Margaery Tyrell's Game of Thrones Ending was perfect for her character

Margaery Tyrell meets a tragic end on HBO Game of Thrones, but his death fits his hero's story incredibly well. Margaery maneuvers to become queen of the Seven Kingdoms early on “Game of Thrones” eight season run. However, he is killed when Cersei Lannister detonates the Great Sept of Baelor at the end of season 6. It's a sudden and violent fate for Margaery, her brother, and her father – but it makes sense in the context of her character arc. .

Margaery is one of the few Game of Thrones characters who are almost never hard to love, so when his death happens, it hits hard. When it first aired, it made many feel it deserved better. Even Natalie Dormer, who plays the character, felt it at first “hurtsWith the fate of Margaery Collider Ladies Night He added that some of Margaery's resentments had bled into his own. But Dormer notes that his character “acquitted” in his last moments. And indeed, his last Game of Thrones the scene sums up her character perfectly.

Margaery Tyrell's Tragic Game of Thrones Fate Really Fits Her Character

He Was Forced To Make Mistakes While Playing The Title Game

Joffrey (Jack Gleeson) and Margaery (Natalie Dormer)

Margaery spends her entire story “playing”Game of Thrones,” so it's no surprise that he started making missteps in later seasons of the show. Dormer's character is incredibly skilled at manipulating those around her, even managing to bring out the kinder side of Joffrey Baratheon when engaged to her. However, Margaery never manages to win Cersei over and it comes back to haunt her later. Cersei uses the High Sparrow to take down Loras and Margaery Tyrell, which puts the latter in a sticky situation that eventually kills him.

Loss can happen even to someone as smart as Margaery, but unfortunately this comes from a woman who doesn't hold back.

Given how many people Margaery has to maneuver, especially after becoming queen, she's bound to lose political battles. Unfortunately, Margaery underestimates the wrong people. Both the High Sparrow and Cersei don't play by the usual rules and Margaery's downfall begins when she becomes involved with both of them. Just as she convinces the High Sparrow that she's happy to atone for her sins, Cersei finds a way to get rid of them both. Loss will happen, even to someone as smart as Margaery, but unfortunately, she's a woman who doesn't back down.

How Game Of Thrones' Final Margaery Scene Sums Up Its Entire Story

The Great Sept of Baelor Scene Showcases His Strengths and Weaknesses

Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell looks over her shoulder with a shocked expression in Game of Thrones

Margarine's finale Game of Thrones moment sums up her character arc perfectlyshowing the strengths and weaknesses that led him to this point. Dormer is right that this is his character.”acquitted“When the Sept of Baelor the Great explodes, she falls for Cersei's trick before anyone else. Even when she's on the losing end of the conflict, Margaery is incredibly observant and can read the people around her. She immediately understands why Cersei isn't. She doesn't participate in her own trial. and he tries to adapt quickly.

Margaery doesn't seem to expect more outwardly hostile behavior from her rivals, and it ends up being her downfall.

of course Margaery doesn't expect Cersei's rough play before Baelor enters Septemberwhich highlights its main weakness. All the Tyrells have political savvy games of thrones, but they play by the rules. Margaery uses marriage contracts and charm to get to the top, and her family uses their money and status. Only Olenna plays dirty and she covers her tracks nicely. Margaery doesn't seem to expect more outwardly hostile behavior from her rivals, and it ends up being her downfall.

The Tyrells were supposed to die before the Season Finale of the HBO Series

When Margaery died, she had to die

Margaery Tyrell's death marked the proper end of her story and should have happened before “Game of Thrones” the last two seasons. Audiences were sad to see Dormer's character go, but there was no room for him “Game of Thrones” recent conflicts. Had Margaery and Tommen survived to see season 8, the fight against the White Walkers would have played out very differently. The North was less likely to betray, which meant that when Jon Snow and his allies came knocking, they had to get out of Cersei's way.

In addition, The battle for the Iron Throne was always going to come down to Daenerys and Cersei – and Margaery's presence would only complicate matters. If the Tyrells were invested in keeping Margaery and Tommen on the Iron Throne, Daenerys would have fewer allies when she arrived at Dragonstone. This would further delay her attack on King's Landing, which could tip the scales in Cersei's favor. This would lead to less satisfaction Game of Thrones common ends. It's sad to say, but it's probably best that Margaery dies when she dies.

Source: Collider Ladies Night

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