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Kingdom Hearts: Mickey Mouse Scene, Explained

Kingdom Hearts. It’s a series that speaks for itself, a bizarre amalgamation the likes of which is unlikely to be birthed today. Donald Duck casting the most powerful spell in the Final Fantasy universe and sacrificing his life probably wasn’t something Walt Disney had in mind. Yet here we are.




15 Best Mickey Mouse Games, Ranked

The Disney mascot has appeared in many games over the years, but which are the best?

Yet of the Disney Trifecta of Donald, Goofy, and Mickey, the latter of the trio had a remarkably brief cameo in the original Kingdom Hearts. In fact, Mickey’s role in the series has only increased as the games have gone on. So why exactly was he so brief in the original? Turns out, there’s a perfectly good explanation.

Mickey Mouse’s Only Scene In Kingdom Hearts

Mickey Mouse's appearance at the end of the original Kingdom Hearts with his keyblade held up

In the very first Kingdom Hearts, Mickey Mouse appears exactly once. As Sora, Donald, and Goofy traverse the End of the World in search of Ansem, they encounter the door of the titular Kingdom Hearts. On the opposite side of this door, in the Realm of Darkness, are Riku and Mickey Mouse.

Basked in the Light of Kingdom Hearts, we only see Mickey Mouse as a softly lit silhouette, as he explains that closing the door to Kingdom Hearts is necessary to return the worlds to what they once were. The young child that Sora is, he’s not really about to question Mickey Mouse, and close the door to Kingdom Hearts they do.

Mickey Mouse’s role in the original Kingdom Hearts is complete.

Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse - Mickey Holding A Yellow Key Above His Head

For a character that is so important in the greater series, including appearing in every other box art, why was he so brief in the original? Many theories were posited over the years, the most common being that Disney did not want to attach their mascot to a game they feared would fail. In reality, the reason is much more mundane.

Originally revealed in Kingdom Hearts 3’s Ultimania by director Tetsuya Nomura, they wanted Mickey Mouse to be much more prominent in the original, but contractual obligations with others made it impossible beyond his incredibly limited appearance.

These contractual obligations in question likely refer to Disney’s Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse, developed by Capcom and Nintendo, and launched in 2002, the same year as the original Kingdom Hearts. Following this game, every subsequent Kingdom Hearts features Mickey Mouse in some form, even the 2004 Chain of Memories.

Mickey’s Subsequent Prevalence In The Series

Kingdom Hearts - Riku, Mickey, and Sora holding Keyblades

Ever since the original Kingdom Hearts, Mickey Mouse has only appeared more in the series. In his first major appearance in Chain of Memories, we see him donning the cloak of Organization XIII, while in Kingdom Hearts 2 we finally see his much more Kingdom Hearts design, zips and belts galore.

From the various contracts stopping Mickey Mouse from becoming a major character in the original game, Kingdom Hearts itself has become something of an ironic legal minefield. Sora’s inclusion in Smash took years to work through, and the worlds featured in the games still ultimately come down to Disney’s approval.

At least we can always be assured Mickey Mouse will be there.


How Many Kingdom Hearts Games Are There?

If you’ve ever asked yourself how many Kingdom Hearts games there are, you’re not alone. Thankfully we have the complete list here.

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