Next year could bring another star wars rebel hero to life… In the last place you'd expect

while Star Wars Rebels it may have ended six years ago, more Rebels characters are introduced to live action, and an upcoming show may bring another beloved character to live action as well. Rebels it connected with many viewers because it was a little bit of everything. It had an ensemble cast that made it easy to find a character to relate to. However, Rebels also organized very serious stories dealing with death, torture and family trauma.

Rebels He did what everyone was riding Nightmare they felt that they were immediately part of this found family, which grew over time. Some recently Rebels characters made their live-action debut with Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, and Ezra Bridger. Ahsoka season 1. Meanwhile, the droid C1-10P appeared Rogue One: A Star Wars Storyand Zeb Orrelios appeared The Mandalorian season 3. But there is a key Rebels the character has yet to be seen by audiences in live action, and there are few places where this could happen.

The Mandalorian and Grogu Can Bring Kallus Back

Her Relationship With Zeb Makes It Possible

Former ISB Agent Alexsandr Kallus was a staple in all four seasons Rebels. While initially introduced as an antagonist working for the Empire, Kallus worked as a spy for the Rebel Alliance beginning in 1999. Rebels season 3. during RebelsAfter the two were stranded on an ice planet together, Kallus formed a close bond with Zeb Orrelios. Zeb inadvertently recruited Kallus into the Rebellion and became close friends after Kallus was officially drafted. Rebels Season 3 finale.

Many viewers believe that Zeb and Kallus were romantically involved at one point, although it has never been confirmed if this is true. Whether romantic or otherwise, viewers believe Kallus will make his live-action debut in the upcoming film. The Mandalorian and Grogu movie, given that Zeb has already appeared in the teaser footage shown at Disney's D23. If the audience gets to see more of the Adelphi base where Zeb is stationed, Kallus might be there too. It would be an easy and fun way to win back a lover Rebels character.

Production is active
The Mandalorian and Grogu
has already started.

Kallus Andor Would Have Been Better To Appear In Season 2

No matter how much the appearance of the callus makes sense The Mandalorian and Grogu, Andor Season 2 is a better place for the former Emperor to appear. It is known that after Kallus' escape, he took up residence with Mon Mothma on Yavin 4 and was even seen working closely with her. Rebels. Mon Mothman's escape and escape from the Empire will likely be seen Andor Season 2 will lead directly to the events Rogue One: A Star Wars StoryIt seems natural that one of Mon Mothman's advisors would appear.

It may be different
Characters like Hera, Ezra, or Zeb could make an appearance, but Kallus would fit in well with the bold and strategy driven action seen in this film.

Because Rebels Kallus, already in Yavin 4 and working with Mon Mothma, would serve as a great link between the two shows without taking away from the overall title. It may be different Rebels Characters like Hera, Ezra, or Zeb could make an appearance, but Kallus would fit in well with the bold and strategy driven action seen in this film. Andor before. Kallus' experience with the Empire during his time as an ISB agent would make him an invaluable asset to the higher-ups in the Rebel Alliance. and deserves to be shown on the screen.

Kallus is also one of three others operating under the codename “Fulcrum” and Cassian is another, further uniting the two characters.


Andor Cast and Character Guide

The cast of Andor, the latest Disney+ Star Wars series, is filled with both familiar and new faces. All the characters and their actors are explained here.

There is more to callus

Andor would let his character shine

There isn't much else the audience knows about Kallus rebels, so it would be a missed opportunity to turn down a character who already has such a compelling story. Can't be summoned while getting Kallus' flashbacks AndorSeeing what Lothal did after the events of the Liberation Rebels A series finale would be important to complete his story. Audiences have rarely seen Kallus as a full-fledged rebel, so highlighting this part of Kallus' life seems like an opportunity. Star Wars must jump.

Andor It is famous for not showing off other established Star Wars characters, only a handful return from other projects. However, Bringing in someone like Kallus would help make the connection rebels, was happening at the same time Andor. Also, bringing in someone like Kallus doesn't detract from much of the story because there isn't a lot of backstory that one needs to know about his character to understand him. Star Wars has done a great job so far in bringing the characters Star Wars Rebels for live-action, but other characters like Kallus have their time to shine Andor.

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