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LVC – located voice cms info

Located Voice CMS is an Android app that lets the user connect to a Liquid Galaxy system and send POIs and Tours. At the same time, the app also lets to create, update and delete POIs, Tours, and Categories. Use various tools to control your Liquid Galaxy System.

Access the latest features:

1. Artificial Intelligence Voice: Listen to pre-recorded AI-generated voices describing the POIs stored on the cloud.

2. Artificial Intelligence Context: Connect to the AI server and generate your own real-time audio via Suno’s Bark Generative Audio AI Model. To do this, just run the following commands on your server:

a. Pull the docker image:

docker pull vedantkingh/bark2

b. To run on CPU:

docker run vedantkingh/bark2

To run on GPU:

docker run –gpus all vedantkingh/bark2

3. Category Sounds: Feel the POIs ambience around you with immersive sounds to your categories. You can also add, edit and delete the category sounds.

4. Context Sensing: With the Nearby Places feature, you can now generate nearby places out of thin air to visit around a certain POI. Best experienced when coupled with Artificial Intelligence Context.

Check out the GitHub repository of Located Voice CMS for more information:

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