Although Omen The franchise may seem complicated, watching Omen movies are perfectly aligned until the 2024 prequel The first Omen. The year 2024 The first Omen is the latest addition Omen series. Omen franchise began in 1976 with director Richard Donner's seminal classic Omenfollows the story of an American diplomat who begins to fear that his son is secretly the Antichrist. Omen It was a box office hit that resulted in a 1978 sequel Damien: The Omen II.
The series ran through the 70s and 80s and ended in the early 90s. Omen IV: The Awakening. The series then went dormant until the 2024 prequel The first Omencomplicated the franchise's timeline by going back to the years before the original film. The first Omen happens before Omenits final scenes lead directly into the original horror hit. The rest of the series follows on from the 1976 film, covering Damien's exploits before moving on to his potential replacement in his final appearance.
The Omen Movies On Release
The Omen series began in 1976 with The Omen
After his success Omen, Damien: Omen II agreed with the protagonist's status as the Antichrist during his teenage years, and in 1981 The Final Conflict saw the now-adult Damien attempt to escape the conspiracy and bring about the apocalypse. 1991 has been critically interpreted Omen IV: The Awakening focused on the new kid, Asia Vieira's Delia. since Omen IV: The Awakening was not well received, the sequel failed to create another trilogy like its predecessor. Likewise, The first Omen's underperformance at the box office makes the sequel difficult.
Movie |
Release year |
Omen |
1976 |
Damien – Omen II |
1978 |
Omen III: The Final Conflict |
1981 |
Omen IV: The Awakening |
1991 |
Omen |
2006 |
The first Omen |
2024 |
The Omen Movies in Chronological Order
The Omen Franchise added the first sign in 2024
In chronological order, Omen The franchise begins with its latest outing. The year 2024 The first Omen Covers Damien's birthrevealed that he was the offspring of a nun born from a demonic jackal and a human.
The first Omen enters Omenends with an homage to the original film's opening scene. There is a short jump between the end Omen and Damien: The Omen IIDamien transitions from childhood to adolescence. The Final Conflictt chooses during his adulthood, then Omen IV: The Awakening after the sequel is over.
The First Sign (2024)
The year 2024 The first Omen's big twist ending reveals this the hero of the film is Damien's mother, unknowingly. Young novice Nell Tiger Free's Margaret moves into a convent in Rome as the film opens. Strange circumstances lead him to believe that the convent's nuns are conspiring to imbue the child with the Antichrist, but he realizes too late that they have already targeted him.
This film answers the question of who Damie's mother really is.
Margaret escapes with her life, but she can't stop a cult of Catholic nuns and priests from giving birth to Damien and trying to bring about the apocalypse. This film addresses the question of who Demie's mother really is and how she gave birth to the Antichrist, something only mentioned in the original 1976 film. The first Omen It received mostly positive reviews, with an average of 81% on Rotten Tomatoes, but only a lukewarm box office response.
The Omen (1976)
1976 years Omen where does it start The first Omen It ends with Damien replacing Robert Thorne's wife's baby, who is believed to have died in childbirth. Not knowing that she was separated from her mother, they offered her a new baby and she immediately agreed. The film then jumps forward several years as a series of horrific events begin to convince Thorne that his adopted son is the Antichrist. The first Omen changed Omen's lore somewhat, but the story of the first film remains largely unchanged in the prequel.
Thorn finally realizes the truth when he sees the birthmark and has to kill Mrs. Baylock to have a chance to stop Damien.
Lady Baylock, sent to protect Damien, kills Thorne's wife Catherine. Thorn finally realizes the truth when he sees the birthmark and has to kill Mrs. Baylock to have a chance to stop Damien. But when he takes Damien to the cathedral to kill him and end the threat of the apocalypse, the cops arrive and shoot him before killing the boy. Thorn is stopped seconds before he can defeat Damienas a result, his son rose to political power after his death.
