a character looking too hot in lego fortnite
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How To Cool Down When It’s Too Hot In Lego Fortnite

Here’s how to survive the heat and cool down a little in Lego Fortnite.

As you start to explore in Lego Fortnite, you’ll realise that your character is easily affected by being too cold or too hot, losing some of your precious health in the process. As you venture into the Dry Valley, you’ll have to deal with the heat more often.




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If you want to go into the hottest areas, such as delving into Lava Caves, you’ll need some kind of protection against the heat, and fortunately, there are a couple of ways of cooling down. Here’s what you need to know.

What Does Being Too Hot Do?

A player mining copper in a Lava Cave in Lego Fortnite.

When your character is too hot, you’ll notice the edge of your screen has an orange glow and the message “You Are Hot” will keep appearing on screen. You will steadily lose a small chunk of health while you are too hot.

If you are Burning and get the “You Are Burning” message, this means the heat is even greater, and you will lose health at an accelerated rate.

While you can try to outweigh the health loss by eating food constantly, there are some better ways to deal with the heat, which we cover below.

How To Increase Heat Resistance With Food

The juicer menu showing how to make snowberry shakes in Lego Fortnite.

You can temporarily increase your Heat Resistance with a Snowberry Shake. To make this, you’ll need the following:

  • 2x Snow Berries (Found in the Frostlands)
  • 1x Milk (Dropped by cows)

You’ll also need the Juicer station to be able to craft Snowberry Shakes, which you can make with the following materials:

How To Increase Heat Resistance With Charms

The crafting bench menu showing how to make the cool-headed charm in Lego Fortnite.

The more permanent way to increase your heat resistance is to craft and equip a Cool-Headed Charm. You’ll need the following materials to craft this on the Crafting Bench:


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