a player running towards a rainbow in lego fortnite
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How To Find The End Of The Rainbow And Claim The Reward In Lego Fortnite

Make sure you chase the end of the rainbow in Lego Fortnite so you can claim your rewards.

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  • How To Reach The End Of The Rainbow And Claim The Reward

There are a few rare events that can happen in Lego Fortnite, from fireflies that lead to Loot Llamas and treasure chests to the appearance of Supply Drops, there’s always something to keep an eye out for. Rainbows might seem like just another cute weather feature, but they’re actually a rare event too.




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Rainbows can net you some rare rewards, providing you know how to earn them. Fortunately for you, we’ve got everything you need to know covered right here. Here’s how to reach the end of the rainbow and get that sweet, sweet loot.

How To Find Rainbows

A player running towards a rainbow in Lego Fortnite.-1

Rainbows are rare occurrences within Lego Fortnite, but they’re easy to spot whenever they appear because you can see them clearly in the sky.

They only stick around for a short time, so make sure you run to the end of the rainbow to claim the reward before it disappears.

How To Reach The End Of The Rainbow And Claim The Reward

A player below the end of a rainbow in Lego Fortnite, looking up at the cloud.

First, you need to run to the end of the rainbow where it meets the land. You’ll find a cloud floating off the ground and you’ll need to get up to it, so make sure you have some Wood so you can craft a couple of staircases to get up there. Alternatively, you can use Balloons and Dynamic Platforms if you’re feeling a bit more creative.

Once you get to the top of the cloud, you’ll find a rainbow-coloured Lego set of different characters dancing on a stage. You might think this is just a little cute easter egg to discover, but there’s more to this than meets the eye.

All you need to do is emote beside the dancing characters and a bunch of rare items will jump out for you to claim before the rainbow NPCs bid their farewell and disappear.

A player beside the rainbow coloured lego figures dancing at the end of the rainbow in Lego Fortnite.


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