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How To Complete The Untouchable Challenge In Risk Of Rain Returns

The untouchable challenge is one of the more difficult achievements Risk Of Rain Returns has to offer. You need to reach the third teleporter without taking a single instance of damage. Increasing the challenge factor, you need to do this playing as the Commando, who has limited tools for avoiding combat.




Risk Of Rain Returns: How To Beat The Final Providence Trial

The ultimate challenge in Risk of Rain Returns is nothing to sniff at. Here’s the rundown.

There will always be some level of randomness to the roguelike game, but a good strategy can make completing this challenge more consistent, if not a guaranteed success. There are several ways to ease this challenge and unlock the mace replica, a nifty equipment that can slot into several character builds.

Commando Loadouts For The Untouchable Challenge

commando skill descriptions on character select screen

The remake offers Commando a trio of alternative skills replacing their non-primary abilities, but all three are worse for completing this challenge.

Skill Slot

Recommended Skill


Secondary (damage)

Full Metal Jacket

Combat Knife operates at close range, greatly increasing the chance you take an errant blow. Full Metal Jacket, on the other hand, can be used for hit-and-run tactics that aren’t great for timed playthroughs but have minimal risk of taking damage.

Third (utility)

Tactical Dive

Tactical slide lets you continue firing while in motion but doesn’t provide the invulnerability of a tactical dive. Certain enemies will be near impossible to dodge without some lucky items or by using a tactical dive.

Fourth (special attack)

Suppressive Fire

Suppressive Fire doesn’t have the power of Point Blank but can be used at a much greater range, minimizing the chance you get hit.

Fall damage counts as being hurt in this challenge, so Tactical Dive can be used just before landing to negate this.

Artifacts For The Untouchable Challenge

RIsk of Rain's lobby screen with the best artifacts for achievement hunting - glass, sacrifice, kin, command

Artifacts can make the challenge a good deal easier, although you may prefer to attempt the challenge without them for an added challenge. Here are some of the most significant onesartifacts for this challenge:





The artifact of glass gives a five-fold damage multiplier at the cost of 90% of your max HP.

Since the goal is to complete the challenge without taking any damage, this trade-off has no downside and can make it easier to identify when you’ve taken damage, as you’ll normally die instantly.


The Artifact of Kin forces each stage to only spawn one enemy type, including teleporter bosses.

If the teleporter bosses obstruct this challenge, the artifact of kin replaces them with a horde of lesser enemies. On average, this will be easier than a conventional boss, but the missile-firing elites can easily invalidate the untouchable challenge if you’re unlucky enough to fight a swarm of them.


You can choose what items drop within each rarity category.

Picking up damage-boosting and evasion items with no chance of getting useless healing items means you’ll be a lot stronger.

There is a slight vulnerability in that you’ll be forced to stand over dropped items to access the command interface. Any enemy nearby can hit you at this time to invalidate the achievement, so make sure to clear all nearby enemies before collecting loot.


Containers no longer spawn, but enemies have a chance to drop items.

The artifacts of Sacrifice and Kin can trivialize many achievements. Restart the first level until the artifact of kin spawns an enemy type that poses no threat, such as stone golems or jellyfish. Then position yourself somewhere they won’t be able to attack you and continuously kill them for items.

Certain artifacts can make the challenge significantly harder. The artifact of Enigma can lock your active item onto one that forces you to take damage, such as the lost doll. The artifacts of Spirit and Spite make it easier to take damage.


Risk Of Rain Returns: How To Unlock The Artifact Of Command

Here’s how to find and unlock the powerful Artifact of Command in Risk of Rain Returns.

Strategies For The Untouchable Challenge

commando fighting enemies as the teleporter counts down

Completing The Untouchable Challenge In Single Player

The phrasing of the challenge is rather specific: You need to activate the third teleporter, but you do not need to complete it. This means that you have to defeat a minimum of two bosses across the first and second levels and then run away from everything in the third level until you find the teleporter.

Slower strategies, such as hit-and-run attacks, can whittle down enemies. The timer will punish this, but not severely, for the first two levels.

If you are not using the artifact of kin, you’ll need strategies for dealing with the bosses at the first and second teleporter.



Wandering Vagrant

The wandering Vagrant has a very consistent attack pattern that can be evaded by just moving in a line whenever it releases orbs. The risk posed by the vagrant is that dodging it can force you into other enemies.


The Colossus poses no threat as long as you keep your distance and wear it down with ranged attacks. It will spawn lesser enemies, but these shouldn’t present any legitimate risk at a distance.

Magma Worm

The hardest of the first tier of bosses, but the magma worm’s attacks can be dodged using the environment. If you climb on a rope or vine you cannot be damaged by the worm. Stay close to one and use it to hide whenever it’s about to come up. Beware of Lemurians that can follow you up the ropes.

Ancient Wisp

The Ancient Wisp can be defeated at long range. Most maps it can spawn on will have spaces where you can outrun or outrange it. (set your zoom to 1x in the options if you haven’t already).

Its lightning strikes can be dodged, but spawns wisps on top of you.

Lynx Totem

The lynx totem’s continuously spawning minions pose a serious threat to untouchable runs. The ranged attacks of lynx tribe archers can hit you while hiding in positions you’d normally be able to avoid all damage.

You need to be more proactive in this boss fight and keep clearing the more dangerous minions as you wear down the boss from a distance.

Completing The Challenge In Multiplayer

Testimonies are mixed on whether the achievement can be unlocked in online play, with some players reporting it working and others needing to complete it in single-player.

The Sniper Achievement Empty Pockets is more specific in its wording of “without any player collecting items or equipment,” suggesting other challenges without this phrasing should work in multiplayer.

It may be a viable strategy for the Commando player to host a lobby and then allow their friends to handle all the combat while they focus on survival.

In this case, the engineer and sniper are both good companions for completing this challenge. The Engineer’s turrets do a good job of taunting normal enemies, while the sniper can easily clear bosses before they can pose a risk to the Commando.

Reusing These Strategies For Other Achievements

huntress charging a pierce shot at enemies in the dried lake stage

There are variants of the untouchable achievement available for other survivors. They can be completed with broadly the same strategy, requiring a couple of modifications depending on the survivor’s toolkit and the specifics of the challenge.

Survivor Challenge


Changes In Strategy

Huntress’s Sixth Sense

Defeat the Ancient Wisp without taking damage.

The huntress doesn’t have the Commando’s tactical dive but is otherwise better suited to fighting at long distances while running.

Miner’s Blazing Victory

Survive a teleporter event without falling below half health.

This challenge would be easier if the miner weren’t a melee-only survivor. Swap his basic attack for Throwing Axes.

Miner’s Hot Streak

Reach level ten without taking damage more than once.

The kin-glass-sacrifice artifact combo allows you to complete this challenge while only facing one type of enemy. Stone golems and sand crabs will both struggle to hit you without supporting enemies. Find an elevated position they can’t spawn on and throw axes down.

Han-D’s Like New

Beat the third stage without falling below 60 percent health

This is less strict than the others but expects you to go further. Han-D doesn’t have a ranged option but can pick one up for their equipment.


Risk Of Rain Returns: Every Boss, Ranked

You’ll fight some hard bosses in Risk of Rain Returns. Here’s each one, ranked by difficulty.

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