Damien: The Omen II (1978)
In Damien: The Omen IIDamien begins to realize his destiny and use his supernatural powers. Takes place seven years after the first Excellent the film spends most of the teenage Antichrist sequel getting his head around his abilities. The film mainly sees Damien as a teenager living with his aunt and uncle who are a bad influence on his cousin. His aunt is right, as bodies of people begin to gather around him, realizing the evil that lives within the boy.
until the end Damien: The Omen II, The Antichrist kills his own cousin when he refuses to join him in his destiny to take over the world. This leads to Damien once again eliminating the people who stand in his way, and he is finally ready to take over the world and bring about its end after graduation. This sets the 1991s The Final Conflictwhere Damien is a fully grown adult who uses his late father's power and privilege to make a name for himself in the world of politics.
The Final Conflict (1981)
Sam Neill's hilariously cocky Damien The Final Conflictis an anti-hero. Unlike his troubled teenage years, this Damien has no qualms about causing the apocalypse. His role here is not yet in a position of political power, as he is the CEO of an international corporation. He uses his powers to cause the death of the US ambassador to the United Kingdom so that he can take over, which eventually leads to the position of power he needs to carry out his ultimate plan.
After poor reviews of this release, the sequel was cancelled.
He tries to use his powers and political acumen for this, but Damien's story ultimately ends without the franchise's anti-hero successfully bringing about the end of the world.. The film received poor reviews with a 29% on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics complaining that the final battle between the Antichrist and the second coming of the Messiah was a disappointment as it involved Damien being stabbed in the back. After poor reviews of this release, the sequel was cancelled.
Omen IV: The Awakening (1991)
Omen IV: The Awakening tried to rediscover Omen franchise with a new lead character. In this frenzied ride, two adoptive parents fear that their daughter, Delia, will be Damien's replacement. Unlike the original Excellent The film sees a Virginia congressman and his wife adopt a child from an orphanage run by nuns when they realize they cannot have children of their own. When the little girl develops violent tendencies and people start dying, her true nature is revealed.
As a result, it records the current endpoint
Mother Karen's adopted daughter, Delia is actually Damien's daughter, meaning she continues her role as the Antichrist after his death. However, Delia's story is left unfinished from then on Omen IV: The Awakening Due to its critical unpopularity, it never spawned a sequel (at 17%). Rotten Tomatoes). As a result, it records the current endpoint Omen timeline. What happened to Delia remains a never-ending story.
In what order to watch Omen movies
Omen Movies Works Best in Chronological Order
View Omen movies work best chronologically because the series has a fairly simple storyline. The first Omen adds more context to the original film and fleshes out its world Omen and Damien: The Omen II ending with sets up the plot perfectly The Final Conflict. As can be seen from his reviews, Omen IV: The Awakening completely irrelevant, but the plot of the film continues from the original trilogy. so that The first Omen It's the best place to start for new viewers Omen franchise.
How the Omen Book Series Is Different from the Movies
The first three novels Omen As the movies were original stories, the book series was a novelization of the movies. As a result, the authors of the book based their stories on what happened in the movies. But changes were made to deepen the tale for the written word. It is interesting that Omen screenwriter David Seltzer wrote the novel based on his script and Changes include character names and minor plot points regarding Damien's mother (he wasn't a jackal in the book).
The biggest change from the first novel was that the written word allowed for a slower build-up to the dread of the ending, making it scarier than on screen. The second book is also based on the film and gives more details about the privileged life of the Thorn family that crumbles when their business collapses. The novelization of the third film was also developed based on the script of the film.
The big change came two more years after that Omen novels without cinematic counterparts. Sign IV: Armageddon 2000 (1982) and Omen V: The Abomination (1985). This first novel was like a story told later Omen IV: The Awakeningalbeit with a boy (born of the deceased Kathleen) raised to replace the late Damien. In the novel, Abomination is set to follow in his father's footsteps as he finally brings about Armageddon with his fifth book. Omen V: The Abominationfocuses on the result.