Warning! Contains potential SPOILERS The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2.
- The fall of Númenor is an important event in the history of Middle-earth.
- Pharazon's actions cause Númenor to fall at the hands of Sauron.
- The Númenorean legacy survives, influencing future kingdoms such as Gondor.
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power will inevitably lead to the downfall of Númenor. Amazon's latest fantasy TV series takes place thousands of years before JRR Tolkien The Lord of the Ringsduring what he called “Second Age“Middle Earth. Middle Earth Rings of Power very different, and one of the most notable differences is the island of Númenor depicted. This location played a big role in seasons 1 and 2, but will really take center stage in season 3.
Viewers only familiar with Peter Jackson's film trilogy may recognize the name Númenor, but the place itself will be a surprise. One of the greatest civilizations in the history of Middle-earth was settled by the Edain, the first people of Middle-earth, who sided with the Valar in their battle against Morgoth, the first Dark Lord. The Valar raised the island from the depths as a reward for the loyalty of the Edai, and the Númenoreans were initially ruled by Elros, Elrond's brother. But there are already hints of the fate of Númenor.
Númenor's Conflict Between Pharazon and the Faithful Explained
There was a schism in Númenor
Rings of Power shows a divided Númenor, but this division began long before the events of the show. In Rings of PowerMiriel ruled Númenor and a group called the Faithful represent the dying embers of the Númenorians. On the other hand, the Pharazôn represent the opposite group of the Númenóreans. The faithful adhere to ancient and traditional Númenorean values Friendship with the elves and loyalty to Tolkien's demigods, the 15 Valar, who live with many elves in the western continent of Númenor. Pharazon doesn't even trust the Valar.
Númenor was actually a gift from the Valar, and the Valar did nothing to earn the Númenorean hatred. But that was a long time ago, and the Valar meddled so little in human affairs that in the show, belief in these mythical beings is dead on the island kingdom. Resistance to the Valar and Elves began out of envy of their immortalitycreates resentment and mistrust. Elendil and his family are not only members of the Faithful, but are also descended from Elros, making them King of Numenor despite being far from the throne.
Pharazon leads his army into Middle-earth and fights against Sauron
Sauron feared Númenor
Pharazon will soon undergo a conflicting storyline Rings of PowerIf lore is anything to go by. Sauron commented Rings of power It was no lie that he feared Númenor and his manipulative ways. In JRR Tolkien The Silmarillion, Sauron and Númenor reached the height of their power at about the same time and began to hear about each other's successes. This was emphasized in the case of Sauron Rings of Powerit accidentally ended up there after being picked up at sea and was affected.
Hearing of Sauron's plans to invade, Pharazon thought of making the first move. The Silmarillion and sailed to Middle-earth and commanded Sauron to come and swear allegiance to him. Sauron could not withstand Pharazon's army and he wished to rule Númenora by reason, not by force. So Sauron willingly went with Pharazon. For three years he became the king's closest adviser. It was a testament to the incredible intelligence and wisdom Sauron had acquired over tens of thousands of years.
When the fall of Númenor happened
Númenor falls at the end of the Second Age, when Sauron is defeated
The fall of Númenor is one of the most important events in the history of Middle-earth. A cataclysm marking the end of the second century. It is difficult to relate this to current events The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Powersimply because the timeline is clearly set. Showrunner Patrick McKay recently explained that the Tolkien estate is concerned.not dates, but the principle of narrative flow and sequence of events.“(via New York Times)
Rings of Power's timeline is compressed, meaning everything happens faster than JRR Tolkien intended. However, according to McKay, the flow of events will be the same: “The rings are made here, after which there is a war between Sauron and the elves, then Sauron is taken to Númenor, Númenor falls, Gondor is built.… Does it matter if a hundred or 500 years have passed between those events? no.“
The Lord of the Rings It is supposed to take place 3000 years after the fall of Númenorand it lasts until the end of the Third Age of Middle-earth. Still, it's hard to say that the timeline coincides with JRR Tolkien's intentions. Events can move quickly on Amazon The Lord of the Rings timeline, meaning there may be less dramatic gaps between The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power and The War of the Rings appearing in Peter Jackson's films.
