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Many online retailers are offering great deals on outdoor gear even before Black Friday begins. Retailers like Amazon and REI have deep discounts on camping items like sharp Kershaw pocket knives, handy packable duffel bags, and even luxury down sleeping bags. If you're looking to upgrade your sleep kit, REI also has a great deal on an inflatable sleeping pillow for under $60.
The Mountain Summit Gear Self-Inflating 2.5 Camping Pad retails for just $55; which is 50% off the regular price of $110. This durable and comfortable sleeping pillow has more than a dozen five-star ratings from satisfied customers who say the camping pillow is “great for sleeping” and “very roomy and comfortable.” Customers who want a slightly thinner and less expensive sleeping pad can also purchase this mat from Mountain Summit Gear for just $35.
Mountain Summit Gear Self-Inflating 2.5 Blue Camping Pad, $55 at REI (was $110)
Courtesy of REI
Equipping your outdoor sleeping system with a comfortable and durable sleeping bag and sleeping pad is a must to fully enjoy your time outdoors. This cheap but high-quality sleeping pad is thick and warm and an essential addition to your camping kit. It offers a convenient, self-inflating, quick-release valve that will save your lungs as you prepare to head down at night. This is a 2.5 inch thick plush that will eliminate errant rocks or sticks from the bottom of your tent. At 4.5 pounds, it's not the lightest pad on the market, so it's better suited for car camping or overlanding, but the pad is lined with durable ripstop polyester with a PVC coating and tough welded seams, and is padded with comfortable sponge foam, so it's built for durability and the cushion top It will happen. It also comes with a handy carrying case and elastic straps to keep it wrapped tightly.
Happy campers praised the comfort and warmth of the sleeping pad. “Even when sleeping on my side, I've never had it at the bottom of the bed,” one customer said. Another agreed, saying it gave them “the best sleep I've ever had while camping.”
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Other satisfied customers liked that the sleeping pad was easy to install and durable, especially for the price. “It inflates quickly and easily every time with no problems and turns into a small and easy to carry package,” said one customer. Another said: “I've bought a few camping pillows and out of all of them this has lasted the longest throughout all my adventures.”
Having a durable and comfortable sleeping pad in your outdoor gear kit is a must, and this camping pillow fits the bill. For just $55, you get a warm and roomy pillow that will make your outdoor sleeping experience a comfortable one. Since it's on closing, it's wise to jump on this super low price before other campers looking for convenience.