two characters attacking a sand roller in fortnite
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How To Find Sand Shells In Lego Fortnite

Here’s how to find and defeat Sand Rollers in Lego Fortnite to get those much-needed Sand Shells.

By the time you need to look for Sand Shells in Lego Fortnite, you’ll have already had to track down and tackle the crab-like Rollers. Now it’s time to find their relatives, Sand Rollers. Much like the normal version, these critters are hard to find and hard to defeat.




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However, we’ve got a few tips to help you out with some notes on how best to lure them out, and even a quick way to one-shot kill them providing your environment is right. Here’s what you need to know.

How To Get Sand Shells

A character approaching a Sand Roller in Lego Fortnite.

Just like the Roller Shells, you’ll need to find and defeat Sand Rollers to get Sand Shells. Sand Rollers have a rolling attack that can deal quite a bit of damage, so aim to avoid this, then strike them when they are dazed momentarily when they finish rolling. Each Sand Roller will drop one Sand Shell when defeated.

These are tougher than their normal counterparts, so make sure you are well-prepared with decent equipment and a good amount of health.

How To Find Sand Rollers

A Sand Roller hidden in the ground with just its top sticking out in Lego Fortnite with an arrow highlighting its location.

Sand Rollers, as their name suggests, can only be found in sandy areas. This includes both the desert biome and any beaches. They disguise themselves as a mound of yellow sand with a green plant with a red berry on top, so keep an eye out for this, as shown in the image above.

If you have beaches nearby on your map, this is the perfect place to hunt Sand Rollers.

Lure them into rolling straight into the water, and they will die as soon as they hit the water, letting you grab the Sand Shell with minimal effort.

Sand Rollers have a sweet tooth for Bones, so if you drop Bones on the ground, they will appear from their hiding spots and move towards them. It’s a great way to lure them out and distract them so you can attack them more easily.


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