How and Why Pharazôn Caused the Fall of Númenor
Pharazon is Tricked by Sauron into Sailing Against Valinor
Ar-Pharazôn, the elder statesman of Númenor, intends to bring about the downfall of Númenor. In Tolkien lore, he burned with a hunger for wealth and fame and became a skilled and capable war leader. Ar-Pharazôn maneuvered into the position of ruler of Númenorand during his reign Númenor became increasingly hostile to the elves and the Faithful who remained loyal to them. He challenged Sauron and his armies for lordship of Middle-earth, but Sauron tricked him into returning him to Númenor, playing on his ego by pretending to be seduced by Ar-Pharazon's power.
According to Tolkien, Ar-Pharazone became obsessed with the idea of immortality. Sauron convinced him that this could be achieved by worshiping Morgoth, who led to the construction of a temple dedicated to the first Dark Lord and the destruction of the White Tree of Númenor. None of Ar-Pharazo's sacrifices earned him immortality, of course, and eventually Sauron tricked him and led the fleet west to invade the eternal lands of Valinor.. Such an act was strictly forbidden by the Valar, who responded by destroying the fleet of Ar-Pharazôn and drowning the entire island of Númenor.
It's not clear how close The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power It will match the events described in Tolkien's notes. It is important to note that McKay's comments seem to suggest that the bulk of the Tolkien estate reserved for Sauron is likely to be defeated and taken to Númenor, with Númenor eventually falling. While Tolkien's outline leaves a lot of room for creativity when it comes to details, it's likely that the main story will follow closely.
How The Rings Of Power Fit Into Fall Of Númenor (And What Will Happen In Season 3)
Rings Of Power Season 2 Set the fall of Númenor
Rings of Power The end of season 1 set Númenor up for its final downfall through political power struggles and foreshadowing of season 2's ongoing watery doom. The old king Tar-Palantir spent most of season 1 bedridden, and after his death, Pharazon increasingly destabilized to capture his daughter Miriel. Miriel and Elendil are the heroes of the film Rings of Power The Númenor storyline, however, was weakened by Miriel's blindness. In season 2, Pharazôn plotted with Eärien and other allies to expose Miriel's use of the palantir.
The Palantíri is a creation of the Elves, and it turned many Númenorians against Miriel. Pharazon moved to seize control of the realm, forcing the loyalists to abandon their military outposts and weapons. At the end of season 2, Pharazôn took over the scepter completely and tried Elendi for treason for refusing to swear allegiance to him as king. Pharazon's speech about life and death in season 1 showed his interest in immortality, foreshadowing his doom. Hypocritically, Pharazon looked into the palantir in season 2 and saw Sauron to prove that The Silmarillion The Sauron storyline is about to happen in season 3.
What Happens to the Numenoreans After the Fall
The Legacy and Influence of Númenor lives to defeat Sauron
The great island of Númenor is doomed, but its legacy will live on. The survivors of Númenor will be scattered across Middle-earth, their blood mixed with that of the rest of the people there. They would establish important kingdoms of the Third Age, such as Gondor, explaining why Minas Tirith of Gondor was similar to Númenor. Indeed, it has already been effectively predicted The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1, with a discussion of the Númenorean horsemen bonding with their horses in a manner reminiscent of the famous horsemen of Gondor.
Númenor may be unhappy, but this realm will receive a legacy that will outlive Sauron himself – for it is hard to imagine a scenario where Sauron is finally defeated without Aragorn. The light of Númenor will continue to shine in Middle-earth, even if the island itself is swallowed up by the seas. It's one of the most poignant and poetic ideas in JRR Tolkien's writings, and it's thrilling to see it realized here. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.
Sources: New York Times