Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Star Wars #50!Luke Skywalkertwo main Jedi Masters Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi was and Yodaand the looks of these two Jedi could not be more different. Obi-Wan was what everyone expected a Jedi Master to look like: old, wise, and human. Yoda, on the other hand, was a pretty shocking visual choice for Luke's other master (especially Episode V appeared first), he looked like a small tree elf/frog. However, as strange as Yoda's appearance is, he is not Luke's most inhuman mentor from the original trilogy, as that honor belongs to another “human” entirely.
In Star Wars #50 by Charles Soule and Madibek Musabekov, Luke Skywalker and the Rebels are desperate to defeat the Empire, and he's willing to accept help from anyone (or anything) willing to offer it. This comedy (with all that Star Wars era) takes place between events The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jeditherefore the fate of the galaxy is still up in the air, there is no guarantee that the Rebels will win this war. So Luke enlists the help of a very special “Master”: the Living Sea of Gazian.
Ghazia's Living Sea is known in the Force as Vergence, an ocean of sentient mushrooms that absorb fractions of the essence of anyone who visits. It has been around for centuries and countless people have braved it to learn the ancient secrets of Ghazian. Luke travels to Gazian in hopes of obtaining another volume of the Jedi text, but instead learns of a weapon that can kill any target anywhere in the galaxy. That weapon, the Grim Rose, is the focus of this story, but the real star is obviously the Living Sea itself.
Ghazia's Living Sea Becomes Luke Skywalker's Ideal Master (For 1 Strange Reason)
Gaziantep's Living Sea debuted Star Wars #20 by Charles Soule and Marco Castiello
Star Wars #50 is not Luke Skywalker's first visit to the Living Sea of Ghazia. Back in Star Wars #20, Luke trains with a holocron given to him by Master Yoda, which speaks of Vergences (places of particular strength in the Force), and one of those Vergences is the Gazian Living Sea. So Luke goes to check it out, hoping it will help him continue his Jedi training.
When Luke gets there, he encounters the essence of a long-dead Jedi named Elzar Mann. This Jedi Master takes Luke on a visionary journey through Jedi history and ends his lesson by giving Luke a volume of the ancient Jedi Text (the same Text fans saw Luke possess in the sequel trilogy). Mann also tells Luke that his essence isn't the only Jedi living in the Gazian Sea, and that they will all be happy to help him on his journey to return the galaxy to the light side.
Star Wars #20, Ghazia's Living Sea appears to be a kind of afterlife, a place where the essences of many exist separately but in perfect harmony. However, Star Wars #50 proves that this is not the case. When Luke returns to Gazian, he finds not Elzar Mann but a dark sider named Alzin Rell – but this meeting is quite different. During their conversation, Rell continues to change faces, seemingly embodying the essences of other people, including Luke Skywalker.
Elzar Mann also takes on the form of Luke Skywalker
Star Wars
So why does this matter? This proves one thing: the people Luke encounters are not isolated echoes of their former selves, but temporary “clothes” worn by the Living Sea of Ghazia itself. Luke doesn't speak once to Elzar Mann, nor once to Alzin Rell, he only speaks to the Living Sea of Ghazian, confirming that the Sea is his Master, not what partially exists within him.
The Collective Single Consciousness of the Living Sea of Gazian Has Its Own Agenda
What is Luke Skywalker's Inhuman Master really planning?
Being a Vergence in the Force, the Living Ghazian Sea is a conduit that connects both the light and dark sides of the Force, with no real stake in either. His opinion of what is best for the galaxy can be altered to some extent based on the knowledge he gathers from the trailblazers, but it is not influenced by any consciousness within the collective. This means the Marine has his own agenda – why else would he help Luke Skywalker become a knowledgeable and powerful Force user through his avatars, both Jedi and Sith?
The only question is: What is the real purpose of Ghazia's Living Sea? Sure, it might just be about gathering as much knowledge as possible from those who visit him and helping certain people enough to get them to return (like Luke Skywalker), but there seems to be a bigger plan at play here. not yet announced.
Perhaps Ghazia's Living Sea will play a more central role in the future Star Wars comics, these questions and more are sure to be answered as Luke rebuilds the Jedi Order. Until then, the Living Sea of Gazian will continue to play an important role in Luke's evolution as an Inhuman Master (which is much more than that). Yoda), because there is no way Luke Skywalker It's almost a complete return to the infinite well of knowledge Star Wars canon.
Star Wars #50 Available now by Marvel Comics.

Luke Skywalker
The son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, Luke grew up on the desert planet of Tatooine. Originally mentored by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke fired the fateful bullet that destroyed the Death Star and he became a rebel hero. Despite the fears of Obi-Wan and Yoda, Luke's faith in his father was proven justified when Vader returned to the light. With the Emperor defeated, Luke dedicated himself to bringing back the Jedi; his first attempt ended in tragedy due to Palpatine's manipulations, but Luke's legacy lives on in Rey.