Intervention Season 1: Where Are They Now?

Trigger Warning: This article contains discussions of drug and alcohol addiction and self-harm.

Intervention Season 1 aired almost 20 years ago and it's time to see where the cast is today. A&E Intervention is a very touching show about drug addiction – with so many movies about drugs it's easy to forget the reality of it. The show has seen some strong addictions to seemingly innocuous things like shopping and gaming to deadly addictions like fentanyl, alcohol, heroin or meth.

When the cast embraces the show's attitude, viewers never know if they'll be stuck with their sobriety. The show gives a brief update at the end, but season 1 aired in 2005, so many fans of the show may be wondering how they are now. Intervention Season 1 featured 13 people's addiction journeys.


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Alyson Markoff

Season 1 Episode 1

Alyson was the first person to be featured on the show. He was actively addicted to crack, morphine and marijuana. Most importantly, he stole money from his sick father to buy more drugs. It was a heartbreaking episode and she really needed help.

Sadly, Alison's father passed away in 2007. A user Intervention directory They said they found a blog where Alyson wrote about her Bipolar diagnosis and what it means, but no link was found. Alyson was very active and shared many fantastic thriller novels They read well as recently as 2019 and was active Facebook Account where he was for a while seems to work well and disseminate information about schizoaffective conditions.

on reddit, Lovemymutts3 A thread started about an update on Alyson and it turns out she is active on TikTok. writes about the content. One such video, dated May 4, 2024, was a selfie-style video of Alyson talking about the devil. In a Reddit thread, fans talked about what her TikTok videos mean. One person wrote that he had problems “Mental health and possibly drug-induced psychosis.”

Vanessa Marquez Season 1 Episode 2

Vanessa Marquez from Intervention with side-by-side pictures of one crying and one looking content

Vanessa was a fairly successful actress starring in a medical drama ER. He had a shopping addiction that put him in debt, and he also dealt with agoraphobia. He had no family in his intervention, which was odd for the show. Although his YouTube the channel showed better performance in 2018, struggling with retention and other problems. according to Daily Mail called for a health check during one episode and was shot and killed by the police when he came out brandishing his replica gun.

Police released body camera footage showing Vanessa begging police to kill her. A wrongful death lawsuit was filed by his mother against the city of Pasadena, alleging false imprisonment, trespassing, battery and negligence, among other things. His mother was awarded $450,000.

Tamela Turtle Season 1 Episode 3

Side-by-side close-ups of Tamela Turtle from Interference and playing guitar

In one of the most graphic episodes in its history InterventionTamela suffered from an addiction to extreme self-harm. He wanted his family “pray” in the episode, when Tamela admits to her addiction and finally admitting that her willful ignorance of his addiction was a mistake. Tamela completed six months in the treatment facility.

Most information about Tamela since the episode is speculative and based on fans claiming to know about her. according to intervention directory,he is now happily married and has a son born in 2012 and a daughter born in 2014. He has not been active on social media for nearly a decade.

Brian Bellamore Season 1 Episode 4

Brian Bellamore looks sad in a close-up on Intervention

Brian was an admitted sex and meth addict. He roamed the streets of the Vermont town every night looking for new sex partners. He struggled with his sexuality and his family's disapproval, which led to his addiction.

A man named Matthew referred Intervention directory She said she met and briefly dated Brian, was arrested for drug dealing after the show, and was in rehab several times. Finally, Brian managed to regain consciousness but sadly passed away after complications from surgery for a skin infection. He was reportedly sober when he died.

Sara Hejny-Waldon season 1, episode 5

Another meth user featured on the show was Sara. She became addicted to crystal meth after a messy divorce. During the episode, his addiction tore his family apart and he was dealing with losing custody of his daughter.

thankfully Sarah accepted the treatment and turned her life around. He received treatment for four months and then returned to his family. He was awarded partial custody of his daughter and hired as a correctional officer. He was featured on A&E's “Legacy Update” special celebrating ten years of sobriety. She revealed that she is in a relationship with her long-term partner, Greg, and her new son and daughter.

He even became a method instructor for the Ramsey Sheriff's Department and was featured in an article. press. About her position as an educator about meth, Sara said she hopes her story can help people struggling with meth addiction.

