cyberpunk 2077 forward to death walkthrough
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How To Complete Forward To Death Quest In Cyberpunk 2077

The Forward to Death quest in Cyberpunk 2077 is a main job that occurs after the events of ‘We Gotta Live Together’ in The Star Path in Act 3. The versatility of the storyline in Cyberpunk 2077 gives you the freedom to choose various endings depending on your choices in the game.




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The Star Path is one such ending where you follow along the adventures of the Aldacaldo, the largest Nomad group in the North American region. The Forward to Death mission involves a raid on a Militech construction site in the Badlands Nomad Camp.

How To Start Forward To Death Quest in Cyberpunk 2077

A player in dialogue with Saul in Cyberpunk 2077 Forward to death quest

The mission starts as you follow Panam through the Aldacaldo camp to meet Saul. While walking through the camp, you will hear the conversations between different family members getting ready for the raid.

The Forward to Death quest is available in the Star path only, so you cannot play this quest if you haven’t completed the requirements for The Star.

Once you meet Saul, the dialogue will start your briefing for this mission. Saul will give you a Shard to a reconnaissance drone so you can look at the terrain layout for this mission.

The raid on the Militech construction site has two main objectives:

  1. Get to Arasaka Tower and assist you in accessing Mikashi.
  2. Gather equipment to solve your cash flow problem.

While Saul talks, look around the area with the drone and identify your primary points of interest. This can be completed by scanning each location marker to gather more information about different parts of the area, such as entry points, buildings, and checkposts.

After you have heard the briefing from Saul and gathered enough information about the area using your reconnaissance drone, you can take the Shard out to return to the camp. When you return to the camp, Saul and Panam will ask you to tell them when you’re ready.

You will get little to no time to re-stock once you have started the mission. So, it is wise to gear up before talking to Saul and Panam again.

How To Follow Saul To The Construction Site

The reconnaissance in forward to death quest in Cyberpunk 2077

When ready, return to Saul and Panam and initiate the conversation. It is time to get into the Militech Basilisk and follow Saul through the Badlands toward the Militech construction site. With the surrounding convoy, keep following Saul’s vehicle into the Militech-protected restricted area towards the entry point.

While you travel across the restricted area, you will be constantly targeted by air strikes and missiles, which can be avoided by looking at their point of impact on the ground.

Once you reach the entry, the Basilisk will malfunction and completely stop moving. To resume your journey, you must protect the Basilisk from the incoming drones as Panam tries to repair the vehicle.

Panam will give you a sniper rifle to fend off the waves of drones as she repairs the Basikisk. Use the gun to target the drones flying around the Basilisk.

When your systems return online, you start moving toward the tunnel entrance again. Once the panzer moves, you must destroy the barricades and hostile enemies blocking your way to the objective.

When the panzer is fixed, Bobby will overtake you, trying to target another hostile unit. You will see an explosion in the distance and lose contact with him. This death is pre-scripted, and you can not change this outcome in any way.

Destroy the barricades ahead towards your left and steadily keep heading towards your indicated waypoint. After you cross the bridge, head straight for the tunnel entrance in front of you.

When you reach the tunnel entrance, the Basilisk will shut down again, and Panam will ask you to cover the other companions fighting alongside you.

While you can eliminate the Militech soldiers and drones with your panzer, you must either run through the barricades on the bridge and the main gate to the tunnel entrance or use the panzer’s weapons to destroy the structure.


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How To Escort Mitch And Carol In Forward To Death Quest

Panam giving the sniper rifle to V during the Forward to death quest in Cyberpunk 2077

When the panzer breaks down again, you must get out of the vehicle and eliminate all nearby enemies by taking cover against your surroundings. Once you have eliminated all the enemies, you must now wait for Mitch and Carol to arrive.

The next set of enemies (eight in total) is mainly located around the staircase to your right near the tunnel entrance.

Once all enemies have been eliminated, you can accompany Mitch and Carol to the upper level using the stairs on your right. Once Mitch and Carol find a terminal, they will start arming the SERC system to drill a hole through Arasaka Tower.

While Mitch and Carol are working, you must now cover them from incoming enemies while they activate the SERC system. Twenty Militech will target the position from ground level. You must eliminate all enemies to proceed with the quest.

You can easily spot the Militech vehicles approaching in the distance from the window in front of the terminal. You can also use this window to target the Militech soldiers from a distance.

While you clear the initial wave of enemies, you can constantly hear the crewmembers talk about approaching enemy reinforcements. Once the initial wave has been cleared, you must prepare for the Militech reinforcements approaching your position.

As soon as you finish the first wave of enemies, quickly loot the nearby dead soldiers for supplies.

As the reinforcements attack, you must eliminate thirteen more combatants to move further down with the quest.

A mechanized combat unit accompanies these reinforcements, so be careful while approaching it because you will need extraordinary firepower to take it down.

Since Mitch and Carol are still working on the SERC system, there is no other way to complete these objectives than holding your position.

How To Complete The Forward To Death Quest

End of Forward to death quest in Cyberpunk 2077

Once you eliminate this third wave of enemies, Mitch and Carol can complete their job at the terminal. This will also restore the Basilisk, so must now regroup with the Aldacaldo forces to fight further.

Once inside the panzer, follow your waypoint back to the main gate at the tunnel entrance. You must eliminate the strike team sent by the Militech before making your way into the tunnel. This strike team primarily consists of drones and missile trucks.

While in combat with the strike team, keep moving to avoid getting hit by the missile trucks since you will receive huge damage from their hits. Use the weapons on your panzer effectively to target the strike team.

To get through this stretch of the mission, you must eliminate eleven Militech strike team units in total. Once you have dealt with the strike team, it is finally time to enter the tunnels to complete this mission. Get back to the construction site and ram the panzer through the tunnel entrance to enter the tunnels.

Before you ram into the tunnel entrance, you will also be offered to join the Panzerboy Ranks in the Aldacaldo.

Once you enter the tunnels, Panam will brief you about the next mission, which will mark the end of the Forward to Death quest.


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