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Roll Dice info

Roll Dice is a simple application designed to simulate dice rolling. This application helps you to perform dice rolling conveniently without the need for real dice.

The interface of the Roll Dice application is very simple and easy to use. When you open the app, you will see an image of the dice on the screen. To roll the dice, you just need to touch the screen or press the “Roll” button on the interface.

When you perform this action, the Roll Dice app will randomly generate a number between 1 and 6, representing the sides of the dice. The result will be displayed on the screen, showing you the number of faces that appear after rolling the dice.

The Roll Dice app is useful when you do not have real dice available or want to save time. You can use this app in games like Ludo, Monopoly or other dice based games.

In short, the Roll Dice app is a simple and convenient solution for simulating dice rolling. It makes it possible to perform dice-related operations easily and quickly without the need for real dice.

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