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How To Give Your Villagers Jobs In Lego Fortnite

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  • How To Assign Jobs To Your Villagers
  • All Available Villager Jobs

Lego Fortnite is an immersive open world game that allows players to run their societies of Lego NPCs inspired by Fortnite characters. Part of this is getting them to help you with the chores around your base, which can include things like exploring or collecting resources.




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There are some prerequisites before you’ll be allowed to start assigning jobs to your villagers, including recruiting them. However, once you’ve got the basics of the game, you should easily expand your settlement with the help of your loyal villagers.

How To Assign Jobs To Your Villagers

A screenshot from Lego Fortnite that shows the Upgrade Village Tab and required resources to upgrade

To begin assigning your villager’s jobs, you’ll first need a village that you have upgraded to at least level two. When you unlock the first level, you’ll be able to recruit your first NPC to live in your village.

You’ll have to upgrade your Village Square to unlock additional perks, such as being able to invite more NPCs to your Village and additional job types, which we cover below.

Village Level



Level One


One villager can be brought with you on adventures and equipped with weapons or tools.

Level Two

Resource Jobs

You can either assign a villager to collect nearby resources, refine wood, or refine stone.

Level Four

Cooking Jobs

Villagers can either extract seeds, plant crops in soil plots, or cook food on a grill.

Level Six

Refining Jobs

You can assign either smelting metal, collecting gems, or making advanced textiles.

There are two main job types: ‘Let’s Explore’ and ‘Helping the Village,’ with the former being an aid as you adventure. The latter ensures that your village is properly maintained and prosperous while you’re out in the world.

You can only give villagers one task per job. For example, if you choose ‘Food Jobs’ and then tell them to ‘Cook Food’, they will only cook food and not gather seeds or plant crops.

Multiple villagers can be assigned to the same job and task.

All Available Villager Jobs

A screenshot from Lego Fortnite showing the village center menu with the Forager Job unlockable highlighted. It allows the player to ask villagers to collect wood and other local resources

There are currently four different jobs you can assign to villagers, but there are also buffs that increase the quality of their work as you upgrade. Each one of these upgrades allows the villagers to produce more materials of higher tiers. You’ll need new machines for every job that’s not Exploration.

The jobs have further specifications in how they work, and you’ll benefit from having your villagers spread across the different occupations, minimizing the work you have to do in every session. However, you need to meet their requirements.

Let’s Explore!

A screenshot from Lego Fortnite showing the Ghost Rider figure talking to Sunflower, with the

The ‘Let’s Explore!’ village upgrade unlocks when you build the first Village Square alongside the first recruit slot. When you have a villager living there, you can ask them to travel with you in the world and give them a tool like a pickaxe, a wood axe, a sword, or something similar.

How To Give Your Explorer Villager Items

A screenshot from Lego Fortnite showing a figure of Ghost Rider talking to Sparkplug, with the option to give them a tool highlighted.

If your villager is wielding the same type of harvesting tool as you are, they will try to help you harvest resources. They will only help if they have the appropriate tool. So, for example, if they don’t have a Pickaxe, they can’t help you mine. If they don’t have the upgraded Pickaxe, they can’t help you mine those rarer resources.

If you want your Explorer to protect you while you gather resources, ensure they have a Sword equipped rather than an Axe or Pickaxe as they will deal more damage.

Explorers are great for cave diving as they will light the way with a Torch (providing they have one) while you can focus on other things.

Resource Jobs

A screenshot from Lego Fortnite with the Ghost Rider figure talking to Beef Boss while the 'Resource Jobs' option is selected.

The ‘Foragers for Hire’ skill is unlocked when you level your Village Square for the first time and allows you to ask your villagers to search nearby for resources, to refine wood, or to refine stone. However, unlike the exploration job, there are prerequisites before the NPCs can work. It’s selectable under the ‘Resource Jobs’ section when unlocked.




Collect Nearby Resources

Crafting Bench

Local Biome Resources

Refine Wood

Lumber Mill

Rods, Planks

Refine Stone

Stone Breaker


This is the basic job and can be a great service when you first start in your village and even later when you’re constantly running out of wood. If there are no rocks or trees close enough to your village, it affects what the villagers can bring back until the reach and quality of items produced increases.

When a villager has collected some resources, you can collect them by speaking to them and asking “How’s your job?” after roughly a day has passed.

Then they’ll either give you some resources or explain why they don’t have any yet.

Food Jobs

A screenshot from Lego Fortnite that shows the Ghost Rider figure talking to sunflower, with the ability to select grow food, cook food, or extract plant seeds as jobs in the village.

Like most survival games, players can only continue in Lego Fortnite if they can feed themselves. Thankfully, you can offload this responsibility onto your villagers, who can tend crops, cook food, or extract seeds. If you’re having trouble staying fed, focusing on this field could help you succeed.




Grow Food

Soil Plot


Cook Food

Grill, Oven

Cooked Food

Extract Seeds

Grain Mill

Seeds for Crops

Since you can assign multiple people to these jobs, it might be worth having multiple people work your crops, depending on how big your farm is. Having someone extracting seeds will create plenty of seeds to plant, which can let you grow your operation to a good size.

Refining Jobs

A screenshot from Lego Fortnite showing the Ghost Rider figure talking to Sparkplug, with the UI showing selectable jobs for Smelt Metal, Collect Gems, and Create Textiles

The ‘Refined Production’ skill is the last main job you’ll get, and it involves the more complex and industrial processes like melting metal, creating textiles, and searching for gems in the local area. Since this is more advanced, you’ll need some better machines to get your villagers to complete these jobs.




Smelt Metal

Metal Smelter

Metal Bars

Collect Gems

Gem Cutter

Cut Stones

Create Textiles



These are higher-tier positions, and you won’t be able to use them at first. As you explore and find new biomes, you can craft better machines. These higher-tier materials will become invaluable to your ability to survive and thrive.


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