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How To Make All Collectibles Appear Using The Mayor Setter Charm In Alan Wake 2

Like previous games in the series, Alan Wake 2 is a bit of a collect-a-thon. There are Alex Casey Lunchboxes, Cult Stashes, and more to find in this mind-bending thriller. However, unlike in previous games, AW2 gives you a leg up in finding (most of) these collectibles.




8 Hidden Areas Everyone Completely Missed In Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2 has a lot of side exploration involved in addition to its packed narrative content, so which of these have you missed?

The result of completing a collection itself, Mayor Setter Charm gives you the edge in finding almost all collectibles appear on the map for Saga. However, it’s not it’s not exactly straightforward to use.

How To Get The Mayor Setter Charm

Outside Suomi Hall at dusk. A banner shows that you can meet Mayor Setter here

Around Bright Falls and Watery, there are six campaign stands for Mayor Setter, three in each place (none in Cauldron Lake). Each one has a different campaign slogan and to get the charm, you’ll have to interact with each board bearing the slogan.

You can collect almost all of the campaign stands as early as the back half of Return 3: Local Girl. The only exception is the last one in Bright Falls, which you won’t be able to get until Return 5: Old Gods.

You can tell that you’ve done this right if Saga reads the slogan out loud. You can also confirm this by checking Saga’s Mind Place. Behind the bar (where the radio is), there’s a board that shows each slogan on a yellow sticky note as you acquire them. We’ve compiled where to find each one and what to do afterwards here:

Bright Falls: Mayor Setter Won’t Roll Over On The Issues

A Mayor Setter campaign poster, found between the Elderwood Lodge and the Sheriff's Office

From your parking spot at the Elderwood Lodge, turn right and make a quick left down the street (Coal St.). Hug the wall of the lodge and go down the road.

Bright Falls: Setter Is Better

A Mayor Setter Campaign Poster, found across the street from the Oh Deer Diner

Across the street and to the left from the Oh Deer diner, down the road from where you parked (Harbor St. and Biltmore Ave.).

Watery: Mayor Setter Will Stand Up For Justice

A Mayor Setter Campaign Poster, found outside of Suomi Hall

Across the street from where you park your car, right outside of Suomi Hall (where Ahti sings).

Watery: When You Ask, Mayor Setter Will Speak

A Mayor Setter Campaign Poster, found in Coffee World

In Coffee World, south of the Gift Shop and near Huotari Well.

Watery: Mayor Setter Is Not Afraid Of The Rough Questions

A Mayor Setter Campaign Poster found right outside of the Lighthouse Trailer Park

Outside of the entrance to the Lighthouse Trailer Park, right next to the save point.

Bright Falls: Vote Mayor Setter To Sit In Office

A Mayor Setter Campaign Poster, found outside the Wellness Center at the Valhalla Nursing Home

At the parking lot of the Valhalla Nursing home, at the entrance of the Wellness Center. Likely the last one you’ll find, you won’t be able to leave the nursing home area until you complete your task there, so you won’t be able to grab the Mayor Setter Charm just yet.

Meeting the Mayor

Where to meet Mayor Setter after collecting all the Campaign Posters (left), a completed board of Campaign Slogans in Saga's Mind Place (right)

Once you encounter the last campaign board, you’ll notice that all the campaign boards will now have a piece of paper on them saying “Meet Mayor Setter At Suomi Hall In Watery!”. Do that.

We won’t give away the surprise here, but give the good Mayor a fair shake and he’ll have your vote. Interact with him to get the “Good Things In Life” achievement and the Mayor Setter Charm.

How To Use The Mayor Setter Charm

A side-by-side comparison of of a section of Watery's map, as viewed with the Mayor Setter Charm equipped. Left: When you check your map near Suomi Hall, where most of the collectibles are cleared. Right: Checking the map whole being north-west of Suomi Hall, the charm reveals objects north of the town.

Now that you have the charm in hand, you’ll be ready to sweep all three areas of collectibles and resources. Just make sure to equip it first.

To use this charm, you’ll have to check your map. With this charm equipped, nearby collectibles are marked on your map and will stay marked.

This includes Cult Stashes, Manuscript Pages, Lunchboxes, Weapons, and Nursery Rhymes.

It also marks nearby unopened containers (coolers, toolboxes, etc.) and more common resources like ammo, flares, or batteries. The charm also marks any locked doors that you can open with the screwdriver or bolt cutters.

The area covered by this charm is quite generous, but it does not cover the whole map. The best way to use it is to go to a part of the map where you suspect there might be some collectibles, look at your map, and spot all the important stuff. Afterwards, go to a part of the map where no collectibles were revealed and do it again. Repeat until you’ve cleared the map, and move on to a different map after.

Mayor Setter Charm Limitations

Saga gently petting the head of deer mounted on a wall as a hunter's trophy.

Unfortunately, the Mayor Setter Charm doesn’t mark everything. First and foremost, only Saga benefits from it since she’s the only one who can get and acquire charms. Alan will have to find his own methods of finding collectibles.

Also, it won’t mark those elusive deer heads, which don’t give you an achievement but finding them all will give you a lot of combat and medical resources.


Alan Wake 2: Watery Lunch Box Location Guide

Watery is filled with secrets in Alan Wake 2, including the mysterious, colorful lunch boxes.

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