4 i wish i never found out what happens inside a poke ball
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I Wish I Never Found Out What Happens Inside A Poke Ball

Of all the mysteries within the Pokemon universe, the one that has always fascinated me the most is the Poke Ball. These devices that are no bigger than grapefruit are somehow capable of holding Pokemon of any size for an indefinite amount of time. What’s it like inside of a Poke Ball? Are Pokemon transformed into energy when they go in their ball, or do they shrink down to fit inside? Are they sleeping in some kind of stasis while they wait to be called up for battle, or are they chilling in a tiny Poke Apartment? After more than 20 years, the newest Pokemon anime finally gives us the answer, but its dark implications make me wish it hadn’t.



In an episode of Pokemon Horizons that aired earlier this year, new hero Roy is watching a video from his favorite Poke Streamer Nidothing (Pokemon has gotten surprisingly modern in the new series) all about different kinds of Poke Balls. When Nidothing describes the Luxury Ball, we see a peek inside the device – or at the very least Nidothing’s idea of what goes on inside a Poke Ball.

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The Luxury Ball, which debuted in Gen 3, is a premium Poke Ball that makes any Pokemon caught inside build friendship with their trainer more quickly. The implication is that the Pokemon is more comfortable in the upscale Luxury Ball than the more pedestrian types of Poke Balls, which has now been confirmed by the anime. In the episode, we’re shown a glimpse inside a Luxury Ball, where a Quaxly lounges on a red chair beneath a disco ball, with a tall drink and a mini bar behind it. Here’s a screenshot of the moment posted by Serebii’s Joe Merrick.

While this somewhat confirms what’s long been speculated about Luxury Balls, I find this revelation devastating. While this Quaxly looks quite comfortable, I don’t like imagining that my Pokemon have conscious experiences inside their Poke Balls. Are they bored? Are they lonely? Do they feel neglected? Should I stop catching them if I’m just going to bank them in the PC and never actually let them out of their ball? I was told to catch ‘em all, I didn’t know that would turn me into The Collector, caging sapient beings and leaving them to rot for my own enjoyment. I’m now disgusted with myself for the way I’ve treated my Pokemon.

You can’t move Pokemon between balls after their caught either, so if you don’t catch them in a Luxury Ball they’re just doomed to squalor, I guess.

I’m even more disgusted when I think about their living situation. After all, it’s not like I’m shelling out for Luxury Balls for every ‘mon I capture. If Luxury Balls are a nightclub, what are regular old Poke Balls? Are they just like single-room occupancies in a bad neighborhood? Do they have good Wifi? What kind of monster refuses to pay the very reasonable premium for Luxury Balls anyway? Me, apparently.


I’m distressed to find out that even the Luxury Ball living situation seems unpleasant. Maybe a disco night club is Quaxly’s vibe, but that has to get old eventually, right? The Ancient Poke Balls Liko and Roy are after have been missing for decades, their Pokemon stuck inside and unable to get out. Even if the Luxury Ball was a palace, no one would want to be stuck in there, alone, for more than 50 years. No wonder Black Rayquaza booked it the second it got free.

Maybe I was naive to think that all my Pokemon were slumbering away like hibernating bears waiting for spring. All these years I comforted myself by thinking they just turned off like a light switch until I needed them, with no concept of space or time. It’s horrifying to think about all the Pokemon out there trapped in their little disco nightclubs with nothing but a mini bar to keep them occupied like some kind of twisted Black Mirror scenario. I’m so sorry, I just didn’t know.

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