Mark Wahlberg Responds to Shooter's Broadcast Success, Talks Potential Future Plans for the Franchise


  • Shooter
    's recent streaming success and Mark Wahlberg's interest could continue with Michael Peña and Antoine Fuqua.
  • There are 12 novels about Bob Lee Swagger, which is a lot of source material for potential sequels.
  • Wahlberg cites his connections at Paramount and admits that a possible sequel would be great.

Mark Wahlberg talks about the possibility of a sequel Shooter. In the 2007 film directed by Antoine Fuqua, Wahlberg played Marine Sniper Bob Lee Swagger, who is accused of an assassination attempt and must uncover the sinister political conspiracy behind the injustice. Despite being released 17 years ago, Shooter recently became a streaming hit on Paramount+, where it became one of the top 10 live-action movies available on the service's platform.

while interviewing Screen Rant for his upcoming film Unity, Shooter's recent streaming success was touched upon and Wahlberg was asked if he would return as Swagger. While he wouldn't confirm that any sequels are in the works, he did discuss how the recent changes at Paramount could help make it happen. He still shared the enthusiasm he received from his fans ShooterIn addition to expressing his excitement at the idea of ​​reuniting with Fuqua and co-star Michael Peña. Check out Wahlberg's comments below:

I think my good friends at Skydance just took over Paramount, so I think that's a possibility. We have quite a good library there with not only Shooter, “The Italian Job”, but also “Four Brothers”, “The Fighter”. And then other things in the library that might be interesting to revisit or update, but especially. Yes. Wherever I go for the last 20 years, people always refer to me about that movie.

They are not always what you want. But this particular movie? It would be great if they brought me, Antoine Fuqua and Michael Peña back.

The shooter franchise has a lot of source material to draw from

There are many novels about Bob Lee Swagger

ShooterThe enduring popularity, recent distribution success, changes at Paramount, and Wahlberg's interest are promising signs that the film will become a bigger franchise. Story-wise, potential sequels have a wealth of source material to draw on, as there are 12 novels about Swagger written by Stephen Hunter. Shooter's story is adapted from Hunter's 1993 novel Impact pointIt follows a similar story to the 2007 movie Swagger, he is enlisted by the government to help stop a conspiracy and has to seek revenge and defend himself against this corruption.

while Impact point already adapted There are 11 other Swagger novels that could be based on a sequel. This leaves plenty of story options for Wahlberg and Fuqua to explore in the sequel, allowing them to even combine elements from different novels. Prime Videos ReacherBased on Lee Child's Jack Reacher book series, has been very successful and has many parallels in its protagonist, story and tone. Shooterproving this template can work well.

there was Shooter A television series starring Ryan Phillippe as Swagger ran for three seasons on USA Network from 2016 to 2018, but never achieved the same popularity as the film. The sequel, directed by Fuqua, stars Wahlberg again as Swagger, Pena as FBI Special Agent Nick Memphis and Adapting one of Hunter's novels would be an ideal way to turn Swagger's story into a cinematic franchise.. there are quite promising signs for Shooter would later come to life in a literal sense nearly 20 years after the original's theatrical release.


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