assassin s creed valhalla an animus anomaly
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How To Find All The Animus Anomalies In AC: Valhalla

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  • What Is An Animus Anomaly?

Something that was created by the developers specifically to link Assassin’s Creed Valhalla to the rest of the franchise is called an Animus Anomaly. It involves jumping across a series of platforms, climbing, and solving puzzles to make it to the end. Once there, a secret recording is revealed and you will need to complete all the anomalies for it to make sense.



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There are ten Animus Anomalies scattered across the map, and they are progressively more difficult as you move through the game. If you want to know what the recordings mean, then you will have to head to each of these locations to uncover them all!

Updated November 24, 2023, by Sean Murray: If you’re looking for the solutions to Assassins’ Creed Valhalla’s anomalies, you’ve come to the right place. This guide has been refreshed with improved formatting and more breakout tips to make completing each anomaly that much easier. We’ve also added links to other helpful AC Valhalla topics.

What Is An Animus Anomaly?

Layla inside the animus system in Assassin's Creed

An Animus Anomaly is a data fragment that places Layla herself inside the world of the Vikings. She is required to make her way across a series of platforms that are a puzzle in themselves as only a certain pattern will allow you to complete them.

These isolated mini-challenges appear in various parts of England and Norway. It is worth finishing them as after you complete all ten of the anomalies, a piece of information will be revealed to you that relates to some of the Isu themselves.

It will also unlock the Hidden Truth (silver) trophy or (30g) achievement.

Each Anomaly has a series of obstacles and platforms that combine 3D platforming and puzzle gameplay; changing up the experience of Valhalla quite a bit.

There have been rare reports of a glitch that can ruin the progress of an Anomly unless restarted. It involves certain floating beams disappearing and being reset, which bars you from being able to make further progress.

Simply resetting the game or switching to a different quest, revisiting the Anomaly later, should fix this glitch, however.



Southwest of Ragnarsson Lookout, Ledecestrescire

This Animus Anomaly is probably the first one you will come across and is by far the easiest of them all. The trickiest part is moving the light beams onto the correct platforms by grabbing and aiming the orb, so you can progress to the end. Though the process is pretty straightforward.

You have to figure out what pattern works to allow you to access each of the light beams to ensure all the platforms you need are stable structures.



Southwest of Saint Albanes Abbey, Oxenefordscire

When you first approach this puzzle, don’t head straight. Rather, take the path to the right and move the draggable reflector. Next, follow the platforms around to the left until you reach the platform with two draggable reflectors.

Position them so they stabilize the platform right in front of the aqueduct, then go back and move the first draggable reflector back to its initial position. From here it is pretty straightforward as you just take the path straight out from the aqueduct.

Avoid the red boxes as they will make you start from your last position.

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East Anglia


Needham Lake, East Anglia

The platforms follow a circular pattern, but some of the platforms move, so you have to time your jumps carefully. Next, use the light beam to highlight the unstable structure in the middle of the vortex of platforms and continue to follow the platforms up.

The second light beam is exactly the same, but this time the platforms will cut out at times. Plan your jump carefully so you can make it to the end of this mystery.

Patience and timing are the key here, as platforming is the focus rather than puzzles in this one.



Southeast of Manstone Rock, Sciropescire

This Animus Anomaly builds upon what you have learned from the previous puzzles, but this time it has you utilizing more light beams. The first challenge has you stringing together two light beams to aim at the triangle in the middle in order to stabilize a platform.

Next, you have to time your jumps to avoid the red boxes, but the last challenge is the hardest of all. You have to aim one light beam at the center triangle and go across the unstable platform to aim that beam at the platform across the way.

You will have to shimmy a few of these around in order to maneuver yourself and hit the key platforms to accomplish this goal.



West of Anderitum Hideout, Suthsexe

This thrill ride starts with a long slide down a platform — and the entire Animus Anomaly is filled with these. The catch is that you have to avoid the stationary and moving red boxes along the way.

There are a few light beams you have to move where the boxes have to be caught in the right position, but otherwise, it is fairly simple.

The hardest part really is scooting across a thin stretch of platforms near the end, where you’ll need to have precise timing to evade the red boxes shifting.

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Northwest of Spalding Bandit Lair

The first step is to use the light beam to highlight the triangle in the middle, and you will have to string three of them together to do so. Next, you will have to shift a few of the light beams around to stabilize the platforms, and it will require some backtracking and trekking onto the ground as you rearrange them a few times.

There will be a few red platforms to avoid, but more than anything these puzzles can be a nuisance.



Southwest of Snotingham, Snotinghamscire

You will be introduced to intermittent projectors during this mystery, which means they can cut in and out. The first light beam needs to be aimed to the left at the draggable reflector, and the next draggable reflector needs to catch the beam from the intermittent projector.

You’ll not only have to string together various beams to activate platforms, but you’ll also need to time your traversal as the beams will continue cutting in and out.

You will just need to be quick on your feet and move a few more light beams in order to complete this puzzle.

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North of Jorvik in Eurviscire

This Animus Anomaly has three sections and you should head to the right platform first once you make your way up the middle. You will come across red boxes, intermittent projectors, light beams, and moving platforms.



West of the Isle of Wiht, Hamtunscire

One tip for this unique series of trials is that you need to watch out for platforms that become hazards themselves. There is also a red hazard wave that sweeps through and can put a halt to your progress. Make sure to stay light on your feet and think fast or this could end in disaster.

The key is to time your jumps and stay elevated when possible to avoid the waves.

One of the most cryptic moments here is a platform roughly halfway through, which you have to fall through and slide down by waiting for the beam to stop shining.



The northeast corner of the largest island in Hordafylke

Hordafylke is where this Animus Anomaly is located, and, as a side note, is also one of the best places to go fishing. The Animus Anomaly might look long at first, but it is filled with simpler puzzles. It is far more platforming-focused than most other Anomalies.

It has moving platforms, red boxes, light beams, and what can only be described as a moving data fire that you avoid by climbing poles.

NEXT: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Complete Guide And Walkthrough

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