I'm asking Marvel to use the New Sorcerer Supreme to answer the 15-year mystery of ULTIMATUM


  • Marvel's new Ultimate Universe teases a potential new Sorcerer Supreme that could revisit Doctor Strange
  • introduction of the 'strange doctor'
    The Last Black Panther
    # 10 clues to the connection with the original Doctor Strange of Earth-1610.
  • The new Ultimate Universe reflects elements of the original and offers the perfect opportunity to solve the 15-year mystery surrounding Doctor Strange's fate.

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Ultimate Black Panther #10! This is no secret Ultimatum is one of the most infamous Marvel Comics stories ever printed, mainly because it features a large number of beloved Marvel heroes being ceremoniously and extremely brutally killed off – including Doctor Strange. But now, with the launch of the new Ultimate Universe, Marvel is about to introduce an all-new Sorcerer Supreme, which means there's a chance for a Doctor Strange movie reboot. Ultimatum answers the 15-year mystery surrounding his death and eventual resurrection.

In Ultimatum #4 by Jeph Loeb and David Finch, the world was in complete chaos after Magneto turned the Earth on its axis, submerged New York City, and unleashed an inferno like no villain had ever seen on Earth. As a result, Dormammu was able to escape his enchanted confinement within the Sanctum Sanctorum, and was horribly killed by the Sorcerer Supreme, the demon god, as Doctor Strange tried to stop him.

The comic gives fans two of the most exciting panels in this entire storyline as the Fantastic Four get the chance to battle Dormammu after Doctor Strange is killed. A shadowy stranger holding a lamp approaches the headless corpse of Doctor Strange, sighing and muttering to himself,…Stephen…” as if he was disappointed that the Supreme Sorcerer could win so easily. The stranger then kneels beside Strange's corpse and fills the entire panel with ethereal light. And lo and behold, Marvel Comics never revisits this plot point.

Ultimate Black Panther teases a new Doctor Strange who could answer the mystery of Ultimatum

The Last Black Panther #10 by Bryan Hill and Stefano Caselli

Cover of Ultimate Black Panther #10 featuring Black Panther, Killmonger and Storm.

While Doctor Strange may have been killed by Dormammu on Earth-1610, Marvel's new Ultimate Universe of Earth-6160 preview teased the new Sorcerer Supreme with a soft introduction of the character referred to only as “doctor strange.” The Last Black Panther #10. Given the fact that there is currently no Sorcerer Supreme in the Ultimate Universe, Ultimate Black Panther dabbles in magic, and the fact that this “strange doctor” has become Doctor Strange, many have speculated that this could be the new character. Ultimate Wizard Supreme.

With the mystery surrounding this character (and indeed, the future of the Sorcerer Supreme in the Ultimate Universe), Marvel has the perfect opportunity to answer the questions that remain unanswered. Ultimatum. Perhaps this strange, ethereal figure resurrected the Earth-1610 Strange as another person in another reality, living the opposite of his former life until called into action. Or, perhaps, this “doctor strange” is that ethereal figure who can answer questions about the fate of the original Ultimate Doctor Strange while plotting a new path to the future.

There are many different ways that Marvel Comics could go about connecting the 'doctor strange' to the original Doctor Strange, but no matter how it happens, this mystery needs to be solved.

The new Ultimate Universe contains echoes of the original and should include Doctor Strange

Ultimate Marvel's The Maker is on the run from the Avengers.

The new Ultimate Universe contains echoes of the original from the beginning, which actually speaks to the nature of its existence. The Creator (Earth-1610's Reed Richards) reshaped this new Ultimate Universe to his liking, making this reality a literal byproduct of the original Ultimate Universe. There is also the fact that the 'Avengers' in this reality are re-named 'Ultimates'. Plus, there's even a callback to one of the most controversial lines of dialogue from the original Ultimate Captain America. Overall, the original Ultimate Universe can be felt in this, and now it includes Doctor Strange.

It's unclear how this new “doctor strange” will pay off the mystery surrounding Doctor Strange's fate in Ultimatum , but one thing is clear: Marvel has to find a way. Ultimate Doctor Strange never got a chance to complete a story arc that was clearly set up for him, and since the new Ultimate Universe has cleverly mirrored the original since the beginning, now is the perfect time for Marvel's new Sorcerer Supreme. Ultimatumis 15 years old Doctor Strange mystery.

Ultimate Black Panther #10 Available November 27, 2024 by Marvel Comics.

Marvel Ultimate Comics

Ultimate Marvel

Established in 2000, the Ultimate Marvel imprint redesigned the entire Marvel Comics universe with a new set of origin stories and relationships. The reboot reinterpreted Marvel continuity from the ground up in an attempt to simplify and update the company's 60-year history for a modern audience. The Ultimate universe (referred to as Earth-1610 within the Marvel multiverse), run by popular comic book writers such as Brian Michael Bendis, Warren Ellis and Mark Millar, lasted for 15 years and provided a lot of inspiration for the MCU.


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