“I know how powerful this drug is,” Waldron said. “It hurts me to see so many people addicted to it and to know that I am.”

Travis Meeks Season 1 Episode 6

Travis, like Sara, struggled with crystal meth addiction. At one point he was in a fairly successful band New Daysand they even toured with legendary rock band Metallica, but drug addiction claimed his life. Unfortunately, Travis was not as successful as Sara in his treatment of the lead. He has been in rehab many times and has been arrested several times Kentucky Reservations. He looked very frail, probably because he was sick again with crystal meth.

According to the Reddit thread Voodoomaster 86 who wants updates on Travisit works better. She has an active Facebook page where she posts healthy-looking selfies and releases music.

He celebrated his 45th birthday 6 months ago. He is reportedly still sober and dealing with his legal issues.

Peter Ogden Season 1 Episode 7

Side-by-side footage of Peter Ogden (and his son) from the show and another footage from the show

Like Vanessa, Peter's addiction was more about the activity than the controlled substance. He suffered from video game addiction and even played one once Dance Dance Revolution exactly over 24 hours. She referred to characters in her games as her friends and faced complicated relationships with her mother and boyfriend. There were claims that Peter's girlfriend, Rachel, had several restraining orders against Peter for stalking her until she finally broke up with him, and she filed for one.

Peter spent 40 days in a treatment facility before returning home to his family. However, according to WikipediaUpdate on Peter, still playing video games. Peter has two children and seems to be doing well.

Tina Sopher Season 1 Episode 8

Tina Sopher of Intervention and a photo of the hospital room

Tina was dealing with several addictions in her episode. In addition to gambling on things like horse races and casinos, he also abused Vicodin. It should be noted that he brought his 3-year-old son to the horse arena and tied the knot with a rope.

Tina wasn't the only one causing marital problems, though. In a surprising turn of events, Tina commented on her list Intervention directory 2014 to update fans. She shared that her now ex-husband Harley cheated on her multiple times. His son, Pooh Bear, graduated from high school.

“How I wished no one would ever see all the facts, the ups and downs, and the interference with the truth over the years.”

He was hospitalized in 2021 With what appeared to be COVID, but has since recovered.

Christine Alvarez Season 1 Episode 9

Christine Alvarez Close-up Interview on Intervention

Christine was the first alcoholic the show featured. He was addicted to drinking beer from the moment he woke up until he fell asleep. He even drank while at work. Although deeply in denial about his problem, he repeatedly cried out for help and admitted that he had tried treatment in the past, which “it doesn't work.

Like Tina, Kristin found her page Intervention directory and commented updates for those interested. He said he relapsed after the show and was addicted for another six years before finally starting recovery. Besides his son, he now has a daughter, and she and her husband are still together. About her sobriety, Christine opened up in Directory comments.

“Now that I've been sober for almost 4 years, I continue to believe that the key to quitting is that you're not alone, you're not the only one with this problem.”

Christine complained about the show and said that as of 2015 her episode was not in syndication and that she wanted her story to be available.

Kelly Franklin Season 1 Episode 10

Intervention's Kelly Franklin and her brother at their wedding

Kelly's episode was very polarizing for her fans. Kelly, a heavy drinker with an IQ of 160 who chose to live on the streets, was thought by some to be a smart man who took his own life for not following the rules. Others felt that his family had never tried hard and set him up for failure with a later-discovered learning disability. He forgot that he didn't want to quit drinking or change his homeless statustherefore, recovery at the end of his intervention seemed unlikely.

The jury seems to be out on how Kelly behaves. He was best man at his brother's wedding and looked much healthier Facebook Photos from the 2015 event. On some fans Intervention directory They said they saw him on the streets in SoCal, and another said he got a degree last year and has been sober for ten years after losing half his liver to alcoholism. Hopefully, the former Intervention the star is on the mend.

Intervention Available to stream on Hulu.

Source: Intervention Directory, Goodreads, Alyson Markoff/Facebook, Lovemymutts3/Reddit, Vanessa Marquez/YouTube, Voodoomaster 86/Reddit, Daily Mail, Press, Wikipedia, Kentucky Bookings, Kristy Coogan/Facebook


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