dexterity is going to benefit you greatly. The tabaxi lets you choose your own ability score increases (you should choose Dexterity and Intelligence). You also gain darkvision, which will be useful for shooting.

As a tabaxi, you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, you can occasionally double your speed on your turn. Especially if you choose the sniper style, this ability to move quickly and position yourself in combat will definitely come in handy.


The drow is a type of dark elf that will grant you a two point increase to your Dexterity and a one point increase to your Charisma. You also have a huge range of darkvision at 120 feet, which will come in handy especially if you are playing as a sniper.

The drow also grants you limited spellcasting. You gain access to the Dancing Lights cantrip at first level, the Faerie Fire spell at third level, and the Darkness spell at fifth level. All of these spells have a tactical benefit that will allow you to get creative during combat.

The drow does suffer disadvantage on attack rolls if you or your target is in direct sunlight, so be aware of this disadvantage if you choose this class.


When you are working with ranged weapons, it’s always wonderful to have a flight speed. The owlin has a flight speed of 30 feet and free proficiency in the Stealth skill. This is helpful for you to line up distant shots without having to worry about opportunity attacks. It’s also helpful for staying hidden until you have to strike.

This is another species that grants 120 feet of darkvision, perfect for a fighter that relies on distance.

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