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PARTH Mutual Funds Services info

PARTH Mutual Funds Services App is Portfolio Tracking App only for Clients of PARTH Mutual Funds Services.

Our clients can login here and track their investments in various instruments such as :

1. Mutual Funds


3. Fixed Deposits

4. Other Assets like Real Estate, PMS etc.

The app provides a snapshot of your current investments as well as details of the scheme wise investments. You may download portfolio reports also.

Online investments in mutual fund schemes is also available :

Users may view and invest in:

1. Top Performers of Mutual Funds

2. New Funds Offers (NFO)

3. Top SIP Schemes

Simple financial calculators are provided to view the power of compounding over time.

These included:

– Retirement Calculator

– Education Fund Calculator

– Marriage Calculator

– SIP Calculator

– SIP Step up Calculator

– EMI Calculator

– Lumpsum Calculator

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