Micah Plath's girlfriend, Veronica Peters, will regret ever dating the Plaths

Welcome to Plathville star Veronica Peters is new to reality TV and may not realize how wild and volatile the Plath family is. Although she certainly loves Micah Plath, what her selfish mother Kim Plath and Micah's other relatives will do will stress her out. They don't act normal and they never do. Veronica will regret the day she met this strange and sometimes beautiful family.

For centuries, Plath's children grew up in captivitythey yearn for a freedom they will never be able to enjoy. They didn't even know what was there, but they felt they had lost a lot. Kim and Barry Platt tried to create a Christian Fundamentalist Utopia in Cairo, Georgia. It was more like a prison. Deprived of everyday pleasures such as occasional sweet treats and television, Plath's children generally had to go out of order to get any affection.

Veronica Plath is Too Pretty to Resist

He's really into it

Now, Veronica, an educated woman with a good head on her shoulders, has to deal with her future in-laws. Other relationships in the family all went south, though that doesn't mean Kim won't give him expert advice. Yes, he couldn't make it work with Barry, but he's already trying to push Micah into marriage with Veronica.

The thing is, it may not even be about religion. It may be about money.

Veronica has a good career. He sells luxury homes and some of his commissions earn him hundreds of thousands of dollars. He, a Sunset for sale level, but sells real estate in Boca Raton, Florida, not Hollywood. Kim would probably like to have a rich daughter-in-law. No matter who has money, it never seems to be much.

This family is not as innocent and religious as it seems. Who can be quite mercenary at times.

Then, there is Welcome to PlathvilleBarry Plath, along with his wife, made sure that children were undereducated and protected from culture in all its dazzling, thought-provoking and diverting forms. Mika does not like that he is not on the playground with the other children – his father is partly to blame. Yes, Barry seems softer and kinder than Kim, but Kim says he's the one who really wants Christian rules to be followed.

Now Veronica is a college graduate. He studied architecture and business. He is in a complicated line of work. She meets Micah, a former male model who doesn't need a ton of brains to cash in on his looks. Yes, she's bright enough, but she doesn't know as much about the world as her partner, and that can become a problem. Mika probably loves that Veronica is so smart. However, he may feel unable to continue.

Micah is basically a good guy and it would be great if things worked out for this couple. Veronica is an impressive woman – any Welcome to Plathville a viewer who says otherwise may be jealous. There's nothing not to like about a woman who supports herself, loves her lover, and excels in a difficult field. Micah chose very well indeed.

However, family is always there, seemingly far away. Kim will find her way into this relationship. As is her way, rather than doing this, Veronica will try to destroy her son so she can control him. Who can not realize that they are doing such things. Interference is just part of it.

sometime, Welcome to Plathville Star will grow to hate Veronica Kim—when that day comes, she may want out of the relationship and wish she and the Plaths had never crossed paths. Olivia reached this crossroads and look what happened. Next comes Veronica.

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