Supernatural Season 16 won't feel complete if a long-standing injustice from Dean Winchester's past isn't righted. Discussions about Sam and Dean's potential return to screens have been ongoing since the beginning Supernatural's end is actually broadcast. Gradually, however, this prospect is becoming more and more common. Prequel spinoff The Winchesters was canceled after the first season, clearing a path for the main show to return and leaving both Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki open to a movie. Supernatural they have been asked to meet on many occasions. Supernatural A 16th season remains officially unconfirmed, but it feels like a very strong inevitability.
If Supernatural If season 16 is ever happening, there are a lot of unresolved storylines. The Winchesters Having never properly concluded the Acrida arc, Dean and Castiel have never been able to discuss the romantic (or otherwise) nature of their breakup, and season 15 means God's frighteningly simple defeat. Supernatural’s uber-villain could easily make a comeback. One of the first items Supernatural The agenda for season 16 should be to revisit season 6 and right a particularly sad injustice from Dean Winchester's adult life.
Supernatural Season 16 Should Bring Lisa and Ben Back (And Get Their Memories Back)
I completely forgot about Supernatural Lisa and Ben
Dean Winchester was famous for his bed-hopping antics and died before settling down for good. However, Jensen Ackles' character came close to family happiness with Lisa Braeden and his son Ben, whom Dean treated as his own child. Supernatural Season 6 ended the Braedens' story in tragic circumstances Dean is the only way to protect Lisa and Ben from their thoughts.
Lisa and Ben
the ending was simply too tragic to be the last chapter of their story, and too important a part of Dean's life to be thrown out completely.
It always felt that way Supernatural He would return to the Braedens, restore his memories – easily accomplished Supernatural's world – and vice versa, the most heartbreaking moment in Dean's story. On the contrary, Supernatural reminded the characters again and when Dean died Supernatural In the finale of season 15, Lisa and Ben still did not remember the hunter who loved them so much – their family members were missing.
Dean's reasoning for removing himself from Lisa and Ben's mind never made sense. Religion still held a lot of importance to them, so any anti-Winchester enemies could still have influence over the brothers by kidnapping the Braedens. Indeed, Removing Lisa and Ben's knowledge of all things paranormal actually puts them at greater riskbecause it would lower their defenses against otherworldly dangers.
Logical loopholes aside, Lisa and Ben Supernatural the ending was simply too tragic to be the last chapter of their story, and too important a part of Dean's life to be thrown out completely. Supernatural Season 15 might have had more pressing issues to deal with, but if season 16 ever happens, there will be no excuse not to end Dean and Lisa's prisoner romance in a more satisfying way.
Supernatural Season 16 Dean's Finale Must Watch
If Another Supernatural Goes On It Should Be Dean Time
Only one Winchester brother got a happy ending Supernaturaland he wasn't the one who saw the vampire fall to the pole on the metal spike with his hand. Although Dean at least reunited with Bobby Singer after his heartbreaking death, through a series of flashforwards it was Sam who lived his best life and started a family. If Supernatural if he ever makes another move, it would make sense to flip the script and focus on shaping a more fulfilling final destiny for Dean.
Dean has often claimed that hunters and happy endings don't mix, but Sam's later life proves that claim wrong.
Lisa was, by some distance, the closest Dean had ever been to “one true love.” SupernaturalBen was her surrogate son long before Jack arrived. Having Dean Winchester is unthinkable Supernatural The story could have felt truly complete without the Braedens involved Supernatural While waiting for Sam to die, in season 16, Dean decides to give Sam a proper helping hand instead of an Impala ride in Heaven. Lisa and Ben are inevitably necessary additions.
How Lisa and Ben's Story Has a Happy Ending When Dean Is Already Dead
Death is a Little Costlier than a Supernatural Failure
Dean's death puts a damper on any hopes that he might rekindle his romance with Lisa, but all is not lost. Even if Dean remains dead, the angel could easily restore Lisa and Ben's memoriesand that simple act alone would have brought a greater sense of closure to their story. Even if Dean remains dead, Lisa and Ben can relive their past memories and deal with their most brutal side. Supernatural ends in its current form.
Where both Winchester brothers save people, hunt things, and change diapers will be significantly improved in the current finale.
As it turns out The WinchestersDean Winchester plays fast and loose with the rules of death, so a final farewell conversation with the Braedens is impossible. Dean could even promise to watch over them from afar, which would wrap up the trio's relationship more comprehensively than season 15 managed. Since this SupernaturalHowever, an old revival can never be ruled out either. Death is often temporary SupernaturalThe main characters are troubled, and although Dean initially wants to disappear, the prospect of a life with Lisa and Ben would be enough to change his mind.
There is nothing in it Supernatural's final scene—the one with Sam and Dean both in Heaven—to confirm that Dean had been dead all along. Ackles' character could return to the fully-living realm in season 16, then enjoy the same balance of wolf-hunting and family life that his brother found after the last episode. A Supernatural Ending with both Winchester brothers saving people, hunting things, and changing diapers would vastly improve on the current finale and right a wrong that's been going on for 13 long years.