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Little Engine 4×4 info

The Little Engine 4×4 Training Program is a full body resistance training program.

The program is simple and easy to follow. It consists of 16 exercises per week (4 days, 4 exercises per day, 4 sets per exercise). Each session lasts 40–60 minutes including a warmup. Each day will focus on:

• Upper Body Push

• Upper Body Pull

• Lower Body Movement

• An Accessory Exercise

There is no One Size Fits All program for everyone, but the 4×4 Training Program is great for a wide range of ages and abilities. Novices and pros alike can benefit from the program, which can be scaled up or down and offers alternative exercises based on equipment availability.

The program is designed by Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Jason Marton, who wanted to create a program that could be done anywhere, even at home. Marton has been working with clients of all ages and abilities for over 15 years.

There are a few key ingredients in making a workout program that is sustainable for most people: time, availability and goals. Regardless of age, people want to move better, feel stronger and look good. The Little Engine 4×4 Training Program can make that happen.

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