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Much of what I once hated about running has been fixed with better habits. I would pass out after an hour on my tempo runs. Eating a proper breakfast before I went out almost completely eliminated the problem. After I got home and showered, I would feel a lot of tension, especially in my back. Using my foam roller before I went on with my day helped me feel looser and more relaxed.
So how to solve a problem like softened nipples? Stop laughing, I'm serious! A few years ago, when I increased the distance of my long runs in preparation for my first half marathon, I found that I had to take my shirt off to stop it rubbing against my nipples, which were getting harder and more tender with each step. In one extremely unfortunate incident, they actually drew blood. Again: serious and painful.
When I earned a spot to run my first New York City marathon, I knew I couldn't let that happen again. I quickly discovered that my tendency to wear the sleep shirts I wore in high school on runs was a problem. Running shirts made of performance, moisture-wicking materials helped reduce the amount of friction I was exposing my areolas to. Still, the pain persisted, especially considering the amount of sweat I was getting during scorching Brooklyn summer days.
I shared my dilemma with a friend in my running club, hoping for some sympathy. He looked at me a little confused, then said the five words that would change my life: “Have you tried the Body Glide?”
Body Glide Original Anti-Stretch Balm
Courtesy Image
Body Glide, I learned, was created in the ’90s by a California surfer who was constantly irritated by his wetsuits and boards. His unique formula, made up mostly of a viscous palm oil-derived compound that he created in his kitchen, quickly became popular with athletes. Today, it’s mostly sold in deodorant-like sticks, making it super easy to apply anywhere you’re prone to irritation, from your nipples to other sensitive areas.
Think of Body Glide as the Kleenex of the anti-chafing cream world—it's aptly named—but it's not the only option. I've also had good experiences with Squirrel's Nut Butter, a slightly pricier cream made with all-natural, easy-to-understand ingredients like coconut oil, cocoa bean butter, and beeswax… even if the name Nut Butter gave me pause.
Squirrel Hazelnut Butter All Natural Anti-Irritation Ointment
Courtesy Image
Now, before I get dressed for any run, I apply a healthy amount of balm to my sensitive nipples. So far, it's pretty much solved the thing that sometimes keeps me from lacing up my sneakers. My body actually slides a lot more.
Related: The Best Shoes for Running Marathons