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Medrina 360 info

The Medrina 360 Learning app is specifically designed to optimize education for our team. With just a few clicks, you have access to talks, templates and tools that will equip you to master best practices in caring for our patients. Content is customized for each learner and can be accessed in multiple ways. From podcast type format for listening on the go, slide decks to review at your own pace, or full audio video presentations with speakers, you can choose the learning method that is best for you. You can search for presentations by topic or course and can find concise information that can be reviewed in short, digestible, Medrina Minutes. There are links to access additional resources for a deeper dive. You can access the content when it is convenient for you and can collaborate with colleagues as desired. The Medrina 360 Learning App will grow with continuously updated content and you will be able to give direct feedback regarding your learning needs.

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