Adam Boyes, the longtime co-CEO of Iron Galaxy, has announced his resignation from the Rumbleverse study. According to the developer websitewill remain with the company through the end of the year, after which Chelsea Blasko will take over as sole CEO.
Boyes joined Iron Galaxy in 2016 after previous roles at Starbreeze, Play stationand Capcom. He noted that he stayed “twice as long” here as he had on his previous jobs, which speaks volumes about “IronGalaxy's special culture and the outstanding people who work here”[culturaspecialediIronGalaxyesullepersoneeccezionalichelavoranoqui”[IronGalaxy’sspecialcultureandtheoutstandingpeoplewhoworkhere”
“I want to express my sincere thanks to the people who welcomed me to lead this company with them,” he continued. “Dave Lang, thank you for trusting me to push the boundaries of what Iron Galaxy could accomplish. Chelsea, thank you for teaching me so much about building a strong culture.”
As for next steps, Boyes was coy, though he acknowledged that the industry has been “suffering” in recent years. His new goal is to “find ways to help people who make games solve their biggest problems.”
In 2017, following his appointment as co-head of Iron Galaxy, Boyes spoke about the risks and rewards to find funding for gaming projects. Funding is one of the biggest issues in the industry and could dictate his next moves within the industry.
“Iron Galaxy is the best place I’ve ever worked,” he concluded. “Our industry needs help more than ever. You haven’t heard the last of me, and neither has IG.”